Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday, a new week and opprotunities

Yes, its Monday, for some a frightening day of the week with the dread of returning to the saltmine job digging their way in deeper and deeper, with the goal of some day reaching retirement and a life of relative leisure. (Insert sarcastic 'Right!' here).

Well I've got to consider a business plan, Can't see working for someone if I can make a few dollars working for myself. A Hotdog Cart concept geared at morning commuters may be my best option. Work from just before 5 AM to 9 AM roughly just selling Coffee and Rolls may work. I can't see expanding unto newspapers as that would neccessate a large commitment to delivery, storage, recycling and similar accounting burdens. But a small coffee stand with buttered rolls may be practical. What I'll need to do is get up tomorrow about 4:30 and ride over to the train station and start asking the commuters.

It operation would of neccessity be small, start with a five gallon water bottle, and a couple of coffee pots on a easily wheeled cart I can take onto the train platform safely, provided I can get the permissions needed from Metro North.

Monday to Friday, Rain or Shine, Hot or Cold, Exposed to the elements; Hmmm. Well unless I look it over and see that it is doable and maybe make a try at it I'll never know.

Well time to dress and wander to the gym. Things to consider today and a good workout sweeps away the mental cobwebs.

Well, draw the target on the wall, print bang head here with arrow pointing at same target and off we go.

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