Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday and the weekend preceeding

OK, its been a few days since I've added any content, so here I go.
As you can see by the pictures I'm no Russel Crow or similarly built famous actor.
I'm just the average guy you see schlepping along in life. About the only things seperating me from everyone else are my insanity with bagpipes and preparing to run a marathon as a fundraising activity for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through their Team In Training Program; look at the links in the sidebar please.

Saturday: lots of things happening that day. Woke up at 02:00 hours and couldn't fall back asleep. So by 03:30 i was parked at my old fire station preparing for my 12mile long run as part of the marathon training. Well the route I have laid out is marked off in 1/2 mile increments that are easy to see in daylight. Not so good in the early morning twilight & darkness. Well to hell with turning at my 5 mile mark as was the original plan. I continued on to a very identifiable location just a ways passed where 5 should be and turned there. Four Tenths of a mile is a little ways right? Well all said and done the run went a bit more than my planned 12. Just 2/10s shy of 13 miles at 12.8 Thats also about the limits of the contents of my camel back too. I'm going to need to stash water along the training routes to supplement what I carry.

Later Saturday morning, I went up to my younger brother's barn. Several projects I wanted to accomplish. Needless to say when I'm going to be at X location at a specific time I'm there. Little brother isn't as he's still recycling bottles at a redeemption machine. Well I'm want to get my motorcycle and sidecar out of the barn. This may be a good time to sell it. but he's got it blocked in witha couple of 55 gallon drums of diesel fuel. No problem I've moved drums before. Unholy Mother %@ker!
The idiots who delivered the fuel filled the drums to the top with no expansion room of course I'm wearing brand new dungarees and a bung blows off and I take a F'n diesel bath. Grrrrr!

well I finally calm down but some stupid people should be primary targets for retroactive abortions. No F'n expansion space in a drum. F'n brain dead morons.

Well I did get the motorcycle& sidecar out of the bar loaded on the trailer and hooked up to bring back home.
Also found out one of the reasons where & why his old plow vehicle (86 CJ) is dropping oil like an Arab buying American votes and interests. The plastic valve cover was over torqued and the rear snapped open. RTV black covers a world of ills but not that. Well we'll try to epoxy it together but I'm not hopeful. Otherwise its roam the can yards first for a used one or order a replacement.

Saturday night I get back and get to listen to the orchestra and chorus. Ask Barry what I mean. Bwahahaha

Sunday: In the morning a slow easy 3.3 mile run and pull the Harley out of wraps. then off to the Nam Knights Poker Run. A pleasant ride too saw a few interesting things along the way. Santa Claus impersonator with out need of padding driving a golf cart along the roadway. Big? he's sitting on the passenger side as he can't fit behind the wheel. Passed a farm and out by the road side theres a barn with some small out buildings next to it. I wonder what it is with goats and clambering up on to shed roofs? Survived a few showers, Me not stupid, me bring rain suit. :D and had an OK poker hand but 2 jacks don't win nada. the back home for a quick bite again with the orchestra and chorus so I'm off to a bar for a while.

Monday: woke up at 02:00 again; what the F is up with that? Anyways was able to relax and zone for awhile thenits was out pounding pavement again. Today just 11.2 miles and 590 feet elevation change. I gotta go buy some new running shoes. the ones I've got now are finished.

Well if anyone is curious what a cromagnon man looks like I've got the pictures up both dressed and with the sweater. With all that fur you might understand why i don't like the heat.

Well in a few days I should post a couple of motorcycle pictures too. If I'm not back soon don't bother sending out a posse, they'd get lost too. just kick back and have a safe week.

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