Saturday, February 16, 2008

High & lowlights of the week.

Hmmm, where to begin? Lets start with the highs, I have finally gotten a start on purging my apartment of the flotsam and jetsam of life. A small start but still a start. I'm not an overly religous person. I do feel that there is a supreme diety, but as to what methods of worship? well that is upon the individual. Still churches, regardless of denomination, synagoues, temples, mosques all serve a purpose; and some have thrift shops to help earn a small income for the organization. Well I've started taking some of my effects to a local church which I'm not a member of for their thrift shop. Why? Well they have a thrift shop with posted hours for one, and I'm not too concerned as towards how my donations are used to aid the community for two.

Sure I'd like to sell some items outright and make some spare change for my self, hey its the capitalist way. But either some folks don't want to pay what I'm asking or they want something more elaborate than what I've got for the price. Funny thing is I've offered to delivery the stuff free of additional cost within a specific area. Well since I apparently am not going to sell it, I'll let the church do its best.

Surprisingly when I delivered several shelving units to the church, it was as if I provided them with the high point of the week. That qualifies for a high point, even if it wasn't directly for me.

Today, is Saturday This morning I worked out for about an hour and 20 minutes. So thats a high point. Then this afternoon I also went up to my brother's place to put some items within his barn. After that he said he was having a problem with his old truck. The description sounded like an alignment issue so we jacked up the front and looked to see what may be loose broken or bent. Well the tierod ends were loose, and this with just 4000 miles of use for the year and after being professionally aligned by a registered repair shop. How loose? Well no effort was required to loosen the castleated nuts from the posts on either side. We retorques the tie rods to 80 foot pound and my brother took the truck for a test ride. When he returned he was reasonably happy and said the problem seems to be resolved. So that is another high for the week.

Lows, I'm trying to get a referal to the Orthopeadist for a knee injury, I'm still waiting to hear from the Dr's office when I can A) get an X-ray of the involved joint, B) see the Dr. to get her opinion, and C) Try to get organized and packed up so I can travel about the nation a little bit before it becomes to expensive to use modern conveyances.

Another Low, A gentleman I've known and joked with, passed away suddenly from a heart attack. He always had a good humor about himself and will be sorely missed, both by his wife and friends.

Well, that about covers it for the week. Nothing earth shattering or soul wrenching really, just the nuts and bolts of every day life. Also I've talked to my cousin who is leaving for a war zone soon, hopefully I'll see him for a short time before he goes off and I'll leave things at that.

Tomorrow, I hope to go to a motorcycle event locally, but if I don't get there, well it ain't the end of the world; There are more important things thanmotorcycles, cars, trucks, boats and recreation. Family comes to the top of that list. Well I'll wish you the reader well and go about my life. Have a safe, easy week and allow yourself time to travel on the highways and byways safely.

Cheers, Q

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