Tuesday, March 18, 2008

After St. Paddy's Day.

So last night you went out to whoop it up and today you'll be paying the piper because you over indulged. I won't offer my cures for curing the Hangover or silencing the Katzenjammer. i won't even commiserate with you. I've seen too many stupid drunks in my time and I don't need to emulate them.

So what did I do on St. Paddy's Day? I took and easy day, no strenuous physical effort had a few beers and played with my bagpipes. I'm not as good a piper as I'd like to be; between carpal tunnel and bad circulation in the hands. But I will make the effort and try.

As for what I'm doing today, well my plans of traveling the U.S. a bit have taken a back seat. I start Physical Therapy for a knee injury. I wear an Ace bandage to support the knee when i go jogging but there was a point where i couldn't jog let alone walk up & down stairs without almost debilitating physical pain. But I'll try PT before surgery every time.

So for those of you who controled your beverage consuming ways for St. Paddy's Day; Welcome to my open club. And those of you who've over imbibed. OK kiddies, yeah the neighbors kids who play garage rock loudly and badly. Feel free to practice in my front yard till i return from PT, then go back to your garage you little Montebanks.

But if you are still hazy and bleary eyed to realize what I'm suggesting. Don't worry the bad taste in your mouth and the green hair that won't wash out will be a longer reminder not to over do it.

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