Thursday, February 24, 2011

What its still winter?

24 February 2011, Ahhh noting like cloud cover building to add a stormy effect to the end of the daylight hours. But T-storms are in the forcast and with the humidity coming off the Gulf I would not be too surprised.///

Well since I last posted in January my disposition and attitude haven't much. They still suck. But I've been busy and active with several different small projects to help bide my time here in purgatory.///

The first is my Tennis Ball Collections, Yes, I've become an active collector of tennis balls since my father's release from the hospital following his heart attack. Oh I don't keep them for myself. I really haven't the need of them for myself unless I were to build a Papillon type raft to escape from here upon. No. rather I started collecting the left over ball from the tennis courts to use as replacement glides on my father's walker. But since I've been collecting more balls than I need the excess have been given to another neighbor with a walker and to the Veterans Administration Hospital in Biloxi for the Recreation and Physical Therapy staff.///

I have been attempting to get out and practice with my Bagpipes on a regular basis. I really do need to reconnect with other Bagpipers to expand my abilities and selection of tunes, still, I'll do what I can. In regards to the Bagpipes, The owner of Kwitzkis Bar in Ocean Springs suggested I talk to a member of the Chamber of Commerce about a potential gig. i left my name and phone number but haven't heard back from them. So I guess they aren't all that interested. Additionally when I made my last ball drop at the VA, I offered my services as a Piper for the Recreation Division if they'd like to have a Piper for St. Patrick's Day. Since its for Veterans it would be at no cost to the VA Facility.///

Running, which is what originally got me to making posts in this blog, well I still am running. Just not at the distances I was doing back in November, December and January after finishing my 3rd Marine Corps Marathon. Towards the end of January I pulled my achilles tendon while on an 8&1/2 mile run. So I took a week off to let that recover and been keeping the daily mileage under 4 miles. February will top over 60 miles but not by too much.///

Still Physical activity is important and I've added more this month as well. The question becomes will I maintain the added physicality? I don't much like doing push ups but i've added those to help keep from loosing upper body strenght. Additionally since the weather is improving I do want to get out more on the Paddle Board. I intend to start using that on the days I take a break from running in the morning///

Another thing I should do is find my digital camera and add some photos to my blog. Its probably just floating about in my van some where.///

Toys, Boys have got to have them. Now my toys may be taking on a more functional purpose but recreational is still a primary goal with physical fitness & health a nice benefit. Still something as simple as a MP3 Player makes running easier to perform. ///

Ahhh as for dealing with Passive Agressive Personalities and Control Freaks. Hate it! But they need a sounding board to vent their frustrations and I prefer to get mine out by being physically active. So I guess I'll survive even though there are days I feel emotionally broken from this shit. Well at least I do go out in the evening hours for some socializing and that is probably the one thing I need to do. Going to Church Services when you've lost interest in it does not make for a happy camper but at least Mom is getting out and away from the Old Man for a while. As for myself; I call it the Fr. Bob Karioke Hour. Oh I follow along but I don't make the effort. For some reason Religion has become hollow for me. Not that I've given up belief in a Supreme Being. Its just that the organized crap doesn't hold me. Maybe its due to being forced through my youth to go to services, even after being physically assaulted by a member of a religous order. Yeah I have warm and fuzzy feelings about organized religion.///

Well I'm thinking it is almost time to get out for a few hours this evening. Where I don't know I really haven't any one I'd call a friend down here. But I'll see how the evening pans out regardless; preferably without watching TV for a substitute for real social contacts.///

Hey its still winter according to the calendar. Well the past few days have felt like winter has ended. High humidity and warm nights along with very warm days. The Peepers have been making noise in the late evening and early night hours. Haven't needed a jacket but long sleeves are needed not due to temperatures but to the Gnats. Those miserable little buggers have come out in force.

Well that is about all for now. Looking to get some SCUBA diving in next month. I'll see how that pans out.

Well be safe everyone and Benny, think of this as a book in serialized form.
