Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday's Foolishness & Follies

Good day everyone, Fridays are fun days for most because they start the weekend for many people for Observant Jews and Muslims the Sabath starts at sunset and that should be a time of joy. And for us Ne'erdo Wells, Lie-abouts and Jokers its a time to party. If we so choose.

Well a couple of none foolish moments before resumption of merriment and mayhem.
Fisher House is a Charity which supports wounded military personnel of the U.S. Armed Forces. I support its efforts and a young lady is going a few steps more to support it as well. She'll be running in the Marine Corps Marathon as a fund raiser for the Fish Houses and I would like to ask you to support her as well. Could you please check out the following web site and make a small donation there too.

A few dollars will help a lot of people. Just a few less cigarettes if you smoke, a couple of fewer beers if you drink, a few miles less driven even. All those minor sacrifices can mean so much more for those who've been wounded and injured serving in the Armed forces.

And there is the charity I'm supporting as well which can be linked from the column to the left. Thank you.

OK, merriment and mayhem! Let the frivolity start!

Marathon training; Oh yeah, oh boy, its fun, its what?!, Its 3AM?! What the hell am I doing getting up at 3 AM inorder to train for a marathon I must be nuts! Well i guess I am as the flickr photos of the Red Dress run a few months back should of proven.

Still I was awake at 03:00 and at 03:45 running down the road again and I'm flirting with Disaster, Oh wait wrong song. Still after 2 hours, 47 minutes, 42.49 seconds I found my self back where I started my short morning run of 15.6 miles. Back on the road again, turn the page. But all is not serious training and self abuse during the dark early hours. There are few travelers upon the roads and I'm probably the only runner. Yet I'll see things the drivers will miss. The moon setting over the hills where you can catch a few fleeting glimpses of it through the trees on the ridgeline before it falls below the hill. The Sun rising Gold and Glorious or Red and Foreboding of coming showers or storms. You get to hear things too if you listen. The choruses of Frogs in the ponds, Slap of your own foot fall marking time and distance, breeze rustling leaves, the bark of a dog disturb from its slumber by your run.

So while most people who consider themselves sane might never get up before the farmer and the milk man, they miss some things of life too.

So wheres the foolishness and follies? Its in not taking the opprotunity to do or try something different. Enjoy life, feel you blood flow & maybe your feet ache,
but theres more than watching TV or reading my missives in this blog.

Oh yeah yesterday was supposed to be a relaxed day, so I only ran 2 miles before going to the VA Hospital for Fasting Blood Work, I wonder how those results will screw with the Doctor's head and how she reads my files. Bwahahahaha.

Cheers & Prosit Alles, Have a great weekend, I'm probably off to the rockland Irish Feis on Sunday!


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