Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Marine Corps Marathon, 26 Oct 08

Just one of me running in the Marine Corps Marathon.
About 70 degrees and Sunny in DC on Sunday October 26th, 2008.

Don't know what the mile marker was but it the humidity had dropped to the point where the sweat was evaporating fast.

Otherwise Happy veterans Day, 2008.

Ah life is interesting, I will be getting my van back on the road on wednesday the 12th after having a major tranny failure this past Friday. then its rush to move final bits into storage before my pilgrimage to Mississippi.

As today is Veterans day, I'll ask you to just take a moment and reflect upon what it truely means to you, yourself. and how your life may be different today if not for the sacrifices of others.

Also in regards to veterans day, Joe Brady Sr. lead a small contingent of his students to the NY State Veterans Home in Montross NY. to play for the Veterans and their families there. Mr. Brady thank you for providing me with an opprotunity to play for the veterans there.

Well back to the grind stone so to speak, I've a few items to box up and prepare for departure by next weekend.

Have a safe week everyone.


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