Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday Monday, so good to me....

Wow, can hardly believe I haven't posted anything since the 26th of July. I guess I've been occupied with life and not reporting my escapades. Well a cursory filler and back to life. Or at least what I percieve as life; for our perceptions color and build our realities.

Hmm, OK the usual inquire 7 response modes can't work but a simple reminder of the basic questions; Who, What, When, Where, Why and How? Sounds like the law firm of Dewey, Cheatham and Howe.

OK Sunday the 27th; Started the day with a three mile run then just took it easy as the previous day I had done a 17.8 mile run and needed to recover somewhat. Still posting these entries over a week later I've only my memories and training log for the upcoming marathon to refer to.

Monday, July 28th; 7.58 mile run in 1:30 followed by an attempt to respond to an e-mail where the attachments were more garbage than anything useful. Ended up riding my motorcycle to the White Plain's Harrison Border to hand deliver a hard copy and give a complain about the computer interface they are using, now files will be sent using a PDF format hopefully that will be better. Stopped at my Cousins' (yes, pural possessive) Fire department and spoke to John, he's going to organize his brothers and sisters to see if they'll make a donation effort to support my fundraising for the leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Tuesday, July 29th; Bagpipe Practice in the morning at 09:00 at Mr Joe Brady's and a 7.0 mile training run in 1:21 that evening.

Wednesday, July 30th; 9.8 mile run in 1:45 did a reversal of my previous routes and entered West Point via Thayer Gate, exit via Washington Gate, run along 218 & 9W, down Mountain Ave to Mearns, down to Roe Park around the west and south sides and then through Satterlee to home. I can also say it was a hot day as at 5:30 in the morning it was already 69 degrees farenheit.

Thursday, July 31st; 2.0 miles in 19:45. Ran up to the highschool track where I did one mile around the track alternating sprints on the straights with jogging on the turns.

Friday, August 1st; 3.3 mile jog in the morning followed by a drive to my brother's home in Pennsylvania where I would be dog sitting for the weekend. That afternoon I went to take the dogs for a walk, rather they took me for a drag and a fall. For two 5 month old 60 pound puppies I gotta keep them on a short leash. They literally pulled me off my feet and down a hill. lets just say I'm lucky no broken bones but my right hip will be sore for a while to come.

Saturday, August 2nd. 01:38 AM I'm awake and can't go back to sleep. OK only two things to do; Let the dogs out for a little bit while I get dressed in my running attire and then go for my run. Well. The dogs were back in the house, and I walk down to the main road near my brother's home. Its 02:40 AM and only the odd car or pickup truck is out as well as myself. Once I hit Twin Lakes Road, I turn right and start jogging towards US 6. Make a right turn onto US 6 and head towards Mel's Tavern. Once at Mel's i double back maybe 100 feet and turn left on to Little Walker Road, follow that down to Lake rd, turn right onto Lake and go right onto Twin Lakes Road back to where I started. Finish my 10 mile run in 1:51:01.36 and about 04:48 in the morning. Walk back to the house let myself in and the dogs out while I shower and try to nap for a while with the rising sun illuminating the sky in hues of pastel pinks, blues and white clouds. A harbringer of the coming day.

I rest fitfully at best but am refreshed by the shower I took earlier, make a simple breakfast of pancakes and set my running shoes out in the sun to dry (lots of sweat).
09:30 take the pups out for a walk and back. About 11 AM it is getting noticably darker outside so out I go bring in my shoes and here comes the rain. By 13:00 the rains have finished around 14:00 it off to Milford PA and the Post Office to get my brother's mail then back home via the market 15:00 I've an early dinner/late lunch followed by taking the pups for another walk. 21:00 I'm done for the day and in bed.

Sunday, 3 August; A day of more rest than activities. Although I did take the pups for a couple of walks and a swin with a few interludes of fast jogs but not of any real distance at least for myself.

Monday, 4 August; 06:00 and I'm off jogging again 6.6 miles in 1:10:54.0 Not overly long but long enough. Breakfast with my brother. I had french toast and porkroll followed by a bit of relaxation back at the house before calling a weekend and heading home.

So while all I've written about is food, pups, jogging and other assorted odds & ends. I also did some laundry during the week, bagged up some clothes for the Salvation Army and accomplished other minor tasks like grocery shopping. Just the mundane normal events of life. Still I did give up to the Salvation Army the Red Dress I wore a few months ago for another fund raising effort. I lost enough weight that I'm going down a dress size for the next Red Dress Run with the Hash House Harriers.

Well thats all for now.
Have a good and safe week everyone.


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