Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday's shenanigans report.

Fun with languages and interpetations, running, running amok, running loose and other bits of entertainment.

Have you ever paid attention to Andy Rooney on 60 minutes? Well I'm no Andy Rooney, but; Have you ever noticed....

The music industry and broadcast radio. The big chain stations all seem to have the same limited repetitions of dull songs? NPR isn't too much better but between those two extremes fall the Independent and College radio stations. Perhaps my current favorite may not entice you but Fordham University's WFUV out of NYC has some of the most eclectic programing you'll find and is entertaining to say the least. By listening to the independent stations I fing a better genre of music and new stuff actually worth lending an ear too. Its 90.7FM if you are with in range of NYC and on the net too. I think that can be found under but I may be wrong.
Irish music on Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons. occasionally you may get a polka but Jimmy Sturr probably never.

Running Amok, well I'm actually tamer than I like to think I am, still I do get out from time to time and have some fun in different ways. This past week I scored two complimentary tickets to the NY Ren Faire in Tuxedo, NY. How'd I do that? Well Leaky Lena helped. Its a convesation piece though and some fun to run down the road from time to time. It just requires a significantly different set of skills to operate safely as its built along some old design criteria and is a kick start only vehicle, Motorcycle and Sidecar. But it won a plaque again at a cruise night.

Running; Oh no not again! Oh yes still.
Well depending upon how you recon the weeks or track events; to day is either the last day of the week of the first or the second. Regardless of how you recon a week the log book I am using to record my training for the upcomming Marine Corps Marathon show today as the last day of the week.

Today was also my longest run to date, not significantly more than my previous ;long run but still longer at 18 miles in 3 hours, 24 minutes and 44.64 seconds (it may of been faster but I stopped for a couple of potty breaks I could use other phrasing but I don't know if young children are reading this).

Still I started before dawn, attempted to run in a safe fashion and did my best Forest Gump impersonation. Along the way I spooked a deer, listened to the frog and other animals warming up for the morning's choral rehearsal, watched the stars fade the sky lighten and brighten and even caught glimmers of the sun rise over the mists and fog of the valley. Even saw a small bird with a yellow back and brown wings flitter about before heading nito the woods.

As for the statistics keepers, here comes the break down;
04 Aug, 6.6 miles @ 1:10:54.00
05 Aug, 3.5 miles / 2 @ 00:17:40.00 and a 1.5 mile slow jog.
06 Aug, 10.0 miles @ 1:52:36.09
07 Aug, 3.3 miles @ 00:34:02.64
08 Aug, 6.76 miles @ 01:13:37.40
09 Aug, 2.0 @ 00:20:38.21
10 Aug, 18.0 @ 03:24:44.64
Total miles 50.16. total time recorded 8:54:12.98
So if you need an idea of the time I've been investing, Well almost 9 hours just running this past week not counting other related bits of exercise. Hmmmm some steroids and lots of Gym time and Charles Atlas eat your heart out. Nope that ain't gonna happen. I don't need the drugs to enhance performance. Just give me beer.

I'm gonna be wearing my kilt more often; Ahhh freedom! hehehehe
Yeah I'm retired, and I'm not gonna wear Bermuda shorts, I'm just gonna have fun.

Maybe photos later, but now its nap time as I'm still recovering from my 18 mile run and its now noon time. But later, well we'll see what later brings.

have a safe day everyone.

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