Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday the last day of November, 2008

Well Novemeber ends tonight and December starts. Come December 31st, 2007 My retirement became official and I can celebrate with the end of the year.

But how have I spent the past 11 months?, More of it seems to have been spent in training for the Marine Corps Marathon or Physical Therapy than anything else. But thats just my impression. I do know theres been more to the past year. Between seeing my brothers, cousins, and friends. Saying till we meet again as one went off to Iraq and I departed the NY Hudson Valley Region. And while here in Mississippi i travel to Alabama yesterday and partook in a half marathon, and I've been removing a dead & dying ornamental tree from my parents' front yard the brush pile is considerably smaller than expected but I also spent a few hours struggling valiently to make it small and managable too.

Still the weather here is nicer than NY was for the most part as the temepratures are much more moderate. I'll miss the snow alittle but not shoveling it. Still it'll be interesting to watch the southern drivers deal with inclement weather. Most have no clue how to drive safely when the weather turns sour. Just check your computers and see what happens in Atlanta GA for proof of that statement whenever they get a touch of snow there.

No I'm not pining for snow, sleet or freezing rain; I dealt with it for all too long.

Well in a short while I'll go down by the beachfront with my bagpipes and practice a little. Is nice to feel the breeze blowing over the entrance to Biloxi Bay and the temperature is as you may experience with a mild fall or spring day.

But its not all fun and games, while I'm visiting my Parents I'm taking care of the harder work they can't do for them selves and also I'll be plotting my next trip. Tarpon Springs Florida is most likely my next stop.

Well Since I'm nor inclined to really plan out my future activites for now I'll just do the chores that need doing. Get some running in as Mom tends to over feed me whenever I visit and give some considerations to my next move.

Have a safe December everyone and think about who is important in your lives. Care for them as you can even if they tend to drive you a little crazy and be happy for your time with them.



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