Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer & a continuation of the taling of the tale.

In the words of a famous English Bard of Irish roots; "Far have I traveled and much have I seen". And this is as true for myself as its been for Paul McCartney.

Spent the later part of winter in Mississippi and had some fun screwing around down there. Running through the NWR and National Parks as well as in and around Biloxi and Ocean Springs. For St. Paddy's day I showed up to a 5K race with Bagpipes and played both before and after the run. Ofcourse the pipes were louder than the cheap PA system used by the running club and I was asked not to play during the Awards for the various age group winners. Meh. Towards the end of March I bid adieu to the friggin insect infested region of the Gulf Coast and started my annual migration north. Stopping over in Northern Virginia to see 3 of my 5 cousins from my mom's sister's family. I took the time to get photos for later printing and forwarding to my Mom & Aunt. The one Cousin had a serious bout with cancer and as of this writing has passed on.

Then In April I made it back up to NY State. Its mind boggling how the weather and seasons were seen to change as I migrated northward. On the interstate in North Carolina, Virginia and later on U.S. 15 heading north through Gettysburgh PA and up towards Harrisburg the weather was pleasant but the pollen was thick and heavy. So dense the air looked to be brown and practically every vehicle had a yellow cast on them due to the thickness of the pollen.

As for NY state well it has been the home stomping grounds off & on for roughly 40 years not counting some time as an accidental tourist on the military plan. Still in a way its good to be back. Of course NY politics being what it is its also a side show which could make Illinois and Louisiana politics look like sister rings in a 3 ring circus. Governor Patterson will never ever see anything coming, thats not to say he'll be blindsided. Oh he will be for certain only he's legally blind too.

Well as stated in April I made it back to NY and promptly prepared to run a 1/2 marathon in Danbury CT. So the photo from that event may eventually get posted here but to be kind I sort of look like a Yeti with a partially shaved body and sun glasses running. Pictures where posted on runners World forums.

I've signed up for my third yeah I said I would stop after the second Marine Corps Marathon. But as this one falls on Halloween Day I felt it appropriate to try.
Still progress in marathon training will be slow this year. The knees are complaining, The VA (Veterans Administration) Docs have scheduled me for a fitting with orthotics and prosthetics and that doesn't happen untill July. Newer stronger better knee braces and now orthotics for flat feet. Flat feet when did that happen?

Also have been bouncing between the three brothers. Simple things like Motorcycle club Bar-B-Ques/Fund raisers, tree clearing, taking the nephews to appointments, sports practices or hiking. And when did I become Uncle Nanny? The Au Pair, Baby sitter? Well its sort of funny in a way and its an OK arrangement. I have a place to crash for a little bit of effort and some parential responsibilities have been lifted from the one brother with the Autistic kid.

As for the Autistic one He participated in the Special Olympics this year and did very well even medaling in one event. I trying to be humorous asked if we could treat the special Olymics like a horse race and place bets on the kids. For some reason the humor flopped. maybe I spent too much time in the sun that day.

I've also reconected with the Stephen P Driscoll Memorial Pipe Band, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 704 and have been out with them practicing and performing at a few parades. In addition to that I am also assisting the Pipe Major in instructing several new and potentially excellent pipers plus a challenger to my patience. Still its good to work with the kids and one is actually good enough that I have him working with a kid older than himself. He'll be better than myself by a strong degree if he keeps with the pipes and I can see him exceeding the Pipe major as well.

Then these past two weekends have been fun. 'Cue the Teddy Bears' Picnic Music and alter the words to make it the Pipers' Picnic. Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 21 Pipe Band hosted a Picnic at a local state park and we converged onto a new annual event. Even the through hikers on the Appalachian trail may of been gobsmacked by the sight & sounds. I introduce a couple of pipers to my parlor pipes and that small set of pipes disappeard for a couple of hours. I wasn't worried about recovering them as the guys were have a blast playing them. They are effortless to play incomparison to the Great Highland Bagpipes.

Also made it a point to have a social visit with possibly the best piping instructor I've had the pleasure to ever meet and study under. 90 years old and going strong even with the addition of a pace maker. God Bless you Joe Brady Sr.

And this past weekend piping at a political fundraiser for the GOP candidate for Congress, I don't mind piping but I must be fed. Now I'm not too political and I fully realize that its the office minions of the politicians who perform the real work. I told Congressman John Hall as much but in a different way a few years back.
But as for the nature of the poltics and the office holders. If I'm being provided a meal and can play alongside the guys I like, I don't care if I'm playing for the Democracts, Libertarians, Socialists or Chinese Communists; I'll draw the line at North Koreans though. Hey as low as they are, and they are pretty low, I have my standards. But we had fun playing on the Group W Bench regardless.

So while this update isn't as concise, neat and pretty as it could be and the update is rather late. I should and will say Thank You to C M Moore for reminding me of it.

Have a safe summer everyone stay hydrated and remember I am a trained (Redneck) professional, Please don't try to recreate any of my stunts the injuries hurt and the hospital bills add up.
