Friday, August 15, 2008

Good Morning from Pike County.

Started the day early, well earlier than many people by waking up at 3:30 AM. So far today I've run 6.6 miles, fed watered and walked two dogs, took a relaxing hot soak for the legs and annoyed a bunch of folks with computerized mayhem.

Started on my run this morning by walking out to the paved roadway. The one infront of where I'm staying this weekend could be improved by either carpet bombing or a directed fire mission. I won't say the dirt road is cratered, but you migh be able to hid Judge Crater's body in one of the holes, if anyone can ever find his body.
Well the walk brings me past a beaver pond with the early morning chorus of croaking frogs. The skys occasionally lit by a flash of lightening off on the horizon and the stars overhead.

Well once at the main road I set my stop watch and off I go. keeping well to the shoulder of the road as speed limits and safe driving seem to be optional at the begining of the 5th hour of the day. Still I did OK and completer 6.6 miles in 1hour and 10 minutes. Not blazing speed but when visibility is limited and you can't see where your feet are landing its a strong pace.

After the run I changed from my running shoes to an old pair of sneakers and took my brother's two mutant puppies for a walk also lasting nearly an hour. I'd take them on a longer walk but since I'm still covered in sweat after my run and the moring is relatively cool; Its long enough for me, if not the dogs. So they are fed, watered and allowed freedom of the penned yard while I attend to my abulations and breakfast.

So from 3:30 Am till 8:00Am I've probably done and seen things more people may only experience in a theatre, still they are my experiences, the smells, the coolness of the air, the startling of the Police Officer setting out speed monitors in the 2&1/2 weeks before school starts so that the LEOS can justify selective enforceemnt times.

Yepper I know where the speed traps are going to be. But I ain't telling.

Ok thats all for this morning, I've a old style motorcycle minus the sidecar to deliver to the shop about noon time so they can start rectifing the Exxon Valdez syndrome (oil leak) afflicting it.

have a good day all.


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