Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Running Fool, Marathon Prep for Team In Training

Ok last posting was on Monday, its now Thursday I'll start with the dreaded statistics and get them out of the way.

Monday ran 9.6 miles, Tuesday 4.0, Wednesday 3.57 and Today/Thursday 6.4
The Monday run had an elevation change of 500+ feet and today's run 562 feet.
Total distance run since starting the training 138.55 miles, for the month of June 95.40 and this week starting on Sunday 26.6

I don't think I ever ran that much when I was in the Army! Well tomorrow, Friday is my off day and no running. Saturday I'll bang out 11 miles.

So whats all this stupid running for?
I'm trying to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Theres a link to my fundraising page here in the side bar. As for why? Well my older brother is now a 17 year Leukemia Survivor and I figured it would be a good thing to help other Leukemia Victims. So I'm begging funds and running.

One thing I really hate though is asking people to put out for a cause, What makes matters worse is the economy has taken a dump and some folks are jusitifably concerned about their own cash flow; retirees on fixed incomes Students and recent graduates with education loans to repay, The list can get longer.

Still there is a good side to my running for charity. I see thinks most people only see on nature shows on TV. Get to watch the sunrise, know the scent of the air during false dawn before people are moving and the light has a grey quality to it.
Then there is the wildlife, Rabbits, Deer, Coyotes, and the sounds of the Frogs in the lakes and wetlands. Even seen snakes warming them selves in the morning sun.

Yes, the aspects of what I can see at an early hour outweight the self imposed regime of awakening early. So what have you done today to change another's life?

Have a safe day all.

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