Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday's tangent

You just know its gonna be a great day when its warm and humid when you leave on a run of between 6 and 7 miles and the skies are shifting between mostly cloudy and somewhat clear. Well It didn't rain while on the run, that would of been refreshing. It did however start to rain after I finished the run and was stretching out and cooling off. Still not a bad day on the road. Ran up hill going out and down hill returning. Not like I've much of a choice as its pretty much up hill going anywhere away from where I sleep unless I go down to the river.

As for a running record of running, what you don't like puns? :)

Yesterday was a mixed day rode the bicycle ran and rowed along with a few other exercises. as for the run I banged out 3.38 miles in 30 minutes. Not a world record pace but still good by my weak standards.

Today, did 6.82 miles in 1 hour and 14 minutes. I wonder if the 580 foot climb in elevation + relatively high humidity had anything to do with the overall time? Ya think? :)

Tomorrow I'll be sleeping in as its a day I've scheduled off from running. Saturday it a early wake up and out the door. I've 12 miles scheduled to do as training for the Marine Corps Marathon in October. Still tomorrow won't be all rest and relaxation. Need to canvas a few businesses about fund raising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and its Team In Training program.

New running shoes monday; the old ones are getting pretty beat and worn.

Cheers and Prosit Alles!

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