Saturday, February 7, 2009

The the february madness begins.

Kat said...
Hi Q! Welcome back to the "real" weather!!

February 6, 2009 3:48 PM

Ah yes, the real weather; Its real alright, real cold. Four degrees farenheit this morning as I took one nephew off to the bus for Wrestling. Divisionals are being held I believe. But for a person who has had cold weather related injuries in the past, 4 degrees can be brutal.

So as time goes on I'm doing different things to keep occupied while waiting for my Appointments at the VA hospital. Doing web research a local Volunteer Fire Department on courses available through the Department of Environmental Conservation and US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, for the upcoming brush fire season.
Small engine services and brake repair on my brothers' various bits of equipment.

I'm also allowing time for myself to practice with my bagpipes but the low humidity can play hell with the connections for the wood. Any wooden instrument will change tonal quality when exposed to large variations in temperature and humidity. Violins, Guitars, Pianos, Drums and many others to some degree or another are affected. Thats why when President Obama's inauguration was televised although you saw the musicians playing their instruments what you heard was recorded earlier for later broadcast.

Even the world's best musicians can be undone by bad weather's effects upon their tools.

So today, 7 Feb, 09 started early enough at 4:30 am. Thats just when I woke up. at 5:30 I woke my one nephew for his trip to the Divisionals for wrestling and was back at my brother's home by 6:30 am. this morning I'll take care of some simple chores and hopefully it'll warm into the 20's atleast as I do want to get a run in outdoors today if I can.

Other than that I'm acting domesticated; assisting with getting my nephews off to sports practices, doing laundry, moving snow. And staying occupied to some degree or another.

As for St. Patricks Day in March, hmmm maybe I'll be some where green but not where the green beers flow.

Have a good weekend all.


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