Saturday, July 26, 2008

Friday's fun & Saturday's runaround.

Some days' even I can't remember too clearly but I'll make a stab at recalling as accurately some events in order to recount them here.

Friday's fun; Since I had the unexpected experience of the left knee cap imitating the counter part on the right. I felt a bit of preventive action was required if I where to run in the morning. So Ace bandage on the left knee as was normal practice followed by the original knee brace I was given for my left knee (It fits left or right) pulled on the Right knee brace dress and off I go.

Well I did fairly well, a few twinges on steeper inclines. But I got a 5.36 mile run in at 58 minutes and 43.67 seconds. I don't know why i bother recording the tenths, I just do.

That run was followed by a break in my usual routines. Normally, I'll relax and unwind with stretching, a shower and a bowl of cold cereal along with a cup of coffee. Since I was out of milk (gasp!) I decided to hit the local diner instead. Just a simple breakfast of french toast, sausage and coffee. Then over to the Credit Union to take care of a simple bill and withdraw a few dollars for the weekend. That accomplished, on to the near by military to use the shopette/class six store/ service station. Being a military retiree has benefits. Well at the gate, I get flagged into the inspection lane. No big deal, it hasn't happened in some time and I'm not in a rush any where. Just routine checks of ID, registration, insureance papers and contents of the vehicle. Cargo Van contents can be almost anything, mine typically are tools & tool boxes, cargo ramps and depending upon season sailboat and boating related items. So I'm good to go. and up the hill I go.

A pleasant surprise at the service station, gasoline was now at $4.16 a gallon. Well filled up got a quart of milk and a six pack of beer and headed on home. Most of the remainder of the day was uneventful, made up 10 copies of my generic Team in Training Donation request letters prepared envelopes and pledge forms, and just mucking about, before heading over to the South Gate (a local bar) for some human interaction. Well the person I would of passed a few donation letters off to wasn't there but I had two slices of pizza and 3 beers before heading on home, Round trip to and from the bar is 3 miles so rather than drive I ride my bicycle. Oh the horrors a healthy activity coupled with the unhealthy act of consuming alcohol. Additionally I got a call from my younger brother, he needs help to recover his car from the repair shop on saturday, so no problem and that sets part of the stage for the next half of this posting.

Saturday's Run-a-round;
I don't have much need of an alarm clock any more but occasionally it comes in handy
Today, Saturday is one such day. Its been 8 days since my previous long run in preparation for the Marine Corps Marathon and today is another long run. Alarm clock goes off about 3 AM, for anyone else it would be an unreasonable hour, but as its the middle of summer and the heat & humidity has been gruesome all week, better early than later in the morning.

Well as I said today is a long run day, the previous week saw a 15.6 mile effort in 2:47:42.49. Today saw a 17.8 mile effort in 3:23:12.48 the morning was reasonably comfortable and I was really able to conserve the water and gatoraid mix in my camelback. It lasted the entire course of the run. I was planning to stop at Fire Station One on West Point if I needed additional water, but it held trhough, Cooler temperatures are a blessing. But I did drain the bladder when I passed by the front of where I live on my cool down walk.

Well, stretch, shower, eat and its off to the younger brother's house to help him get his car from the shop.

On my way there, I saw a few signs which stirred my interests, 411th Family day. Well there are two units in the region IDed as the 411th, One and Engineer Battalion and the other a Civil Affairs Unit which I had belonged to. On my way to my brother's home, I pass a car and driver I recognized, a quick call on the cell phone and I knew I was headed to the 411th Family day at the military recreation area this afternoon.

Brother delivered to his car and I arrived at the family day picnic. Saw a few folks i recognized and passed a few pleasantries with them, a few were surprised at my appearance, Since starting training for the marathon I've dropped substantial weight. But still it was good to see the few I recognized. had a couple of burger's some beans a few cookies two sodas and a piece of cake while there. and even was able to ask one of the Gentlemen I know if he might be able to take care of 10 donation requests for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for me. He was able to oblige me and I can't thank him enough.

Got home about 2:30 in the afternoon read a couple of email's made a few posts in a forums on the computer systems and took a nap from about 4 to 6 PM. Um I guess I was tired. Well that brings me up to date and the minute to posting on the blog today.

Next enteries won't be as long winded and I'll honestly try to add some pictures.

Have a safe weekend.
Cheers and Prosit Alles!


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