Monday, January 12, 2009

Sleepless in Tarpon Springs, organizing my thoughts in the wee hours.

January 12, 2009, 02:50 AM, Sleep escapes me.

Yes, 02:50 AM and I'm awake now. I awoke at 02:00 after about 5 hours of sleep and couldn't drift back off. There is much I'll be doing over the next week and a half and its running through my head over and over about what I would like to accomplish.

Well what have I don in the past week? So litle and so much less. Sunday, January 4th I took my parents back to MS. and suffered my father well. Needless to say doing things his way as he insisted all I took with to MS, was a simple travel kit and the clothes upon my back. Oh I've could of brough a change of clothes and running shoes with me I'm certain but as he was going to load the car and do it his way there was limited room to carry much of any thing else.

How to describe it? Well for himself there was 1 large suit case and a garment bag, My mother had a small suitcase and the there were the winter coats and jackets on the left rear passenger seat of the small sedan. So I left my small duffle with a couple of changes of clothes in Fla and went with the clothes on my back. As he did want to force anything extra into the trunk, not that he would atempt to move anything to fit it into a tighter space. He sees only one way to do anything and that is the way it must be done.

Well I've had my fill of my father for the remainder of the year, I want to forget the past few weeks and it shall take me a while to do so. On thing I had considered was looking into either renting or purchasing a small home near my parents so that I could look in on them from time to time and check that they are OK. But I'm scrapping that plan; I don't need, want or desire the psychological abuse my father will place upon me. I refuse to do things his single bloody minded way. Where he'll break my back to achieve his goals in the cheapest possible way. It's just like when we went to purchase a TV set to replace an old one which failed. He wouldn't consider a 26 inch LCD flat screen HDTV weighing 17 pounds (8.5 kilos) as it was more money than he wanted to spend. So he purchased a 27 inch flat panel TV weighinh 88.2 pounds (44 Kilos) which he was no help with. He couldn't steady the shopping cart the Walmart Imbicles placed the TV in when I went to unload it into the back of my van while I unloaded it into my van; I asked for a warehouse flat truck to move the TV with because of it's dimensions and weight. Fuck Walmart and any fuck headed asshole who wants to be associated with the culture of ignorance.

Well the Old man has his 88.2 pound less expensive traditional screen TV and has seen the last of me for at least a year or more. I've had my fill of his ways. Anger issues? Um yes, why do you ask? Aside from using this to vent my frustrations its also a safer way of doing so.

So what else has occured over the past week? I was almost killed by a driver who blew through a redlight and made a left turn infront of me while I was on my motorcycle. I I thanked the stupid cow very nicely for trying to kill me. I can wait to get out of the greater Tampa area. This place is a bipedal recreation of a experiment done with rats some years ago. The rats where allowed all the food they wanted, the ability to breed without controls and no room for their populations to expand. Well the rats started to go insane. This palace is like a cage full of insane rats and no-one is considering that their behaviors aren't heling the situation.

I've purchased new running shoes, Had to as the old ones were worn heavily. I've worn the heels down to where the softer cushioned layer was exposed. May 24th will mark a year of running and I've covered 1184 miles thus far; with running 330 miles since the marathon in October.

Running with animals; no not dogs, just animals: Very often when i go running in the morning I'll startle animals along my route and they'll run trying to move away from me. Its funny inthat some times their chosen escape route parralels my direction of travel. So I'll have O'possums running in a drainage ditch alongside where I'm running they'll look back up at me and redouble their efforst to get away by trying to out run me in the same direction I'm running. That seems the most comical. I've had rabbits and skunks do the same as well. As for the deer that are about locally. Well they've keyed on me and have totally ignored the dogs being walked on leash closer to them. Again it amusing to watch them scramble to get away. As for comic relief the local farm & feral cats probably do it best. I've watched them dive into drainage culverts and then pop up and dart back in to the pipes till I pass.

Well putting my thoughts into words seems to have a tonic effect and I'm relaxing more now and may be able to drift off for some more sleep shortly. As for today though I'll be heading for Key West later this morning. I'll drag along my sailboat and hopefully use it for a few days out of the Ney West NAS, recreation area. While my parents where here in Fla, I just needed to escape the oppressive atmosphere that seemed to pervade where ever my father was and just spent hours at the beach or Starbucks. Ok I did have my bagpipes or practice chanters with me for other diversions but still it wasn't the way I'll spend my Christmas & New Years Holidays next year.

Final entry for this morning and then I'm done; I promise.

Sunday I helped my cousin and his neighbor hang some huge air plants into an old oak tree. We had to employ ropes and pullies arranged into a 5 to1 hoisting system to get the plants into the crooks of the tree limbs. Hard work but finished satifactorly none the less. So yes, I've accomplish some work I'm proud of and that helps the mind set.

Well good day all, have a safe and easy week.


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