Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th and life is good.

For those of you afraid of Friday the Thirteeth; Cheer up it'll gone by tomorrow.

I've attached a link for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training Fund Raising to the Blog. If you can support me and make a donation, please accept my thanks, If you can't don't sweat the issue and just offer the moral encouragement I'll need.

I'm attempting to raise funds to help combat Leukemia and Lymphomas this year. As for my reasons, Well I've a brother who is a 17 year survivor of leukemia, and I've know a few folks who didn't survive the disease. I'd like to help more people get to the point where my brother is today.

Well training for the Marine Corps Marathon has been a major activity of late and today I'm giving my body a much deserved rest. Tomorrow morning I'm headed out for a ten mile excursion. While early to bed and early to rise might make a man Healthy, Wealthy and Wise; I also know it allows me to get an early start and beat the heat of the day.

On Wednesday I did 3.4 miles overall doing a jog/run alternation of 5 minute intervals 6/7.5/6/7.5/6/8/ miles per hour and started the cool down at 4.5 which is faster than my fast walk so that bumped the run mileage to 3.5 for the day.
Thursday I did 6.8 miles with about a 620 foot climb & descent in the middle. That was 1 hour and 14 minutes in duration. Climbing the hill isn't easy but I feel its excellent training for what I hope to do come October.

Last night I was in Whiteplains, NY. for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's fall kick off party Picked up some more materials for when i go out and about asking hat in hand for support

Hopefully though the Cancer Research pays off for all cancer victims not just those of Leukemias and Lymphomas. And then Running can remain a pleasant diversion.

Well that sums up the week not counting a small amount of time given to practicing my bagpipes.

Have a safe week everyone.


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