Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I've been drinking and am bored

Yeah I've been drinking, Belgian Brews; fairly potent stuff too.
Well so far today I've been to the gym and a few websites I occasionally act trollishly upon, but usually have fun with.

Well next week I resume bag pipe practice and see what transpires, March is over April is swinging in and hopefully spring will start warming us up. I may run in the NURD later this season. I just need to get a red skirt that fits and viola coupled witha red T-shirt I've a red dress for the red dress run.

The Red Dress Run is a hash event started on the left coast, most Hashes use it as a means of charitable activity for their area, also its fun and funny. Everyone involved wears a red dress regardless of gender. So the giggles & shits factor is high. The one I am comtemplating is the Halve Mein Hashes' run in May. I should contact Wendy and see if she's up to it if for no other reason than a good laugh or to aid in the raising of some coin to a good cause.

OK enough drunken foolishness for tonight. Cheers & prosit you Sots.


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