Saturday, July 26, 2008

Friday's fun & Saturday's runaround.

Some days' even I can't remember too clearly but I'll make a stab at recalling as accurately some events in order to recount them here.

Friday's fun; Since I had the unexpected experience of the left knee cap imitating the counter part on the right. I felt a bit of preventive action was required if I where to run in the morning. So Ace bandage on the left knee as was normal practice followed by the original knee brace I was given for my left knee (It fits left or right) pulled on the Right knee brace dress and off I go.

Well I did fairly well, a few twinges on steeper inclines. But I got a 5.36 mile run in at 58 minutes and 43.67 seconds. I don't know why i bother recording the tenths, I just do.

That run was followed by a break in my usual routines. Normally, I'll relax and unwind with stretching, a shower and a bowl of cold cereal along with a cup of coffee. Since I was out of milk (gasp!) I decided to hit the local diner instead. Just a simple breakfast of french toast, sausage and coffee. Then over to the Credit Union to take care of a simple bill and withdraw a few dollars for the weekend. That accomplished, on to the near by military to use the shopette/class six store/ service station. Being a military retiree has benefits. Well at the gate, I get flagged into the inspection lane. No big deal, it hasn't happened in some time and I'm not in a rush any where. Just routine checks of ID, registration, insureance papers and contents of the vehicle. Cargo Van contents can be almost anything, mine typically are tools & tool boxes, cargo ramps and depending upon season sailboat and boating related items. So I'm good to go. and up the hill I go.

A pleasant surprise at the service station, gasoline was now at $4.16 a gallon. Well filled up got a quart of milk and a six pack of beer and headed on home. Most of the remainder of the day was uneventful, made up 10 copies of my generic Team in Training Donation request letters prepared envelopes and pledge forms, and just mucking about, before heading over to the South Gate (a local bar) for some human interaction. Well the person I would of passed a few donation letters off to wasn't there but I had two slices of pizza and 3 beers before heading on home, Round trip to and from the bar is 3 miles so rather than drive I ride my bicycle. Oh the horrors a healthy activity coupled with the unhealthy act of consuming alcohol. Additionally I got a call from my younger brother, he needs help to recover his car from the repair shop on saturday, so no problem and that sets part of the stage for the next half of this posting.

Saturday's Run-a-round;
I don't have much need of an alarm clock any more but occasionally it comes in handy
Today, Saturday is one such day. Its been 8 days since my previous long run in preparation for the Marine Corps Marathon and today is another long run. Alarm clock goes off about 3 AM, for anyone else it would be an unreasonable hour, but as its the middle of summer and the heat & humidity has been gruesome all week, better early than later in the morning.

Well as I said today is a long run day, the previous week saw a 15.6 mile effort in 2:47:42.49. Today saw a 17.8 mile effort in 3:23:12.48 the morning was reasonably comfortable and I was really able to conserve the water and gatoraid mix in my camelback. It lasted the entire course of the run. I was planning to stop at Fire Station One on West Point if I needed additional water, but it held trhough, Cooler temperatures are a blessing. But I did drain the bladder when I passed by the front of where I live on my cool down walk.

Well, stretch, shower, eat and its off to the younger brother's house to help him get his car from the shop.

On my way there, I saw a few signs which stirred my interests, 411th Family day. Well there are two units in the region IDed as the 411th, One and Engineer Battalion and the other a Civil Affairs Unit which I had belonged to. On my way to my brother's home, I pass a car and driver I recognized, a quick call on the cell phone and I knew I was headed to the 411th Family day at the military recreation area this afternoon.

Brother delivered to his car and I arrived at the family day picnic. Saw a few folks i recognized and passed a few pleasantries with them, a few were surprised at my appearance, Since starting training for the marathon I've dropped substantial weight. But still it was good to see the few I recognized. had a couple of burger's some beans a few cookies two sodas and a piece of cake while there. and even was able to ask one of the Gentlemen I know if he might be able to take care of 10 donation requests for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for me. He was able to oblige me and I can't thank him enough.

Got home about 2:30 in the afternoon read a couple of email's made a few posts in a forums on the computer systems and took a nap from about 4 to 6 PM. Um I guess I was tired. Well that brings me up to date and the minute to posting on the blog today.

Next enteries won't be as long winded and I'll honestly try to add some pictures.

Have a safe weekend.
Cheers and Prosit Alles!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday and somethings gone awry.

Monday was uneventful, ran 6.5 miles in 1:13:35 and eased through the day.

Tuesday, 6.0 miles, 1:02:30 followed by Bagpipe practice and latter a conversation with a lady who found me interesting.

Wednesday, Rain, used it as a cross training day in the gym. 3.37 miles on the treadmill 30:00, 4500 meters on the rowing machine 25:00 and other strenght exercises. self practice on the bagpipe and then wander over to brewster NY to watch the Volunteer Fireman's parade there and see some old friends.

Today, Thursday. Woke up late, rain again, so off to the gym. 10 minutes on the rower as a warm up an 65 minutes on the treadmill. 6.5 miles in 60:00 with a 5:00 cool down. when the threadmill changed fro 6.3 miles perhour to 4.5 I felt a pop in my left knee, just above and outside to the left of the knee cap, OH OH, I know that sensation. Either a tendon or ligament let go as now after the customary R.I.C.E. treatment, weight bearing is reduced and uncomfortable, and the knee cap is able to slide side to side. Neither are good indications. Well I see Dr. Dy at the VA on the 31st. I guess I'll request my second Orthopeadic consultation in 6 months. and see how things progress from there. I've a sneaking suspision my left kneecap is dislocated from over use and not tracking correctly just as my right knee had done.

Well let me try to post some pictures from last Sunday depending upon the connection.
OK still can't load pictures, no problem.

And wish everyone a safe easy summer, I'm not out of the running yet!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Surprise.

OK, I was going to try to post some photos but I ran into technical glitches. Ah technology its a constant wonder; A wonder it doesn't drive more people off the deep end.

well let me try yet again, I may end up having to post one at a time Like that will be a surprise. OK that didn't work so no photos today folks, sorry.

Well Saturday, wasn't much of a day, I basicly veggetated and hid from the weather much of the day till mid afternoon. It was a recovery day from the 15.6 mile run on friday morning. Still thats not to say I wasn't productive the entire day. I did replenish my small stock of beer. 12 bottles that should last me about 2 weeks at best. As it was today I had two beers and that was more than ample with the heat of the day. But back to friday.

Before I replenished my beer stock I purchased two cans of spray paint in order to mark public surfaces. Whats that? Oh never mind, its the usual hecklers wanting to know if I'm branching out as a grafitti artist. No, not becoming a grafitti artist, although.... Where was I , oh yes the spray paint. Actually the public surfaces I was marking were the state highways adjacent to and running through the Military reservation at West Point. I had marked distances on the pavement previously in orange spray paint, every 1/2 mile from the firestation on 293 out towards Long Mountain Parkway and back towards Washington Gate. The problem I ran into was on my early morning runs I would miss marks for my turn around points. So I made the points easier to find. I painted flouresent orange and gloss white rounderals at the 1/2 mile increments. The gloss white donut around the flouresent center should be easier to find by flashlight at the obscene hours I go out for my long runs.

After painting 15 spots on the highway I went up to Round Pond recreation area to practice my bagpiping for awhile, followed by a trip back onto West Point to replenish my beer stocks before heading home and calling it a night. A 12 pack of beer should last me at least a week and a half. A bottle of wine won't last out an evening. While I like my beer & wine I prefer to go to sleep sober, its easier on me.
I never have to deal with the Katzenjammer Kid that way (Katzenjammer is an old german reference to a hangover).

Sunday, Hot steamy humid Sunday. Woke up got out of bed and didn't bother with a comb across my head. Nope took a little while to get my act together and went up to Fire Station 3 to Park and run 6 miles as part of my marathon training. Accomplished that in 1hr/3min/28sec. then went home washed my running atire and hung it out to dry & had breakfast.

About noon time I fired up Leaky lena and went to Antony Wayne Recreation are for the Rockland County Irish Feis. It was OK the heat & Humidity made it worse. But wathced a few pipebands, took some photos and then went to watch the attemp at a Guinness record, 300 celtic dancers in a line.

Well those where the photos I tried to post but it isn't happening tonight so maybe tomorrow.

As for my final escapade of the day; Well what I didn't tell you was that while at the feis, I changed from wearing my trousers to a kilt. I fired up leaky lena and rode home with the kilt flapping in the breeze. I must of been a humorous sight, antique motorcycle, kilt clad operator wearing combat boots just motoring down the Parkway.

Well hey it was hot and the wind blowing up my skirt felt good.

Ok thats all for tonight. Please, if you can make a donation to either the Fisher House fundraiser or the leukemia Team In training fundraier links on this page.
Thank you and have a safe night.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday's Foolishness & Follies

Good day everyone, Fridays are fun days for most because they start the weekend for many people for Observant Jews and Muslims the Sabath starts at sunset and that should be a time of joy. And for us Ne'erdo Wells, Lie-abouts and Jokers its a time to party. If we so choose.

Well a couple of none foolish moments before resumption of merriment and mayhem.
Fisher House is a Charity which supports wounded military personnel of the U.S. Armed Forces. I support its efforts and a young lady is going a few steps more to support it as well. She'll be running in the Marine Corps Marathon as a fund raiser for the Fish Houses and I would like to ask you to support her as well. Could you please check out the following web site and make a small donation there too.

A few dollars will help a lot of people. Just a few less cigarettes if you smoke, a couple of fewer beers if you drink, a few miles less driven even. All those minor sacrifices can mean so much more for those who've been wounded and injured serving in the Armed forces.

And there is the charity I'm supporting as well which can be linked from the column to the left. Thank you.

OK, merriment and mayhem! Let the frivolity start!

Marathon training; Oh yeah, oh boy, its fun, its what?!, Its 3AM?! What the hell am I doing getting up at 3 AM inorder to train for a marathon I must be nuts! Well i guess I am as the flickr photos of the Red Dress run a few months back should of proven.

Still I was awake at 03:00 and at 03:45 running down the road again and I'm flirting with Disaster, Oh wait wrong song. Still after 2 hours, 47 minutes, 42.49 seconds I found my self back where I started my short morning run of 15.6 miles. Back on the road again, turn the page. But all is not serious training and self abuse during the dark early hours. There are few travelers upon the roads and I'm probably the only runner. Yet I'll see things the drivers will miss. The moon setting over the hills where you can catch a few fleeting glimpses of it through the trees on the ridgeline before it falls below the hill. The Sun rising Gold and Glorious or Red and Foreboding of coming showers or storms. You get to hear things too if you listen. The choruses of Frogs in the ponds, Slap of your own foot fall marking time and distance, breeze rustling leaves, the bark of a dog disturb from its slumber by your run.

So while most people who consider themselves sane might never get up before the farmer and the milk man, they miss some things of life too.

So wheres the foolishness and follies? Its in not taking the opprotunity to do or try something different. Enjoy life, feel you blood flow & maybe your feet ache,
but theres more than watching TV or reading my missives in this blog.

Oh yeah yesterday was supposed to be a relaxed day, so I only ran 2 miles before going to the VA Hospital for Fasting Blood Work, I wonder how those results will screw with the Doctor's head and how she reads my files. Bwahahahaha.

Cheers & Prosit Alles, Have a great weekend, I'm probably off to the rockland Irish Feis on Sunday!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday's whimsy

Just a few updates from this past Saturday, nothing critical or important and absolutely nothing critically important.

July 13th, ran 7 miles
July 14th, 3.45 miles
July 15th another 7 but at 5:30pm and in 80 degree F heat.
July 16th another 7 at from about 6:30am to 7:45am in 62 degree & sunny weather.

Total distance since starting training for the marathon; todate 292.9 miles. For the month of July to date; 89.68 miles. In comparisson by June 16th I had completed 81.4 miles.

Yesterday, I had Bagpipe practice in the morning followed by a trip to White Plains and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's HQ. I dropped off 46 letters requesting Donations for posting after filling out and stuffing them with pledge forms and picked up more pledge forms for my next set of mailings. The next set will be to various American Legion Posts in the region as the ones I just sent out have been to VFW posts.

I also stopped at one of the fire stations where my cousins work. One was working yesterday but the station he was at was in the opposite direction from where I was headed so no short socializations.

Yesterday evening I had hoped to run about 10 miles but with the heat of the day still strong at 6:00pm I headed back to my start finish point at the 3&1/2 Mile mark making for a total of 7 miles. Its a good thing too as i would have severly depleted my carried water by the 7 mile mark and been empty by the 8. Running on empty is no fun, nor is it safe to do. I don't need to go to the ER ever again for dehydration; done that once in my life and it was enough. But it did get me out of work for the remainder of that shift, I slept the whole time I had an IV in.

This evening I might make a run over to Bear Mountain for the weekly cruise night. I'll decide later. I may try to make it a fundraiser night for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society as well if I do go.

Well that pretty much covers the current events. Gonna grab my coffee and go slug out in the back yard for a bit.

Everyone have a safe and uneventful summer day.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday Evening and I'm fried.

No not deep fried like icky mickey fries; just worn, beat and finished for the day.
Spent the better part of the daylight period today at my younger brother's place helping cut back some of the encroaching under growth then about 2:30 in the afternoon we went over to his neighbors yard. he's got a 23' deep pond/emergency resivour that is spring fed and a comfortable place to spend a hot afternoon.

Well I was in the water with my nephew and I guess between the coolness of the waters, the physical activites of the day and previous week. I had a killer cramp in my leg. The pain was intense I told my nephew I'm out of the water now and he is too unless his dad jumped in. Well the nephew was able to stay in the pond and I took a respite on a bench. I guess I was tired as I immediately Z'ed out. Right now the calves are tire and sore, I'll decide in the morning how I'll do my training run for the Marine Corps Marathon, I may just do a slow 3 miles and let the week progress with a build up to longer distances for the following weekend.

Good night everyone.

Simply Saturday

Simply Saturday, seems like a OK title but its still early and the day has to progress through midmorning, midday, afternoon, late afternoon, early evening, evening and night so we'll see what develops later on.

But I've already knocked out a 3.3 mile run in 33:22.89 ( minutes, seconds and tenth's) Showered and will be headed up to the Barn this a little while from now. Either gonna kill some more evil, mean, nasty and vicious trees; work on the jeep or burn a brush pile. Nothing is written in dried out hardened PlayDough so that it's become set in stone.

Yesterday, I ran 9.92 miles. I could explian how I get these precise measurements but its highly technical, your eyes would glaze over and you'd start drooling. Lets just say that a planetary display & mapping program allows me to zoom in to a section of the Planet I'm on and measure the routes I've gone over. But its only as precise and accurate as points I plot the more plotted points the higher the accuracy. By the way I covered the 9.92 miles in 1:44:05.12 (hours minutes seconds & tenths) No I'm not going to explain the functions of a stopwatch either.

Other activities of a man of leisure. That means I've time to loaf, not act like Leisure Suit Larry. Will some one tell Statler and Waldorf I'm not Fonzie Bear! Geez Heckle & Jeckle their not.

Well I've mailed off a load of fund raising requests to Various VFW Posts and a Few American Legion Posts. Now I've got to make a trip over to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's HQ and get a load more pledge forms. I think I shall make that a monday trip. Also I'm got to wirte a bunch more letters and get them off too. I may need to replace the ink carteidge soon in my printer/scanner too. Well I can't complain, I the durn fool who what volunteered to do this gig.

Recreational pursuits; hey its not all goofing off on the computer cyber dating and never scoring. I've had Leaky Lena and the Harley Davidson both out this week. For a 48 year old motorcycle design Leaky lena does OK not if the other drivers would be civil on the road life would be better. Yeah right. Leaky lena is the Motorcycle and sidecar rig. Seen in some earlier pictures. The H-D is a 23 year old single seat motorcycle. As long as I don't drive them hard they behave nicely. Unlike statler and Waldorf, Hey will you Muppets quiet down up there.

Where was I oh yeah recreational pursuits. I might try to contact a few local Hashes and see if they'd be willing to support a run near where I reside. It might be a good way to raise funds for the Luekemia and Lymphoma Society. Entertaining if nothing else. Its too warm to consider Hosting a Red Dress Run. But a run through the confines of West Point may interest the folks. Must remember to mark an evil trail if I do. Bwahahahaha Well that should cover things for now.

OH yeah let me give a shout out to the Guys;
Benny, Thanks for the Brews last night The reactions down at the VFW when I showed up with Leaky Lena was different. Thanks for helping do some leg work for the fund raising. Have a safe week both you & Evelyn ( I'm sorry if I spelled it wrong)

Apeman, Have you finished your Keg yet? Its been 7 days since July 4th.
Also I understand your liver wants to sue for divorce.

Jo keep Ape in line will ya.

Well let me run amuck and see what mayhem I can cause in the world.
have a safe day everyone.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday: Ten miles & high, elevation wise that is.

Good day anyone following my missives and mutterings. Lets see where did I leave off?
Monday, OK so I need to cover some ground and bring some things up to date.

Which is faster a 50 year old jogger or the 48 year old motorcycle design shown above? OK which has more endurance? Some days even I have a hard time deciding.

Tuesday; was a cross trainingday, excuse me I said cross training not cross dressing. Geez I think I got the old guys from the Muppet Show's Box seats haranguing me. OK where was I oh yeah cross training day. Well bicycle to the gym, run on the treadmill for some speed work, shift to the rowing machine for total body conditioning then to the leg adduction machine to strenghten the inner thighs and a bicycle ride back home, Knocked off about an hour & fifteen minutes in the gym and maybe another half hour for the bicycle rides total.

Wednesday; Rest Day, not running or jumping well pretty much no running or jumping. Bagpipe practice in the morning followed by a trip to the DMV office. I tried to apply the registration decals on my sail boat the other day and they wouldn't peel from the backing paper. Not a critical issue but it could be a legal problem if I had tried to use the boat in public water ways and was checked out by law enforcement. Printed and mailed off a bunch of letters asking for donations to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for the Team In Training program. I'm attempting to raise monies for the charity and they'll in return provide me a spot on the Marine Corps Marathon, That will also explain the insane, by some standards, distances I've been running over the past weeks.

Which pretty much brings us up to today. Thursday, ten miles of distance and high in elevation. Actually I ran 10.23 miles climbed to 785 feet in elevation above sea level then down to 4 feet above sea level before returning to my starting elevation. All this in the matter of 1 hour, 52 minutes and 04.76 seconds. Pretty good for a joker with weak knees. As for today I do need to get out a get some postal envelopes, legal sized work best for the charity mailings. I'm gonna have to send out a few hundred more I suspect. Still I'm going to use the Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion as a contact base for my fund raising efforts.

Well that should cover much of what I've done and been doing. Been e-mailing a couple of ladies but I doubt we'll meet and develop a serious relationship. I might be too much of a Peter pan type individual for them.

Well regardless, to all who may read this have a safe day a easy week and a fun evening.

Cheers & prosit.


Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday madness

It is Monday July 7th, the 7th day of the 7th month so what did I do to entitle this Monday Madness? Add the two numbers together and you'll have the answer concerning the number of miles I ran today in preparation for the upcoming Marine Corps Marathon. Actually I did 14.1 miles this morning in 2:36:55.55 not blazing fast like the elite runners, but I've never been an elite sports enthusiast. I'd rather just do some jogging and down a beer or three.

Well this week I can take it a little easier now as I've gotten the long run out of the way. Probably I'll hit the gym in the AM and then drag my little sail boat over to Candlewood Lake in CT for an easy afternoon sail.

In regards to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and the Team In Training Program, I'm not anywhere near where I should be in fund raising. 865 of 2800. Yikes! Well hopefully I can collect something for my day of Bagpiping for the local 4th of July Parade. I can only hope for a fair amount. Well I'm done for today, time to dress and play.

Have a safe day all.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday Supplement / Independence Day Weekend

OK I've been busy with numerous things this holiday weekend. I guess a progressive break down is in order.

Friday July 4th. In the morning i did a 5.63 mile run in 59 minutes:41.52 seconds. Then relaxed and practice some bagpiping in the morning before heading to the Parade in the afternoon. I had a standing invitation to visit my older brother in Pennsylvania; Hitched a ride with the local Volunteer Ambulance Coprs to the gate at West Point for the parade line up; Marched in the local Independence Day Parade Ahead of the Local Volunteer Fire Department as a Solo Bagpiper (only bagpiper in the parade); Met members of the 82nd Airborne Association Division, Had a quick bit to eat at a AUSA function with them, May consider joining; Then drove over to PA to my brothers place arriving there in the late evening. There may be pictures available through the News of the Highlands and in the Record On line (Times Herals Record) Middletown NY. Did a impromtu bagpipe performance that same night at my brother's home.

Saturday, July 5th. Ran about 5 miles in the morning 50 min: 32.23 sec. Went off to breakfast ordered a short stack of pancakes that was huge. Both pancakes were overhanging the plate. I couldn't finish it all. Wow, the we went down to the bank and grocerystore for provisions and Ice and back home for an afternoon and evening of drinking and socializing. I wore a kilt all afternoon as it was the more comfortable clothes I had with me.

Sunday July 6th, ran about 2 miles roughly in 23 min: 27.36 sec. then took my brothers puppies for a walk/jog & run. The dogs are really nice pups need some training but not badly behaved otherwise. they are Bernise Mountain/Golden Retriever Mixes. I don't think they'll get much too much bigger than a Golden Retriever
but they ar 5 months old and 53 pounds already.

Left the house at 13:00 and I-84 traffic was moving slowly in PA. I guess the folks were a bit worried about doing 55 MPH through the construction zones. Still once I got to Chester, NY. I got off the Quickway, NY Rt 17/future I-86 and took Rt 17M. Lets just say its was less frustration than dealing with the NYC bound traffic and kept me in a calmer frame of mind.

Well I also stopped and fueled my truck tonight and picked up some t-shirts. I'm now wearing Large T-shirts down from extra and double extra large. Tomorrow morning I run again!

Good night and a safe week everybody.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thursday morning rambling mind.

Well, I do spend too much time in front of a computer but part is relaxation and part charity work related. Still I have a life besides running and acting crazy. Although my relatives aren't too certain about the acting part, they'll swear that I am insane.

Today I slept compartively later, only because I kept a late night last night. I had Leaky Lena, my 1955 model Royal Enfield Bullet 500 w/ sidecar at the cruise night at bear mountain state park. It won a second place awards for motorcycles. I voted for another person's 1969 triump hardtail bobber. Still I guess some pictures would apply today.

Wow what do you know the pictures went right to the top of the page.

OK 3 more they are of myself, the door of a rolling SUNOCO station and the 69 Triupmh Bobber. Yes I've found a faster way to get around the bars! I'll be a winner at the next bar crawl fer sure.

If I don't post again soon, don't aweat it. I'm playing bagpipes in a parade tomorrow and then off to PA for a 4th of July Party at my Brother's home.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend every one and please link on the Team in Training website to make a donation to help a good cause.



Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wobbly Wednesday.

Wobbly is a apt description right now. Still relaxing from a 2 hour work out session.
Ran 4.28 miles from home to the Gym 45 minutes, used the rowingmachinr for 21 minutes it said I covered 4,000 meters thenover to the leg adduction machine for maybe 10 more and a run back home in 47 minutes.

Yesterday I took a down day, no exercise. Bagpipe practice in the morning followed by a trip to Vails Gate for two new trailer tires for my boat trailer, the old ones were 10 years old and worse for wear. Stopped and talked with a former work supervisor; All I can say is he's a surprising person and I can't thank him enough for his generousity. Then spent too much time on the computer formulating and sending off e-mails.

Statistics and boring bits since I started keeping a record of my Training and Fund raising efforts:
Total miles since I started training for a marathon 211.78; miles for the month of June 158.27; Hours and minutes spent running for June 30 hours 43 minutes. When you consider a full time job is considered 40 hours a week, factor in any time I spend asking for funds for the LEUKEMIA and LYMPHOMA SOCIETY through the Team In Training Program and I've probably work a full week towards the combined goals during the month.

As for now I am quite comfortable, perhaps I'll make wearing a light weight kilt my normal summer wear. Next step will probably be wearing Birkenstocks with the kilt. Oh yeah I'll be a fashion Icon of the summer.

Well, let me post this and go onto some chores I've been putting off. Have a safe week and be careful this up coming holiday weekend.