Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Post St. Patrick's Day Commentary and some other stuff.

Nope it ain't about the St. patrick's day 10K and me running it in a Kilt. This is just the other stuff. I ran a 6.2 mile race on Sunday and finished in 56:04. Not too shabby for a some one who ran in a men's skirt called a kilt.

Well now the actual day, March 17th, has passed and most of the Corned Beef and Cabbage has been put away till a few summer Celtic festivals come about. Trust me that isn't a bad thing.

St. Patrick's day has become bigger and more commercial each year, Oh yes, the Irish themed bars do a booming business and Everyone has some fun on the day. But like many holidays we should remember the underlying purpose. To celebrate the diversity which has come together and made this country a place where almost anyone can strive to lofty goals and ideals.

Oh don't get me wrong I enjoy my pint of Guinness and other beverages as well as ethnic foods. But too many fools make the day a day of drunken stupidity and that isn't what the day should be about. Just as Christmas should not be about the toys and the Fourth of July should not be about fireworks, or Thanksgiving has become the feast before Christmas shopping.

Well, I can not deny I do enjoy some of the Kitschness of St. Patrick's Day. and part take in various activities leading to the day. But we should remember that while its is a day of revelry now; There was also a time of discrimination and hostility to the Irish every bit as bad as was and is expressed towards other minority populations.

So now while many people are sorting out their day after the night before nursing a hangover or feeling bloated from too much gassy food. Maybe now it a time to be thankful for the previous waves of immigrants who worked against discrimination and for full acceptance in America.

Still, remember we do need to enjoy ourselves and be able to make fun of ourselves as well. So maybe the mockery the formerly religious holiday has become isn't too much of a bad thing either and falling during the seriousness of the Lenten Season for Catholics, the holiday allows time to relax and revel a bit before going back to work in all seriousness during these troubling times or economic down turns, wars and uncertainties.

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