Monday, September 22, 2008

Photos from Sunday in Garrison

Due to slow loading times and speed, I'll add to this later.

Monday Morning's Meandering Mindset.

Well the past few days have been busy, enjoyable, unenjoyable, real and surreal. Where and when to start today's entries might be difficult to pin down; the equivalent of nailing a jelly fish to a wall. It just isn't gonna stay where you put it.

Ok so I guess a chronological entry would work if I had remember to take proper notes. But as I'm relying upon memory, you may be in for a disjointed ramble of mis remembered thoughts and impression.

Thursday, 18 Sept, started with letting my landlady's prisoners (dogs) out for a few moments while I prepared them some food and fresh water. Fed them and chased them out side for a while. These dogs all seem to prefer remaining indoors and one is a puppy not yet fully house broken. Well after they are back in I'm off on a 3.3 mile run. Then after that its just a matter of preparing for the day and relaxing through it.

Friday, 19th, Did not run that day at all. Instead I traveled to my brother's home in Dutchess County and performed yard work with him pretty much all day. Got there shortly after 8AM (08:00) and depparted about 8PM (20:00). Burned a brush pile, cut back weeds, cut down a tree which was sectioned for firewood, threw weed cuttings and unusable sections of the tree onto the brush pile, picked up fallen limbs and branches added them to the brush pile. By 6PM (18:00) we had a mound of ash and coals nearly 3 feet (1 meter) in height and roughly 6 feet (2 Meters) across which would be producing a quantity of heat through the nigh. Decaying logs with a high moisture content take a long time to burn. Dinner was pizza about 7PM (19:00) and I departed just after 8PM (20:00) for home. Friday night arriving at was ominous. The land lady's front light was on car in the driveway and nobody home.

Saturday 20, I awoke to Opera, No not my radio set to a classical station. But my land lady entertaining her boyfriend. They were in full production of the Lustful Opera complete with horizontal rabbit dance, bed spring and bed bounce orchestral overtures and estactic arias. I couldn't get dressed and out fast enough. Went to Thomas Bull Park and partook of a 5K (3.1 mi) race finishing 39th overall in 26:13
As it was a warm & sunny day, and I was playing around having a fun time annoying the other runners, I'll be happy with my time. Hey, when you start running backwards and yell at the folks chasing they had better keep up with a Grandmother you had a hard time catching and passing, You know you aren't running seriously. Still I had fun filling out the forms and playing with the pencils on the group W bench too.
Still I did help one runner to finish in 27 minutes and he was hoping for a 29 minute finish so I guess I wasn't too unruly.

After the race I went to Frank's Shoe Fitting in Middletown NY. Now Frank is a current Guinness Book record holder for Transcontinetal runs of the lower 48. It looks as if this year his record shall be broken by a couple of folks who have run across the top of Africa through the Sahara Desert. He's also provided the guys currently making the attempt with some background as for how he did it and is supportive of their efforts and that is the type of person Frank is.

Saturday afternoon, home quick shower frsh clothes rinse out my running atire and hang out to dry and out I go for the day. Since its a FootBall Saturday on Campus, ARMY vs Akron, staying in the village is not a likely option so I head across the river. Cold Spring is a weekend tourist destination so up river to Beacon I go to a small hole in the wall bar. Plug for Sam Adams Lager, OK plug done. So I'm sitting at the bar and I hear a voice I recognize. I look down to the end and yes, some one I know who I haddn't seen in numerous moths. Open mouth make comment; Well I watched the jaw drop and light bulb come on on this one. Even the Bartender whom I've never met before is sratching his head thinking What the ____? But to make a long sory readable A fellow I know from another Bar and through my older brother was srpised as can be to see me and didn't recognize me. It might of been the sun glasses but probably the weight lost by training to run in a marathon.

Saturday night and thers a party going on to which I'm not a guest nor party of so back out to another bar. Met witha few folks from the WTU/Warrior Transition Unit assigned to West Point had a few stories with them purchesed them a Pithcer of beer and headed home hopefully to sleep.

Sunday Morning. Ahh quietude, nope. Commence the Opera, Oh well. check some e-mails and out the door with a change of clothes and off to Round Pond I go. Its a comfortable sunny morning and I run 6 laps around Round Pond. That makes for about 5 miles following which I go into the Camp Grounds bath house, Shower and next door to throw my stuff into the laundry. About noontime (12:00) my laundry is done and I've tooled around with some bagpiping items and am on my way to the service station to fuel my van grab some snacks and go over to Garrison NY.

The Garrison Yatch Club is hosting a small band, The Shanghie String Band; OK I'm not sure if that is the correct spelling but they are a good Blue Grass Sound. But prior to them performing I help Neil and another Yatch Club member set up for the performers. After set up and everthing is in place I practice with the Great Highland Bagpipes on the Garrison Docks for a bit and then put my pipes away I'm just a simple unpolished performer and I want to listen to the band as it is not perform with them.

Later in the Evening Captain Tom Whyte arrives with a WWII vintage PT Boat from Fleet Obsolete, Which has been repowere with 2 detroit diesels as opposed to the 3 Allison gasoline powered Aircraft Engines which it would have used in the 1940s Still it was a fun ride, and I'm impressed with how small the old surface combatant truely was.

Late into the evening I helped Neil put some items away and call it a night.

Monday Morning the 22nd of September; Opera Again at 5AM Oh well I guess I can always post in the Blog.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday's wanton self abuse, well run and weekly update.

Ah Wednesday, Hump Day, Mit Woche, the middle of the week; and whats a confirmed lunatic to do? well after going for a very early morning run and taking a mid morning nap its back to eating like a teenager. < I hear the dieticians screaming Clairese. >

Seriously I've ran starting at 04:00 local time for 22 miles in a total time of 4 hours and 32 minutes. Not world record speed but for a person who is preparing for a first marathon, I think its pretty good. But that wasn't my goal. I'm running the long distance too fast. My goal was to run for a time of 5 hours minimum. The problem is I've no sense of speed and time. I just go and go and go.

Well aside from my morning run and eating like a teenager what have I done? Hmmm loaded question there.

Monday, Sept 15th. I did a 13 mile run out to Fire Station 3 on Rt 293, back down hill into west Point through washington Gate, through central Area, the Village of Highland Falls and Back home. Then later on Monday a nice 125 mile motorcycle ride using only 2.3 gallons of fuel, made a couple of social calls, gave a personal thank you to a donor to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (remember I'm doing the running as a fund raiser?) and returned home via a circuitous route running through Pine island and Warwick, NY. OK the ride may not of been neccessary but I needed a diversion. Then after I got home I let Sharon's (my landlady) Dogs out, fed them and watered them, while she's at work this week. They are low maintenance dogs and usually kept indoors; One is a rat with a PHD, another is a weasel and the third is a senile geriatic old fool of a dog. Well thats' monday.

Tuesday the 16th. Checked upon the mutts, let them out for a bit before putting them back in their room and heading down to peekskill for my weekly Bagpipe practice. After returning home I again let the mutts out of solitary confinement and looked upon the day. Also I didn't run on Tuesday, being a down day from my 13 mile effort on Monday and the possibility that I would abuse myself with a 20 to 22 mile effort on the 17th depending upon the weather report. Still not a bad day overall. Dinner in preparation for the 17th was Spaghetti with White Clam Suace, Parmesan chees, and gatoraid. I may of wanted a beer, but I didn't need to abuse my kidneys or liver before a extended run.

Wednesday 17 September. My alarm clock is set for 03:00 and I wake up at 02:30, OK the internal alarm is set fast no big deal. Morning abolutions, light breakfast, gatoraid and water, some stretching then out the door for a false start. Go back inside for my ID card for West Point then back out with a actual start time of 04:00.
Left on to Main st. Left on to Satterlee Rd. Right on to Cedar, left onto Villa Parkway, Around Roe Park and past Ruddy's house up onto Mearns Ave and follow that to Mountain Ave. Up Mountain Ave to 9W and past Eagle Valley Cemetary down to the junction of NY's 218 and 293. Left on 293 to 1 mile past the entrance of Fire Break 20 (about 200 meters past the 3.5 mile mark from firestation 3) turn around and head back to fire Station 3. where I stopped and refilled my Camel Back with Gatoraid powder (premeasured at home) and water shake and go. Left toward west Point's Washington Gate, right in the gate (2.5 miles from fire station3 and 5 miles from home) stop for a ID check and on down washington Rd, Cullum Rd, Jefferson Rd, Thayer Extension, Thayer Rd and out Thayer Gate onto Main St. in Highland Falls for the final mile & one half to home.

Stretched threw my sweaty nasty clothes in to the washer, Showered and time for Second breakfast consisting of (be ready to go eeewwwww) a bananna blended with milk and poured over a bowl of Raisun Bran. Let turn to mush and its like having a Raisun Bran & Bananna Pudding. After breakfast walk to the neighbors and get the key to my Landlady's home so I can let the 3 stooges out. They take care of their business I ensure they've got the minimum requirements for the day, return them to solitary confinement take a nap which brings me back to where I started today's entry.

So much for that exercise in circular writings.

Have a safe and easy day. I'll update in a few days. Who knows maybe I'll even run in the Montgomery NY 5K on Saturday the 20th.

Cheers & Prosit Alles!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday segue into the new week

Well soon Sunday shall be over and for many its back to the same old grind. For me it shall be more miles. I've another 20 run to do sometime this week.

But as for today, just a few different things; went over to Carmel NY to partake in a 5K race. Only one of the volunteers to provide direction wasn't in place and about 1/2 mile was eliminated by the entire flock of runners. We prttty much knew something was wrong by the finishing run times. With the heat and humidity of the morning even with my best effort there was no way I would fininsh 3.1 miles in 21 minutes. Still many of us concluded the run was atleast 1/2 mile shy of the correct distance. So much for the First Dan K 5K.

Then this afternoon I fueled my van up. $65 for 1/2 tank, with the damage caused to the oil infrastructure in the south by Hurricane Ike the Bobble-Heads are predicting $5.00 a gallon in the coming weeks.

That was followed by a ride to popolopnen Lake where I practiced bagpiping for a while and then down to Woodbury, had 2 large beers at T.G.I.Fridays and their Pulled Pork BBQ Ravioli appetizers as a dinner. Then to Target for some stuff for Halloween a return trip ti Highland falls, one beer at the South Gate, a ride up to O'Neil High School and a mile &1/2 walk around the track before calling a night.

So that's it for today, It's crash time, good night and a safe week everyone.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The 13th day, are you worried? I'm not.

Comon who's afraid of the 13th day of the month come on raise your hands. Hell, just get up out of the burrows and accept the day. Either your gonna be the lucky Praire Dog the Hawk doesn't catch or you're gonna be road kill. Either way you can't hid from the date on the calendar.

Overly warm and humid this morning. Still I did an easy 3.3 mile run and had opprotunity to converse with another runner for a little bit. Later in the Morning I went to my younger brother's place; he did the preponderance of the work but we got the brake lights functional on his old plow jeep.

After that I came back home went grocery shopping for the week had dinner and then went for a 2&1/2 mile walk.

Now does anyone really think its OK to fly the U.S. Flag 24/7 365 a year without having it illuminated at night as called for in the US Flag Code? Apparently many people in the town of Highlands do. The Hacienda Restaurant and O'Niel High School being the two more blatantly unconcerned about the image they put out. Then there are all the Teachers, Students and Patrons of the establishments who never see whats wrong or even take a minimal action to correct it.

The U.S. flag at the Hacienda taco palace is now supported by the grommet at the top of the fly alone. As for O'Neil High School they fly the U.S. flag unlite 24/7 365 over the Foot Ball field. Well they did untill tonight. That flag now sits folded properly inside the shed behind the bleachers at the Football field. The faculty should find it there, but I wouldn't bet upon it as they never noticed it any other time when they should of.

So what about the 13th? any black cats cross your path, drop and break any mirrors, spill some salt? Don't worry its only superstitions. :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Morning (early day), a rant and some other commentaries.

Yes I do mean early, not for making a post but for starting my day. I been awake since about 04:00 local time.

Yesterday was the seven year aniversary of the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks on NYC, the Pentagon in Virginia, and the Airliner which crashed in Shanksville PA.
Muslim extremists some say, Whabbist taught extremist say others. Islamofascist another term yet used, and still very little from the Moderate Islamic population in dealing with murderous, treacherous, vile sub-human filth whose progenitors should be given retroactive abortions. If Islam is a faith of peace, why aren't there more peacable muslims?

I'm not proposing a glassing over of Mecca, although if some Radical Islamic factions don't de-escalate their positions I wouldn't shed a tear at this point if Medina, Mecca, Tehran, and areas (Pakistani tribal regions) providing support for Al-Qeada became self illuminating glass bottomed funeral pyres. Although the loss of life on the massive scale that would cause is unfathomable, it would ensure at least the likelyhood of extremist attacks on civilian populations is made more remote. As the more pressing concern would be how to contain the Nuclear Armageddon and care for survivors.

This attitude isn't callous indifference for human life. Its callous indifference for those who cheapen human life.

OK Rant is done on to other commentaries;

Today is friday September 12th, 6 weeks and 2 days remaining till the Marine Corps Marathon.

I'm still working on fund raising efforts for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through it's Team in Training Program. Still have to raise almost $1000,oo and am waiting for responses back from the various Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Posts which I've mailed letters off to. I hopefully will start seeing responses this week as many VFW posts shutter operations during the Summer Months of July and August.

Training for the Marathon is coming along well too. I've completed two, Twenty Mile runs. The First one on August 25th and the second one on September 5th. The second one was much easier and relaxed than the first one. Its funny; as for the first 20 mile run I completed that in 3 hours and 52 minutes and the second one in 4 hours and 2 minutes. Yet the second one wasn't as physically punishing as the first effort.
Aside from a slower overall pace the biggest difference was I listened to my choices of music on a MP3 player during my second run. No heavy metal or fast syncopated beats, lots of Folk Music, Celtic and Blue Grass inspired music as well.

As for today, I did a short run of 10 miles. Short relative to the 20 mile distances that is. Started at 05:00 and finished at 06:45. Ran along Main St. to Satterlee, back and around to Roe Park up to Mearns Ave, up to Mountain Ave and along 9W before heading east on 218 and into West Point at Washington Gate Along Washington & Cullum Roads to Jefferson left onto Thayer Mall (formerly Thayer Extension) on to Thayer Rd down to and around Buffalo Soldier Field on Swift Rd. Exiting Thayer Gate onto Main St in the Village of Highland Falls and another 1.65 miles back home. So a nice loop course with a not too insignificant a hill climb thrown in.

Well that pretty much sums up my training for the Marathon this week.

One other thing I did yesterday was go off to a State Park and practice a few tunes on my Bagpipes, As yesterday was September 11, Slow contemplative tunes and funerary aires seemed appropriate. Still the setting was peaceful the waters were protected from the breeze and calm, the clouds dappling the muting the vibrancy of the colors. Even the hikers across the pond from me paused and listened quietly while I practiced. No politicians, no speaches marking or commemorating the day, just a few simple tunes played to the best of my ability.

Have a safe day and weekend everyone.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday aka Hump Day, photos II

my modest flag staff and a 2x3 cotton flag

Wednesday aka Hump Day, photos

Stupid people tricks, Lights on but no one in the bus.

Wednesday aka Hump Day

A h Wednesday, the middle of the normal work week and oft refered to as Hump Day. Well I sort of made it my Hump Day this week as well running wise. Still I'll start with Monday's meanderings and slide through the events.

Monday, after being out and about plus actively running through the weekend after the 20 mile effort on Friday became a slow easy day. I didn't go for any run, although I did go for a 7 mile walk.

As I went walking I was not too surprised by a stupid human trick I observed. Does anyone remember the old School Bus Safety Training and Slogans. Well many automobile drivers do but at least one school bus driver didn't. The driver of a bus either between or after his rounds and before returning his bus to the yard for the day was taking a break; I won't hold that against anyone. But lack of attention to detail should be held against people. The driver forgot to turn off his red flashing warning lights for the discharge of students when he exited his vehicle. Nor did he look back at his vehicle to check any conditions of it. OK so we now have a school bus stopped at the curb Red Flashers activated, Stop Sign panels deployed and traffic stopping at the start of the evening rush hour. Oh yeah, something to get the monday afternoon rush off right. So as I stated I was out walking, only this time I had my digital camera with me. Took three photos of the bus, one of which was a close up of the diver's side windshield clearly showing the lack of driver in the seat. I then went less than 1/8 mile to the bus company's office and suggested they needed to retrain their driver's. The bus company's response was less than commendable "the driver has 30 years experience" my response was even more to the point "I've driven school bus also, and that indicates a lack of awareness and responsibility on the driver's part". Needless to say I let it at that and the bus company shall be left to attend to its concerns; part of which should be retraining drivers.

Still I did complete my seven mile walk on monday with out further incident. I even picked up the parts needed to repair an old flag staff I have and set that about to proudly displaying old glory too.

Tuesday: did a easy 3&1/3 mile run before going down to bagpipe practice. The ride home was reasonably uneventful even during the Thunderstorm. There were a couple of awesome lightening strikes, but no strong winds, just heavy rain and some fog. Later on Tuesday afternoon I went down by the Hudson River just north of South dock on West Point and practiced my bagpiping for a bit before heading home via the local pharmacy. Its faster to run in there to grab a half gallon of milk than the supermarket.

Wednesday, Hump Day and Hump I did too! I went out for a modest run and was feeling good about myself. So instead of taking a route that would of done just 6 miles. I did an 11.7 mile route; One that took me over the top of West Point (once)and down to the Hudson River (twice) before returning me to my starting elevation. Total elevation change from Highest to lowest point 778 feet. My starting elevation 177 feet. So in a very real acceptance of the meaning I humped up over the hill down and back up.

So now I'm just updating the blog and listening to the birds outside before I make my next choice of actions for the day. Bicycle or walk; Bagpipes or practice chanter; Spaghetti w meat sauce or Hamburgers; Beer or wine. Oh decisions decisions.

Now to try and post related photos but I'll post this first.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Just a simple update for Sunday.

Since my last entry was on Wednesday, I'll fillin what I remember for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and today.

Thursday was a slow easy day spent goofing on this computer, grocery shopping at the West Point comissary and maybe a run to the Rite Aid Pharmacy.

Actually i used my bicycle to go to the Commissary , for all that i purchased the basket on the handlebars was sufficent to carry. Yet, I've a couple of bags i can attach to carry a larder load. They shall be useful yet.

Friday, the 5th; Ran 20 miles in the morning anddid much better than the first time I ran that same distance. I didn't expend all my energy on the distance and completed the run in 4 hours, 2 minutes and 13 seconds. Whereas the last time which was the first time I ran 20 miles I collapsed from exhaustion this time I did not. Still I did a few things differently too. I ate a light breakfast before going out and started at 03:40 in the Morning. My first 20 mile effort, I started near 06:00 and finished 3 hoursand 51 minutes later when the Sun was high and the heat was climbing.

So all in all Friday the 5th was a good day. Also in the evening I headed to the Southgate to have a few pints of beer. A couple of reasons for that but the fact I wanted to social ize and have a few beers will suffice. Although there was another compelling reason to leave the apartment as well. I'm not fond of Opera.

Saturday, ran a slow 3 miles around the track, the heat and humidity prior to tropical Storm Hanna was rough. Still I looked as though I had gone swimming when done. 70 degrees, 76% relative humidity and doing so at 07:00 in the morning doesn't make a pleasurable run. I actually ran the air conditioner to dehumidify the apartment on saturday morning and again on Saturday night so I could sleep.

Still Saturday wasn't all running and relaxation. I had also gone to my younger brother's place and mucked about a bit on his jeeep. He's also got a nice garden going and its starting to produce a nice assortment of vegetables too.

Sunday the 7th. Ran 3 miles in the Am and then went to the Charles Ives Center in Danbury CT. for a days' recreation. The danbury AOH had put on their annual Irish fest this weekend from the 5th through the 7th. and I had a nice time there. sat in at the session tent played one tune badly on the pipes and then did an ok job with another tune. After that I just used the practice chanter to didle out a couple of tunes between sets. I don't really like to play in front of people as it is. I'm just a Hack Piper and would rather play for my own enjoyment.

Still I took the long way home tonight. and got in about 1/4 till 11 at night. Its now 11:44/23;44 PM as I type this out ant if it seems some what disjointed i can only blame it on being Tipsy. A nice glow but not quite a full bore drunk either. Still this week I need to practice sobriety for a few days and rest my liver. Not that I drink till I'm drunk. I've just been drinking beer too much lately and need to refrain for a bit.

Ah by the way did I mention that in addition to the B17 I saw earlier this week I also saw what I think was a B25 mitchell bomber as well on Wednesday? Someday when I see such a sight again I'll have my camera with me so that I may document it. Well regardless it was different seeing those old War Birds earlier this week.

Monday I may do a 10 mile run and make Tuesday my rest & recovery day. The reasoning behind that is due to Bagpipe practice on tuesday mornings. I seemto do much better if I haven't gone on a run before going to practice. Well that covers some of the stuff for now. There is more but its late and I need to sleep soon as well.

So good night everyone and have a safe upcoming week.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tuesday's Travels and Wednesday's Walkabout.

Well that seems to be as good a title for this installment as any other I could conjure up. And as I go on some what accurate too.

Tuesday is a travel day for me, if only to the next city south and across the river and back. That is due to it being my normal day to practice Bagpiping with my instructor, Joe Brady Sr. He's good people with patience and tolerance for mangling of music. Well back to traveling, normally it takes about 30 minutes to get to Joes home from mine. Not that day, due to Monday having been a holiday there was more traffic than usual for a tuesday morning. Still I left home earlier than what I would normally and it still took me 50+ minutes to about 12 miles. Not a way to enjoyably start the day.

Well pipe practice is uneventful, I also am now the owner of a frame drum commonly called a Bodhran (pronounced; Bor'on rhymes with moron) so drumming practice has been added to my arsenal of annoying things to do.

After piping and drumming practice I'm off (yeah yeah I know the old line, "in more ways than one") to Danbury Connecticut; to my old Army Reserve Unit. Monthly lunch with the foggies. Well that and to deliver some items. Back in the 1990's While living in Pennsylvania I had decorated my living room with both a U.S. and Army Flag complet on flag staffs, golden fringe trim and spear point finals. Well since I'm dwelling in a small apartment and have a smaller duplicate set sized to my current space I didn't need such a large set and so donated them to the Reserve Unit for their use.

After that it was back over towards Brewster, NY just about a mile in from the CT. border to J&B's Bar-B-Que. Located on U.S.6 its pretty decent. Hey from me decent is high praise when describing food. Especially after years of Combatant Cuisine and Bachelor Chow.

Next stop on the day's agenda, back home to Highland Falls. Take the bike to the welder, and back home other jobs had come up of higher importance, meaning more income for the welder. Not a problem and back home I go.

Since I hadn't run in the morning, now it was time to run. Still 80 degrees farenheit at 17:00 (5PM) and do 5.51 miles from home up around the back corral at Morgan Farm down to Main st. to Thayer gate and back home. time for that run 58min, 54 sec. and after showering and putting away my goodies the day was fairly done.

Still, I did see one thing on Wednesday very few people will ever see in their lives. A true relic of America, something which defines how we came to be and very few are left in the world in working order. I saw a World War Two War Bird; A B17 Flying Fortess in flight south bound over the Hudson valley. I saw it fleetingly a few moments really but long enough to know the shape and outline of a regal piece of human operated history.

Wednesday's Walkabout; Some days I need to do something different to change how the week progresses and my view of the local world. Today was one of those days. I slept later than normal only because I can, that and I was also considering making a rest day before my next attempt at another 20 mile run. Gack.

Needless to say I didn't rest. Oh I goofed off and burned the morning but I also went for a walk-about. Over the course of 4 hours I felt as if I had covered 10 to 12miles. Wrong, only 8 and a half miles. starting at 11:00 I started walking. Up Morgan farm road to Fire break 8. Walked to the top of 8 and down the otherside to Fire Break 1. Turned left on 1 and walked to Mine Torn Road. Turned left on Mine Torn rd and down to Ft Montgomery. Got to U.S. 9W crossed the road turned, thats right left, back towards Old State Rd. Turned right, I can't always go left, on Old State rd and followed to Rt 218/Main st where I turned left the final time before my last right and home.

Aside from the wretched heat of an early September day the views of the Hudson valley were rather nice. Also the hollow where Stilwell Lake and Mine Torn road runs down through. and looking up at the Torn & Bear Mountain. photos of which should be found in my first installments of the Blog.

Now you'd think in the middle of the day you wouldn't see large animals in trafficed areas. Well you do, and deer are every where. But today I saw Bambi's dumber cousin, you know the type, the one all the other deer probably refer to as Road Kill Bill.
I honestly can say I've never seen a deer trip over a guard rail and fall down a hill before today. Today I saw that and heard the guard rail ring like a badly crafted bell. That made me laugh out loud and spook the other dear which faired much better.

Now my final bit for the day and I'll close the Blog and go to bed. Ran the same course today as I did yesterday; and even with all the walking I did earlier today, my time was consistent with yesteday's run. just one second faster.Still 14.11 miles of movement today was enough and now dinner is done, i'm done and its off to bed I totter.

Good night all.


Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day, Sept First.

Well, I haven't been here since Friday, Augut 29th, so I guess some fill in is in order.

Still running and preparing for the Marine Corps Marathon. Some days I feel like the prep work is all consuming although I know it isn't. Still that more that not seems to be a focal point of what I've been doing, and I know I'm more than that.

Friday night was the West Point Home opener for Foot Ball Season. I stopped at a local watering hole and saw a person I've know for years but again doesn't live locally and stopped & chatted him and his significant other up. I had been out just screwing around and walked in wearing one of my Kilts. Funny the reaction I get sometimes when people realize I'm wearing basicly a man's skirt. Still I had my bagpipes out in the van and those where what I was screwing around with.

Saturday, became a rest day and I did not run a lick. Went up to Popolopen Lake though and practiced my bagpiping for a while befor heading to a local watering hole for a few more beers and then heading home for the night.

Sunday, was a good morning to run and I did 7 miles. Later on Sunday I took the motorcycle out for a joyride and ended up in Cold Spring, NY followed by a run down to Garrison. Garrison was nice in that I reconnected with a few guys from Guinnan's Pub/Store even though now its only a foot note in the history of the area. Quiet Bill turned 49 and there was a small B day party for hime. I already had my beer limit for the day but did allow myself a single glass of champagnie. Bill, Tony Y and Niel were there , one of the things we also did that evening was manhand Neil's boat into a slip, as he came in at low tide and didn't have clearance to enter his usual slip. So all said and done a good evening.

Today, Labor Day, 1 Sept, 2008. I started with a 12 mile run from home along main st to Thayer Gate, through West Point out Washington Gate up to the Golf Course entrance and returned along the same route. Later in the morning I again donned my Kilt and headed down to Tuxedo NY for the Ren fair again. Although it was a rather warm day it wasn't overly offensive. But still the heat did get to me and I and my older brother departed the grounds about 5:30 PM (17:30 hrs).

While at the Ren Faire We took in a few different shows, The Dexter Tripp Thrill show, The gentleman who performs juggles a chain saw, that does have a functional cutting chain and it runs while he's juggling it. Plays with Fire and performs on the Slack Rope, similar in concept to a tight rope but different. Also watch a trio perform blowing Fire balls, a couple of musical acts and a small troupe of actors making a mockery of the Ren Faire and them selves. All & all a pleasant experience.

Well that should pretty much cover the fun stuff. The less than fun well, what can I say. My Mother and father live on the Gulf Coast and watching the forecasted track of Hurricane Gustav a prudent person would consider adjusting appointments and evacuation. Well My Father is stubborn enough to make me seem like the most pliable person on the planet. He wasn't leaving this time as he's got a Doctor's appointment on tuesday the 2nd of Sept. Not that he would make a phone call to the office to see if the Doctor and Staff are making emergency preparations and plans. Well I'll give em a call in a little bit and check up upon them but hopefully they'll just get the rains and no severe winds. A telephone call to them will be in order shortly and I find out how they are making out.

Thats pretty much it for now, I hope everone has had a safe and easy labor Day weekend. No traumas and dramas; Still have a easy night and safe week.