Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday and somethings gone awry.

Monday was uneventful, ran 6.5 miles in 1:13:35 and eased through the day.

Tuesday, 6.0 miles, 1:02:30 followed by Bagpipe practice and latter a conversation with a lady who found me interesting.

Wednesday, Rain, used it as a cross training day in the gym. 3.37 miles on the treadmill 30:00, 4500 meters on the rowing machine 25:00 and other strenght exercises. self practice on the bagpipe and then wander over to brewster NY to watch the Volunteer Fireman's parade there and see some old friends.

Today, Thursday. Woke up late, rain again, so off to the gym. 10 minutes on the rower as a warm up an 65 minutes on the treadmill. 6.5 miles in 60:00 with a 5:00 cool down. when the threadmill changed fro 6.3 miles perhour to 4.5 I felt a pop in my left knee, just above and outside to the left of the knee cap, OH OH, I know that sensation. Either a tendon or ligament let go as now after the customary R.I.C.E. treatment, weight bearing is reduced and uncomfortable, and the knee cap is able to slide side to side. Neither are good indications. Well I see Dr. Dy at the VA on the 31st. I guess I'll request my second Orthopeadic consultation in 6 months. and see how things progress from there. I've a sneaking suspision my left kneecap is dislocated from over use and not tracking correctly just as my right knee had done.

Well let me try to post some pictures from last Sunday depending upon the connection.
OK still can't load pictures, no problem.

And wish everyone a safe easy summer, I'm not out of the running yet!

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