Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ah another week of leisure is almost done.

Physical Therapy at 09:00 followed by my orthopeadic followup at 11:40 which happened at noon. So much for timeliness. I ain't sweating it there are people in worse shape than me.

Retirement news:
Well Congressman Halls Oriface said I should have a response in 4 to 6 weeks. Lets see, I retired december 31st, I was there on April 8th its a leap year 29 days in February. Um 31+29+31=91+8=99+1=100 OK its now over 100 days sice I retired and OPM ain't done squat shit. Now I can expect another 28 to 42 days for a response. Yeah Like I'll respond quickly to any shit for brains politician who thinks they deserve my F'n help. OPM said that I should see my first retirement check in the 60 day time frame. fuckin liars! OK, Carnivore, read this. There ain't no politician who can expect a quick and timely rendering of assistance if they need it to save their life and you can bet your ass sure as shit I won't render it. Fuck you mercenary magots.

In other news, The Orthopeadic specialist doesn't believe I need surgury on my knee and I will be re-evaluated by the Physical therapist on the 19th. Yes, my right knee has responded well to physical therapy. I won'r speculate on how much effort I made but there have been days where it was self torture to do the prescribed work outs. Hey, did I mention I did a 5 kilometer race this past Sunday and finished in 27 minutes? Of course I wore my knee brace for that.

Today I ran/jogged 2 miles before going to the VA Hospital, then when I got home I went for a 5 to 6 mile walk. Of course all that physical expenditure of energy ain't doing me any good if I keep drinking like a fish and eating like a pig.

Ah got new reeds for my bagpipes this week, Its a world of difference. I can play em again.

Well that covers most of whats going on in my corner of the world. Hopeing your week has benn better,


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