Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On the road again?

Well, probably not in the way Willie Nelson meant it. But I'll be on the road again soon enough and that is when this blog should see strange additions.

Currently the weather isn't great nor is it totally trash. Mid 30 (F) and light rain. I had my van serviced inpreparation for my road trips this year. I head to Florida on Thursday Saturday morning at the very latest. Don't rally need to go, but want to go. My cousin will be visiting family there and I want to see him before he is Iraq bound.

Yesterday was a wonderful day, made my VA appointment, they took X-rays of my knees for the Orthopeadist to review when I see him/her on March 12th. Then went over to Farnstock St. Park and practiced some bagpipe tunes. Followed by a run down to Cold Spring where I took a walk about Main St. Finally I progressed up to the Stadium. There Capt'n Tom Whyte (FDNY ret) threw a small get together and retirement social for me. Mr. Jim Guinan, John Guinan, John Scalpi, Mike and Lea Strang, Dan Donelly, Pierre, Helmut and Ed Preusser all from there came by to wish me well with the retirement from West Point (USMA) Fire Department. Mr Joe Brady Sr. was to come but he had a few last minute issues come up and couldn't make it. He did give me a call and apologied for missing the event. That he was willing to come is enough. Joe Sr. is my Bagpipe instructor and to try to teach me indicates he has a world of patience.

Truefully I realize everyone has a busy and hectic life and to try to cut out of work early for a Monday social gathering is difficult at best and somethimes just impossible. Well for my next trick I shall try to figure out how to post photos here or make working links to my Flickr account so you can view some of what I write about.

Till next time drive safely, enjoy yourselves and your families and remember life is too short to hold grudges, plus a grudge will never improve your outlook on life. But still smile it'll keep people guessing what you've been up to.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Last Farewells?

Strange name for a page, last farewells, but seemingly appropriate. Today many of us who were rugulars at Jim Guinan's store gave our last fare well to Mike Mihalic. Mike passed away the Friday after Valentine's Day. his passing was a bit of a shock to those of us who knew him.

He was preceeded by his son ten years ago by a MVA, I never knew his son but I knew Mike through my place of work. I would joke with Mike both while on I was on duty when he'd come into the Fire Station to do some work and at Jim's store about which telecommomunications cable he needed cut. While I wouldn't cut any cables, it would impact both our jobs adversely, I'd always get a loud "Oh don't do that" as it would be sure to cause Mike extra work he didn't need to perform.

Occasionally I'd over hear bits of information which I knew would impact Mike's work or his people so i would pass along those small bits of info to him. Most times the info was good and he was prepared for the changes and adjustments asked of him. But otherwise, we'd pass the breeze while crossing paths. often at Jim's store in Garrison or at the West Point Fire Department's Station 1.

Well today there was a Memorial Service for Mike. Many folks I know and quite a few more I didn't came to St.Phillips Church in garrison to say goodby to Mike. the Cold Spring Fire Department's Pipe and drums played and did a very nice job of it for his services. I will not, nay can not fault any part of their performance: they did a exceptionally nice job.

After the services, all those who were there were invited to the parish house for refreshments, Iwas a pleasure to speak to those there whom I know.

A bit later some of us retired to Jim's home, where he made us all most welcome and allowed us to say goodby to Mike in our own ways.

I titled this "Last Farewells?" as many of us regardless of relious faith or denomination trust in an after life. One in which we may meet again those we've loved and have parted with from our earthly realm.

On our temporial plane, we meet many people interact with some and move on. Sometimes making a lasting bond, somethimes not. But in the end many of us hope, pray and trust that we shall in some ways meet again with those we love or have made an impact upon our lives.
Mike is one such person. Mike you'll be missed.

Well as I said a few of us retired to Jim's after the church services. Jim's store is closed now, but for a little while those of us who were regulars were able to gather again and feel some of the comraderie of happier times. I trust that in the next life we all may be able to gather again and rejoin our friends and enjoy our companionships. So there isn't really a period at the end of the farewell so much as a question mark. For hopefully the farewells aren't final and we shall all meet again.

Friday, February 22, 2008

A snow day.

Fast with the fingers ain't always good. Now I need to edit to make a post.
Well, tomorrow I shall go to a memorial service for a gentleman who passed on. He was a good natured person and a friend to all who knew him. Mike will be missed.
As for the week, Well courtesy of the Dermatology Department I've been home bound for a few days. No sun exposure, wear sunscreen, stay away from the windows. Well I did get out and about yesterday for a bit. Tody, I went for a wlk after and before shoveling snow. But not moving the van today is a good thing. saves on fuel costs.

The snow isn't too bad though, dry and light easy to move. But the walk today wasn't fun once we (My landlady her dog and I) came to a stretch where the ice under the snow was continuous smooth and sloping down hill. More a comedy of errors than high art. Hey Moe watch this nyuck nyuck nyuck.

Still it was good to get out and about. Ah um uh men in skirts, Noo i'm not a cross dresser. But I do play the bagpipes and own a kilt. I got my kilt back yesterday from alterations. lossing weight is a good thing, not being able to keep the kilt up without a belt is just embarrassing; and possibly grounds for charges of public indecency.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

High & lowlights of the week.

Hmmm, where to begin? Lets start with the highs, I have finally gotten a start on purging my apartment of the flotsam and jetsam of life. A small start but still a start. I'm not an overly religous person. I do feel that there is a supreme diety, but as to what methods of worship? well that is upon the individual. Still churches, regardless of denomination, synagoues, temples, mosques all serve a purpose; and some have thrift shops to help earn a small income for the organization. Well I've started taking some of my effects to a local church which I'm not a member of for their thrift shop. Why? Well they have a thrift shop with posted hours for one, and I'm not too concerned as towards how my donations are used to aid the community for two.

Sure I'd like to sell some items outright and make some spare change for my self, hey its the capitalist way. But either some folks don't want to pay what I'm asking or they want something more elaborate than what I've got for the price. Funny thing is I've offered to delivery the stuff free of additional cost within a specific area. Well since I apparently am not going to sell it, I'll let the church do its best.

Surprisingly when I delivered several shelving units to the church, it was as if I provided them with the high point of the week. That qualifies for a high point, even if it wasn't directly for me.

Today, is Saturday This morning I worked out for about an hour and 20 minutes. So thats a high point. Then this afternoon I also went up to my brother's place to put some items within his barn. After that he said he was having a problem with his old truck. The description sounded like an alignment issue so we jacked up the front and looked to see what may be loose broken or bent. Well the tierod ends were loose, and this with just 4000 miles of use for the year and after being professionally aligned by a registered repair shop. How loose? Well no effort was required to loosen the castleated nuts from the posts on either side. We retorques the tie rods to 80 foot pound and my brother took the truck for a test ride. When he returned he was reasonably happy and said the problem seems to be resolved. So that is another high for the week.

Lows, I'm trying to get a referal to the Orthopeadist for a knee injury, I'm still waiting to hear from the Dr's office when I can A) get an X-ray of the involved joint, B) see the Dr. to get her opinion, and C) Try to get organized and packed up so I can travel about the nation a little bit before it becomes to expensive to use modern conveyances.

Another Low, A gentleman I've known and joked with, passed away suddenly from a heart attack. He always had a good humor about himself and will be sorely missed, both by his wife and friends.

Well, that about covers it for the week. Nothing earth shattering or soul wrenching really, just the nuts and bolts of every day life. Also I've talked to my cousin who is leaving for a war zone soon, hopefully I'll see him for a short time before he goes off and I'll leave things at that.

Tomorrow, I hope to go to a motorcycle event locally, but if I don't get there, well it ain't the end of the world; There are more important things thanmotorcycles, cars, trucks, boats and recreation. Family comes to the top of that list. Well I'll wish you the reader well and go about my life. Have a safe, easy week and allow yourself time to travel on the highways and byways safely.

Cheers, Q

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Missives and meanderings

I though I posted something the other day, well it doesn't appear to be, so I guess I didn't.
Tried to contact the Dr's office yesterday don't you just love it when a call center doesn't answer the phone for what seems like hours? Ah well its a non-emergency. But I need a referal to the Orthopeadic Specialist so its a damn nuisance. Finally I've an appointment to see her on the 22nd so she can say yea or nay. Funny thing is I've some basic medical training (Emergency Medical Technician) from my previous position and can reasonable tell if there is a problem. Pain with movement and weight bearing problems for a joint such as the knee or elbow pretty much indicates that you go past a GP to a Specialist. Hmmm and socialized medicene would be easier to access how?

But the problem isn't that I've a functional issue, its that this now interfers with quality of life. I'm rather active and hope to stay that way for a few more decades; Yeah I want to become a burden upon the taxpayers, but thats another subject.

One of the things I want to do, depending upon the price of fuel and my logistics is to go camping and touring across the continental United States, before its put off limits by Homeland Security and ever rising prices. Having or needing knee surgery can delay another day at play. I don't desire to go to Heaven's waiting room and sit on my arse. I rather go jogging, swimming, scuba diving, sailing and motorcycling. So having a bum knee is an annoyance at best. Still I'm in better physical condition than so many other people I shouldn't complain. Maybe I'm just cranky cause I haven't done my 3 to 5 mile walk today.

Well time to ice down the knee, have a cold beverage and prepare for tomorrow. Maybe I' just practice my bagpiping.

Regardless, I trust you'll have a good day, I know I will even with minor problems. After all every day that i beat the worms to the feast its a good day.


Saturday, February 9, 2008

Got my laundry done and I've clean clothes for the new week, yea.
Now to head off to the UPS store and send a box of paper across the nation. Hmmmm I wonder which is more expensive, maintaining landfills or just shipping paper all over the place.

Ah well time to go annoy a few of my fellow creatures upon this planet. Maybe you'll be one as well that I bother. But don't work up a sweat over it afterall; It don't mean nothing, it don't mean a thing.

Now go enjoy the beverage of your choice, relax and realize that you'll never get out of life alive.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Of politicians, prostitutes, and protestations.

In regards to a current news article about Mrs Hillary Clinton pimping out her daughter; Perhaps her protests indicate an all too real truth behind the issue. Mrs Clinton wants power, she wants the presdency and she'll use every and any tool to achieve that goal. So what is to stop her from prostituting her own daughter to achiever her goals? After the ends justify the means.

Mrs Clinton, Mr. Obama, Mr. Huckabee and Mr. McCain; resign your offices and politic all you want. But stop struting families out. I don't give a (excrement) about them. Either your message works for me or it doesn't. Its that simple.

But I don't need a shrill harridan carpet bagger from illinois via arkansas whining about how she is percieved by the media.

Well, I'll probably be White Watered now for my comments, but seriously how did Mrs Clinton leverage her monies? Strong arm tactics? Lord nows she's familiar with impeachment proceedings having personally witnessed two seperate sets; One Democratic and the other Republican. Bubba's and Tricky Dick's if you don't know the references.

Yeah you can guess who I'll not vote for.

So any protests about my commentary? If there are please try to use standard english, the Queen's english even will work. But full words and complete sentences work the best along with setting paragraphs and using punctuation.

Well its now happy hour and time to start the never ending battle with my liver.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Inaction is also an action

So also is the choice of making no decision a decision. Regardless of what one doen't do, things still occur and life goes on. So go out and do something today, what? does it really matter? No. Just have some fun and move yourself.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Music lessons

Music, its different things to different people. Some folks got soul, swing, bounce and happy music. Others play the blues or have music so esoteric it seems imposible to fathom.

My self, well I'm learning to play the bagpipes. Difficult but not impossible well at least for much of humanity but for some people they'll never have the opprotunity due to numerous reasons.
Still I'm a novice and tend to diddle about at times.

But have you ever wanted to try something but figured it was too involved, difficult or time consuming? Truth be known, nothing is too difficult to attempt. Ya got to take the first step sometime. Can you imagine if a baby didn't take that first step? The same with music, after a few steps you can walk, a bit shakely, but with time and practice you get better and better. I'm still not as good at bagpiping as I'd like to be. Still I keep trying.

So what are you going to try today?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Of old motorcycles and ignorance.

I have an older model motorcycle, a 1985 Harley Davidson 62ci XLX for the stupid people 62 cubic inches is 1000 cc. Well today I picked it up from its annual winter service; why service the bike in the dead of winter? Well for starters most people don't consider the time of year and preparation for events. Too many imbeciles who can barely walk and chew gum at the same time but have plenty of cash will fall upon the motorcycle dealership shops and independent repair shops in droves wanting their vehicle preped for Bike week in Florida in two days and they are now number 600 in line due to not thinking ahead. Yeah most people are stupid, only it ain't against the law to be stupid.

When I was a bit younger and working in an automotive repair shop, people would not consider the week before the new season as a good time to get car repairs done. After all little Timmy or Daphne needed school supplies and the rush is on to get em. But if they acted ahead of time they's have what they needed and could spent that last week of summer leisurely preparing for the soccer mom mini bus season. Drop the mini-van at the shop get it serviced and have it back intime for the first PTO meeting or teacher confrence due to disciplinary problems from junior taking behavioral cues from Ma & Pa road rager.

But back to the motorcycle. Its an older bike one which I've had for 21 years of its existence, not being the original owner. The original owner being given a very long term vaction from society by a state legal system. But it has served me well over the years, travel to Canada, florida, Nebraska and various points inbetween. sometimes with sleeping roll firmly strapped on the bike. Most car drivers (aka cagers) don't comprehend motorcycling as a mode of transit. They say it is unsafe, uncomfortable and other things probably not repeatable in a blog which might be read by children. Well let us be reasonable, yeah right, Cars today are the unrealistic vehicle when compared to resources used and space needed to accomodate them. The motorcycle makes for a better commuter vehicle by its very nature. 4 motorcycles can park in the space on car takes up. 1 motorcycle can use 1/4 of the fuel and oil a typical car needs and can be more fun to operate. True motorcycles may not have airconditioning or heat for those days you are stuck in gridlock or on the highway waiting for an accident to clear. But typically a motorcyclist can get by those problems where cage enshrouded driver is stuck waiting and waiting.

As for a feeling of freedom a car offers, where is that freedom when you are stuck in bumper to bumper traffic that doesn't move? Drive a cage suffer road rage.

So yeah I'm pretty much calling the people who drive their cars everwhere ignorant. But it isn't their fault, afterall they didn't teach their children by example not to share the road with others, such as bicyclists or Gasp! pedestrians. And its the zoning board and planners faults for not having side walks right?

Lets face it when other road users need to share space on the highway, motorcyclists are probably the one group which can accomodate the needs of other users. They use less road space and can give clearance when a cage driver will hug the shoulder and run a bicyclist or jogger into a drainage ditch.

So if you drive a car, I'm gonna say you are ignorant, self serving, and wasteful compared to other road users.

And as for how much safer cars are today, well thats in direct response to how much unsafer car drivers have become.

Well if I've irritated some folks fine, if I caused a few people to think again how they do things fine, if you don't want to perruse my rambling rants any more thats fine too.
But remember your still ignorant.

Cheers & prosit,

Saturday, February 2, 2008

uneventful day

Got out and jogged about 3&1/2 miles this morning, then when and got some life sustaining supplies of beer & chips a few other assorted odds and ends and checked the inflation on my vehicle tires. Did a load of laundry had a beer and called it a day. So how bad can it be? I've had worse days much worse so today was a good day.

Cheers & prosit.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Just hidding from the freezing rain

Nothing too much say today, got over to the gym this morning and back home just as the freezing rains started in earnest. Being not too much of a fool, stayed in started packing my juck and stayed away from the roads. I don't need to play on ice. Last night was the final night for Jim Guinan's store in Garrison NY. there are links to news stories and other folks blogs about it from Wendy Bounds' blog. Just do a search for any of the flowing. Little Chapel on the River (U.S. Book tittle) also printed as The Local in the UK. or Jim Guinan's Store.

Cheers & prosit.

Of friends, time passages, passings and anchors.

The last couple of days have been kind of hectic and blurred into each other; and time passes ever onward waiting for no man and affecting all men. Yesterday marked the passing into history of my favorite small country store and publich house these past 7 years since I've moved back to NY state from pennsylvania. Located in Garrison, NY. Jim Guinan's store has been a haven from fast paced times and the insanity that posses as progress. Well, there will be histories of the Hudson Valley written and Jim's small part may be footnoted but probably not.

The bar in back of the store wasn't overly remarkable, the view was worth multiple times the value of the building. In the winter the fire place was always there to help warm both local and visitor alike. Jim even when not in residence was still a presence, after all the building was also his home. He had raised his children there after the family emigrated for Ireland. So it isn't some chain store being lost. It is our neighbors whom we accept as family being lost.

So I bemoan the fact that time advances and we fade. But still it is how some people and places affect us which are most profound. We meet people grow close for a while and then lose contact as we move on. So too we lose ourselves a little bit each time.

Well as for my self, I too need to start preparing more earnestly for my future which is fast approaching. I am going to go and travel about the continental United States. My brother has said I can use his home address for some purposes. It seems most states still don't want people to be semi or fully nomadic and to maintain some type of permanent address. Even more so now with the hightened levels of State Security here. Ah well some state will collect fees and taxes off me for a bit more I guess.

So for today take it easy, slow down and reflect a bit on what is important to you.