Monday, August 9, 2010

Wow things are getting Hot!.

Besides the current high temps and humidity which have been abusive its the other things in life which have been heating up.

Well it is August and the Dog Days are upon us. Even the Wonder Dog (So ancient & decrepit we wonder how it still lives) is loath to go outside and prefers the shade of the basement.

As for myself SPF 100 is a common item in my bag of tricks for sun avoidance. I've even been sighted sporting a Non La (Vietnamese conical hat) while out doing some yard work. Yeah biggest damn Asian Gardener you'll never see.

The Standup Paddle Board has been used a bit and generally garners some questions and quizzical looks as I paddle about upon it. Even so I play upon the waters usually early in the morning or late in the evening. I've startled deer along the shore of lakes and have confounded Geese Swans and Ducks, Even some of the shore dogs don't know what to make of me paddling it about.

Still training up for a 3rd & final attempt at a marathon distance. My times are noticably off from last year, I wonder if the fact I'm attending Physical Therapy for my knees and am awaiting orthotics has anything to add to that uncomfortable fact?

As for how slow? Last year 10 miles in an average of one hour & fifty minutes wasn't bad. This year 9 miles has taken that long. I doubt I shall make my personal goal of finishing at 5 hours or less, so the goal has been revised to just complete the event this year on Halloween Day.

As for this past weekend, I participated in two bagpiping events. The Volunteer Firemans Parade in Ossining on Friday evening. Pipefest aboard the USS Intrepid on Saturday.

For the event on the Intrepid there were two goals. One was to raise funds for charity and the other was to set a Guinness World Record of Largest Assembled Pipe Band on a Warship. I haven't found out what the numbers were yet, the goal was 500 but one source said over 188 performers.

The following are links to other people's phots and videos of the event.

Well it was a short update and I'll be running off in a bit.

Stay cool keep hydrated and be safe this summer.