Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day, Sept First.

Well, I haven't been here since Friday, Augut 29th, so I guess some fill in is in order.

Still running and preparing for the Marine Corps Marathon. Some days I feel like the prep work is all consuming although I know it isn't. Still that more that not seems to be a focal point of what I've been doing, and I know I'm more than that.

Friday night was the West Point Home opener for Foot Ball Season. I stopped at a local watering hole and saw a person I've know for years but again doesn't live locally and stopped & chatted him and his significant other up. I had been out just screwing around and walked in wearing one of my Kilts. Funny the reaction I get sometimes when people realize I'm wearing basicly a man's skirt. Still I had my bagpipes out in the van and those where what I was screwing around with.

Saturday, became a rest day and I did not run a lick. Went up to Popolopen Lake though and practiced my bagpiping for a while befor heading to a local watering hole for a few more beers and then heading home for the night.

Sunday, was a good morning to run and I did 7 miles. Later on Sunday I took the motorcycle out for a joyride and ended up in Cold Spring, NY followed by a run down to Garrison. Garrison was nice in that I reconnected with a few guys from Guinnan's Pub/Store even though now its only a foot note in the history of the area. Quiet Bill turned 49 and there was a small B day party for hime. I already had my beer limit for the day but did allow myself a single glass of champagnie. Bill, Tony Y and Niel were there , one of the things we also did that evening was manhand Neil's boat into a slip, as he came in at low tide and didn't have clearance to enter his usual slip. So all said and done a good evening.

Today, Labor Day, 1 Sept, 2008. I started with a 12 mile run from home along main st to Thayer Gate, through West Point out Washington Gate up to the Golf Course entrance and returned along the same route. Later in the morning I again donned my Kilt and headed down to Tuxedo NY for the Ren fair again. Although it was a rather warm day it wasn't overly offensive. But still the heat did get to me and I and my older brother departed the grounds about 5:30 PM (17:30 hrs).

While at the Ren Faire We took in a few different shows, The Dexter Tripp Thrill show, The gentleman who performs juggles a chain saw, that does have a functional cutting chain and it runs while he's juggling it. Plays with Fire and performs on the Slack Rope, similar in concept to a tight rope but different. Also watch a trio perform blowing Fire balls, a couple of musical acts and a small troupe of actors making a mockery of the Ren Faire and them selves. All & all a pleasant experience.

Well that should pretty much cover the fun stuff. The less than fun well, what can I say. My Mother and father live on the Gulf Coast and watching the forecasted track of Hurricane Gustav a prudent person would consider adjusting appointments and evacuation. Well My Father is stubborn enough to make me seem like the most pliable person on the planet. He wasn't leaving this time as he's got a Doctor's appointment on tuesday the 2nd of Sept. Not that he would make a phone call to the office to see if the Doctor and Staff are making emergency preparations and plans. Well I'll give em a call in a little bit and check up upon them but hopefully they'll just get the rains and no severe winds. A telephone call to them will be in order shortly and I find out how they are making out.

Thats pretty much it for now, I hope everone has had a safe and easy labor Day weekend. No traumas and dramas; Still have a easy night and safe week.


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