Thursday, November 27, 2008

Homeless and care free.

Strange title, Homeless and care free. But a little truthful too. I'm free from my previous address and am traveling about the U.S. This week for Thanksgiving I'm in Mississippi visiting with my parents and will be in the region for another week or so.

Tomorrow, Schwartz Fritag, Black Friday, I am not going shopping. Lord no I do not want to nor do I need to go into that madness. If I do purchase anything it shall be bar and chain oil for my small chainsaw so I can remove an ornamental tree in my parent's front yard. It was damaged by Hurricane Katrina and never fully recoverd.

But as for being homeless, I'm without a roof of my own but that doesn't mean I'm without friends or shelter. Care free meaning I've consolidated and controlled my bills. Thus I can live frugally as I travel about. One plus of the poor economy is the drop in the cost of fuel. So I'll enjoy that while I can.

As for immediate plans and activities. There is a 1/2 marathon being held Saturday the 29th in Orange Beach, Alabama. Thats 100 miles from where I am today and might be interesting to try. Otherwise for today a simple run along the local roads and practicing with my bagpipes on the nearby beach front.

To my friends up in NY, I hope you've all have had a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving. Stay warm and take things easy.


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