Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday, Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhh!

Ok, like I'm retired and the weather sucks today, its raining. But still many people are looking forward to the weekend so some enthusiam please. Work out routine isn't always routine, but it is productive. Wednesday: just abit over 4 miles on the squirrel cage, 4000 meters on the indoor boat, and hip adductions to build up the inside of the legs. followed by a good stretching routine. Took the motorcycle out for a joyride in the afternoon and shared a poor quality wine with my landlady that evening. Thursday: Ran about 5&1/2 miles showered and then rode & pushed the bicycle about 7 or so miles later in the day. Swung by the Fire Department and advised some of the folks what was going on with the investigation as to why it took 100+ days to recieve retirement pay. when home and called it a day. Friday, today: Rain, ugh its needed but I don't need to like it. Drove up to the water treatment plant and gave Nutsy a set of specticle frames he should swing by a bit later to day to pay for em. Then went to the gym. Treadmill (aka squirrel cage) for 3.39 miles rower for 4000 meter and more leg clenching before stretching and calling it a day there. Dry clothes, hit the beer store for my weekend supplies and home otherwise nothing to really comment upon, I'm paying my rent for June this evening. A roof over my head, food in my belly and life is good.

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