Friday, August 29, 2008


Already its Friday, I find it surpising sometimes how fast the weeks can progress. The next 8 weeks before heading to Washington DC will probably blur by at this rate.

Well, I've done some new things this week. Yeah I can still do some things I've never done before. I broke down and purchased a MP3 Player yesterday and have already loaded close to 80 songs onto it from my CD collection. Use it today while I ran and while the ear buds are ok they aren't my choice for listening and I'll probably get something different.

Hmmmm, last update was Wednesday; OK Thursday, I did a 10.23 mile run that took me over the top of the hill behind Picturesque West Point down to the Hudson River and back home. Total elevation change was 781 feet and completed that run in 1 hour, 51 minutes and 36 seconds. Considering the elevation changes I'd say its an pretty good time frame for a 50 yearold person with wobbly knees.

Then yesterday afternoon I took the motorcycle out for a easy ride. Why, because I wanted to, not because I had to. Still it was nice to watch the scenery go by. I also stopped at the Cadet Book Store on Campus and purchased the inexpensive MP3 player, 2 Gig of storage space will hold more music than I'll listen to for any single spand of time. The hard part was deciding what to load onto it first. Well theres a couple of hours worth of Celtic Music.

Also This weekend I'm overseeing 3 small dogs. They aren't a nuisance and are really low maintenance. Give em some water, give em food, let the out and hopefully they take care of business out in the yard. The sad thing about the three is that they would rather be indoors. Well so much for the smaller and toy breeds. Yip yip yip.

Today; Friday, woke up later than usual. Not a problem as there was a light rain over night and the roads were still wet, not my favorite condition to run in or surface to run upon. So I let the dogs out for a bit and had breakfast without running first, a true rarity. Well the dogs displayed their boredom with the greatoutdoors and waited patiently at the door so they could get back inside. Ok they done for the morning and in they go.

11:30 rolls up the temperature is agreeable, its time to run today. So where do I go, what do I do? I've got it a different run from my normal routes. So up towards Morgan Farm I go, only this time I don't turn at the back corral. I head up along the old fire break which runs north & south and comes out on 9W near the Pointer Echo Motel. Now where I live the road out front is at 177 feet above sea level the course out is sort of steep and I climb to 587 feet in the first 1&3/4 miles. A gain of 410 feet but half of that is on loose stone & gravel, drop down to 452 feet before climbing to 527 feet then its down hill to 9w at 375 feet. From the 375 foot elevation on 9W I head north to the junction of 9W/Stoney Lonesome Rd/Mountain Ave which provides me a elevation 488 feet before I head down hill into the village and home. My lowest elevation is at 163 feet above sea level.

Ok so I'm doing hills today, big deal; well for me it is, as I went 5.1 miles in 52 minutes and change on those hills. Some thing different indeed.

Well, after I got home, washed and dressed, I let the 3 dogs out again. I've never seen 3 animals so intent on staying indoors. Well I'll feed them a little later chase em out for a while and then secure em for the night.

That about covers it for today. a little practice with the bagpipes in a while maybe some drumming on the Bodhran and who knows what the night will bring.

If I don't return before Tuesday and update this, let me wish everyone a safe and easy Labor Day Weekend. Throw out a GO ARMY, for the Cadet's first football game of the season at Home tonight. And a heart felt thank you to all those who've made donations to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through the Team In Training Program.

Have a safe weekend everyone.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday's wanderings

An early installment today as I've been up for a few hours.

Yesterday, Tuesday Auguast 26th, I took a day off from running in order to let the body recover some what from monday's exertions. Still I went to my normal bagpipe practice at 9AM in Peekskill, then over to Brewster NY and said hello to a few folks over there before returning home. Well I needed exercise but didn't want to run so I went for a walk, about 6 & 1/2 miles but walked non the less. I actually felt good after the walk but by 9PM it had been a eventful day and I headed to bed.

Today; woke at 3AM!? What, why? Oh its just my body saying I've had enough sleep and it was time to move again. Well I held off going out to run till 5AM and held myself to 3.3 miles. Finished that in just under 30 minutes, I felt like it was a fast pace but didn't consider it as being that quick for what would normally be an easy run. Still the 55 degree temperature this morning probably was helpful for that as well.

OK that pretty much covers up to the moment and today I've no clue about what I'll do next. Maybe take the yappy toy breed dog down to the chinese restaurant as an hors d'oeuvre for some one, or give it a dose of Alum.

Have a good day every one.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Madness, or my 20 mile run.

Well I ran 20 miles this morning in preparation for the Marine Corps Marathon on the 26th of October, That race is only 8 weeks and 6 days away now. Its really difficult to fathom how much prep work I've been putting into the running and the drastic changes in my body over these few months since I seriously started training in May.

My old suits hang loosely from my shoulders, I mean you could almost put an extra person in my old clothes with me. Even my old Class A Army uniform is too big to wear now. I'm getting Large T-Shirts to wear as the extra large ones are now too loose for comfort. I'm wear pants with a 36 inch waist and have room in the waist. The physical differences are overwhelming. I still have a slight stomach, but nothing that overlaps the belt line like before. Still I'm looking forward to the Marathon itself and the finish. So I can relax some of what I've been doing.

Today after completing the 20 mile run I was so physically depleted of energy I had to sit down in the shower. After that I laid down upon my bed and even though I didn't feel like I was asleep an hour went by before I could comfortly move myself. What started as a lark, has become serious and I've a better understanding of what the world class atheletes go through for training. Even on the run today it was more tenacity than anything else which helped me to finish. I don't really understand where that mental toughness came from. Still it was a dogged determination to see todays run through to the end. Regardless of the discomfort I felt.

As for the run itself; I'll try to describe the course. From the driveway of where I live, I turn righ and head towards Main St/Rt218 go down a gradual incline and turn left onto Main St. I follow Main St almost 1/2 half mile with its slight down and up grade nothing of note. Turn Left onto a residential road which starts my uphill climb this route takes me through the southern part of the village of Highland Falls and around the pond at Roe Park. When I get to the far corner of Roe Park the climb becomes distinctly more challenging as its a rather steep pitch uphill to Mearns Ave. Think of a roof with a steep but still walkable pitch. Then on to Mearns, it is a fairly continuous uphill grade but not too onerous and almost flattens out just before I turn left onto Mountain Ave and go uphill some more. At the top of Mountain Ave where it intersects with Stoney Lonesome Road (that goes into West Point) I've covered roughly 2 miles.

From that intersection I have a modest downgrade a slight rise and again a down grade running along us highway 9W to the West Point Golf Course. There I follow the service road around to where I run on NY rt 218 for about 1/10th mile before turning around and heading out NY Rt 293. from the WP Golf course NY Rt 293 is a wide road with very wide shoulders. You could drive 4 tractor trailers side by side on it. Still I've a 1&1/2 mile climb uphill till I reach Fire Station 3 which then allows me to go down hill about 1/2 mile as I run along Long Pond. This too is a slight upgrade but very gradual and not troublesome. then about 1&1/4 miles past the fire station I've a strong down grade whic then delivers me onto a gentle climb again for around 1&1/2 miles to where icrest over a rise the grade has been leading up to and down and up a swall for about 1/2 mile more to where I turn around and start back for home.

So on the return route, I rerun a swall till Istart back down a long gentle grade. At 1&3/4 miles i strat a uphill grind for about 1/3 to almost 1/2 mile then its a gentle down slope to about 1/2 mile before the firestation. Then again a hard climb. When I reach the fire station this second time, I've covered 13&1/2 miles. Generally by this point I need to replenish the water and Gatorade mix I carry in a pack on my back.
So the Fire Station is convient to that end. The water pack hold 2 litres/70 ounces of fluid or just over 1/2 gallon. So for the first 13 miles I usually am OK with water and the drink mix. But I need to replensih it and fill the bladder if I'll be going further. From Fire Station 3 i've a 1&1/2 mile down hill run till I am again on Rt218. From there to Washington Gate on West Point it is mostly flat and a gentle down hill to the Guard Post. From the Guard Post to the fire Station it is gain a strong down hill grade and then the route pretty much flattens out through the central area of West Point. Then it is slow gradual climbs and descents back to home.

From Start to finish I took 4 hours and 14 seconds overall to finish 20 miles. I can subtract 7 minutes and 28 seconds from that for a more accurate time as it took me that long at the fire station to replenish my water carrier. So in honesty I can say I did 20 miles in 3 hour 52 minutes and 22 seconds. Under 4 hours.

So there is a description of my run today. And hopefully you can understand why I had to lay down before noon time today. So with even consuming just over a full gallon of water (at nearly 8 pounds a gallon) I lost 6 pounds of weight. Also saying that I sweat profusely, would be an understatement; for when I am done every item od clothing to even include my running shoes can be wrung out before being put into the wash or laidout to dry.

So there you have it, not a untypical run. The description pretty much cover a few various routes I run and have tied together into a longer course. So if some days my writing doesn't seem too coherrent, maybe its because I'm still recovering from a epic run.

Still this is a longer post for myself and hopefully provides some understanding of the running still without pictures, all you've got is your imagination unless you know the area. So go ahead and use Google Earth and look at West Point and the region. You may be surpised.

Have a good day everone.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday's post race report.

Image from after the Saturday, 23 Aug, 2008 5K race in New Windsor, NY

Yes, did another race this morning. This was a cross country race on and around the grounds of the Monroe-Woodbury High School. I arrived early and signed in getting race number 374 assigned to me. The race began at 09:00 and we did a series of loops which took us by the upper school building out to the back building down a modest hill and into a residential are were we began an uphill grind before going back down hill towards Rt 32 and back into the school grounds.

This time I finished 7th in my Age group and came out 85th in a field of 156 runners with a recorded time of 25 minutes and 47 seconds or nearly 8 minutes and 18 seconds a mile. Still I used this run more as a training and recreational run than anything else. If the competition was to be truely meaningful, I would of been placed in a weight and age comparitive class. You don't find too many fast runners over 200 pounds or if you prefer an archaic weight measurement 15 stone or close to 98 kilograms for you metric fanatics.

Well thats all for now, I've got places to go and people to annoy yet today.
Cheers all!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday, post race report.

Well all in all I did pretty good this morning with a small local 5 K race. Finished in just over 25 minutes and placed 1st in my age group (50-59). Not a bad course the hill was deceptive but not bad over all and had a strong finish. Yes, I'd do it again. Even the weather and conditions were nice, about 70 degrees at the start, warm but not overly so for 8:30 in the morning and a fair amount of shade for much of the course. Only one section had us running towards the rising sun but that was quickly gotten through and even though we ran on local roads traffic was sparse and gave us plenty of room.

The winning time was just about 20 minutes and while there weren't any elite runners we had some strong local runners who did very well. The field in the race could be a little larger, but the character of the race being small and inviting makes it very appealing for the novice and beginner.

So I might as well give it a plug now as its all I've written about in this chapter of the blog.

Name: Masonic 5K.

Where: New Windsor, NY. Starting and finishing at Angelina's Restuarant & Bar.

Sponsors: Angelina's; Runner's World; The deli Bagel; Mesh Reality Group;
Sunglow Painting & Home Renovation, Inc; Cracolici's Pizzeria & Restaurant;
The Country's Best Resumes; Meadowbrook lodge, Inc; Awning FX, Inc; Levine's Garage;
and Immaculate_Designs.

Thanks to Dan E, and all those involved. It takes time work and effort to make any event work and I think you folks are off to a good start.


Saturday morning, going to a small race.

Yes, its Saturday morning and I'm headed to a small local race for training purposes. Somethings are fun to take part in and a small local race that will raise funds for a charity usually rate up there. Not going out to win the race just to run well and finish.

Every day, I beat the worms to the feast, its a great day; and any day I can experience the fun aspects of life is a pleasant day.

Also, Good Morning and Hello to Orange Cat. Um both of us have done some thing a moderators at another site didn't agree with, But hang in there. theres more to life.

Gotta run, I'll be back to post comments covering the days since Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday rundown

Ok today started quite early by waking at 3:30 AM, had no reason to just did. Still its was one of the more comfortable mornings in a long tim with temps in the mid 50 degree range when I went out for a run. Some days I plan my days and runs some days I don't; today I didn't and I did 13 miles fairly comfortably in 2 hours and 21 minutes. Not bad after taking two days off from running. Although I did walk my brother's dogs for 2 miles before I left his place on Monday Morning.

Now how best to describe the area I run in for the most part?
The Lower Hudson Valley between Storm King Mountain and Bear Mountain is the narrowest part of the region with steep hills and great vistas. Emphasis on hills. You may be able to go 2 miles along the roads here with out a significant elevation change. But to depart from the area you will absolutely have to ascend or descent some strong grades at some point. You just cannot escape the hills. So while you may not get the oxygen deficit training runners at altitude in the Rockies get; You most assuredly get a work out on the hills.

Well this morning I started my run from home at 5:00 AM. The first half mile or so reasonably flat when I made my turn onto Satterlee Rd and began my climb. Now I don't do a continuous uphill grind but more like a series of stair steps for the first 1 and 1/4 miles and then a grind uphill for 3/4 miles followed by a gentle down slope to where I made my turn for a continuous 1&1/2 mile uphill grind with no great change in pitch of the road. Reached the top of the hill on Rt 293 by Fire Station 3 and then began my return home via Washington Gate, Central Area, Thayer Gate, and The village Proper of Highland Falls.

Still it was a nice run at the early hour. The Moon was still high in the sky to light my way, the stars could be seen quite plainly even the girdle of the Constellation Orion, aka Orion's Belt. And while its dark at 5:00 AM, its not an oppressive darkness. For as you travel and the scenery changes yo can see the sky towards the east begin to become lighter and then you can distinctly make out the hill tops forming the horizon although the colors still are mottled and dark around you.

Still aside from a few people driving to work at that hour, I've yet to see another runner, even the bicyclists start the day much latter than I do. It wasn't untill I got close to Washington Gate that I saw my first Bicyclist and angain not till I neared the Old PX/Fitness center my first walkers and joggers. By that point I had already covered 8&1/2 miles. At about the 9 mile mark, one of my former co-workers either on his hay to fire Station 2 or to home drove by me and gave me a bit of motivation. Funny but from Dave, being called a old S.O.B. even in jest encouraged me to keep on keeping on.

So that pretty much covers todays' run. Yesterday I had a dental appointment in the AM followed by helping my younger brother clean up around his yard and barn a bit so it was a second day break from running and after seeing my basic time for the 13 miles today, probably a good break from running as well.

Aside from som other issues, not much going on and I'm gonna think about dragging the sailboat over to a local lake today for other relaxation. So everyone take it easy and have a good day. Don't overwork your selves and remember the immortal words of Bobby McFarrin;'Don't Worry, Be Happy.'

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ah Home again.

Well it was a long weekend in PA, eventful and uneventful both. The dogs, Moose and Rocky are easier to deal with than some people and better companions too.

Well lets see. Sunday was the Poker Run and it was a good ride. Started in Milford PA, over to NJ up through NY back over to PA and fininshing in Dingmans Ferry/Delaware Township, where I had a home for a few years. For me the ride was uneventful, Ride my own pace and style. For others well there was at least one motorcycle accident that occured with a small goup behind me. I understand the rider was airlifted to the hospital but should recover. Still anything we do in life is not without risk. Its how we manage the risks that make the differences.

Still, It was a scenic and easy ride. One I wouldn't mind repeating in some subtler ways.

Some things I am certain about though after some end of ride festivities. Some bands need professional sound technicians, Volume does not replace quality of music. Karioke DJs should be made to sit infront of their loudest speakers while the volume is cranked up. There are a few places I rarely enter or go without hearing protection. Behind motorcycles with straight pipes and Bars offering karioke night. I'd rather listyen to the stacato effect of an M60 machine gun or whining reving of a chain saw compared to those sounds. Still even then. just give me a beverage and let me go outside. Painfully loud is too loud, and there are other sounds I still enjoy and prefer hearing. Zippy the Pinhead warbling a tune in a volume that can be hear by Ocean Liners in a fog isn't one of em, nor are straight pipes on a V twin engine.

Did some running in PA, and I hate the roads out there as most don't have anything resembling a shoulder. Still I did two 6.6 and one 4.2 mile days. Surpisingly I find the hills there suck worse; Either seemingly endless in grade or steeper than I would like to deal with.

Also spent time walking the mutant puppies. 6 months old and 60+ pounds a piece. Still I think they are happy dogs when I'm there as I'll take for a couple of mile walks and let em play in the water some what. I'll attempt to post pictures of the wee beasties too.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Good Morning from Pike County.

Started the day early, well earlier than many people by waking up at 3:30 AM. So far today I've run 6.6 miles, fed watered and walked two dogs, took a relaxing hot soak for the legs and annoyed a bunch of folks with computerized mayhem.

Started on my run this morning by walking out to the paved roadway. The one infront of where I'm staying this weekend could be improved by either carpet bombing or a directed fire mission. I won't say the dirt road is cratered, but you migh be able to hid Judge Crater's body in one of the holes, if anyone can ever find his body.
Well the walk brings me past a beaver pond with the early morning chorus of croaking frogs. The skys occasionally lit by a flash of lightening off on the horizon and the stars overhead.

Well once at the main road I set my stop watch and off I go. keeping well to the shoulder of the road as speed limits and safe driving seem to be optional at the begining of the 5th hour of the day. Still I did OK and completer 6.6 miles in 1hour and 10 minutes. Not blazing speed but when visibility is limited and you can't see where your feet are landing its a strong pace.

After the run I changed from my running shoes to an old pair of sneakers and took my brother's two mutant puppies for a walk also lasting nearly an hour. I'd take them on a longer walk but since I'm still covered in sweat after my run and the moring is relatively cool; Its long enough for me, if not the dogs. So they are fed, watered and allowed freedom of the penned yard while I attend to my abulations and breakfast.

So from 3:30 Am till 8:00Am I've probably done and seen things more people may only experience in a theatre, still they are my experiences, the smells, the coolness of the air, the startling of the Police Officer setting out speed monitors in the 2&1/2 weeks before school starts so that the LEOS can justify selective enforceemnt times.

Yepper I know where the speed traps are going to be. But I ain't telling.

Ok thats all for this morning, I've a old style motorcycle minus the sidecar to deliver to the shop about noon time so they can start rectifing the Exxon Valdez syndrome (oil leak) afflicting it.

have a good day all.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Greetings from Pennsyltucky

Stinky lousy no good computer gnomes done threw my entry into the internet black hole and now I've to start a frigging new. I can only hope Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get frustrated like this much more often than I am.

OK then, Hello from Pike county PA, just up hill and the road from Milford and Shohola and a few miles from another retiree from the Fire Department at West Point. I may need to do a drop in on him while I'm out here for the weekend.

Whats with the term Pennsyltucky? well thats sort of an inside joke a few of us had in the FD, but it sort of refers to a formerly rural part of PA now being sucked into the oblivion of the NYC metropolitian region. 2 hours from Manhattan and its still considered a reasonable commute. I wonder what some definitions of reasonable are? Still the Water Gap National Recreation area can be bucolic and relaxing; unless your training to run in a marathon then the hills around it are taxing.

Still I'm out here with several things on my schedule. a couple of training runs for the Marine Corps Marathon, dropping one motorcycle off at a shop I've been using for some time to get a oil leak rectified if possible, ride the other motorcycle in a Poker Run sponsored by the Pike County A.B.A.T.E. on Sunday and sit for my brothers two wee puppies, 6 months old and 60+ pounds apiece. Its good to have a cargo trailer sometimes even though motorcycles should be ridden and not trailered when practical.

Well last week I hit a high mileage mark in training of 50 miles and some tenths Oy Vey ist meir. Well now I'm reducing the overall weekly mileage and adding an additional rest interval especially now that I've a few really long runs on line over the next 10&1/2 weeks before the Marine Corps Marathon. I'll have a few really long runs yet, 20 mile range before the marathon. But now I can relax a little too as I adjust my training regimen.

Still I need to remind myself that I'm not running for me. but for those afflicted with a cancer, I'm running to raise funds to help find a cure, to help the families afflicted and to bring hope to others. Yes, I'm running a marathon, but the goal is to finish both a fund raising effort to help others and a race.

I could list statistics of mileages and times I've done in training but that is boring as hell. But let me try to describe my last 10 mile run here in Pike County.

I awoke at 1:30 AM and couldn't fall back to sleep. finally I decided that since I was awake I might as well make use of the energy i had. So I got dressed in my running atire and prepared to run. I walked along the dirt road from my brother's home to the main paved road; There I set my stopwatch and proceeded to run at 2:40 in the morning. Dark may begin to describe the early hours. Abient ligh being reflected off the sky from Haley and Port Jervis and the stars in the sky but not much light as there was no moon in evidence, a dark night it was. Thankfully at that hour traffic is minimal at best and I could run along the shoulder of the roadway. Actually since there was no real traffic to speak of I could run on the crest of the road on the double yellow lines, with my flash light turned off and see well enough to stay in the center of the road.

For almost 3&1/2 miles I followed the road towards the old grand Army of the Republic Highway. What light illuminating my course being filtered by the crowns of the trees crowding the road unless i turned on my flashligh to make my presence more pronounced for the few vehicles travelling at the birthing hours of the day, when the sun hasn't even brought forth the grey predawn light. Still I pressed onward to the west on the older highway towards my next landmark where again I would turn righ and head into darker woods and a narrower road which wouldturn from macadam and pavement to dirt.

The narrowe section of the road was crowded by trees so dense that even the braches intertwined above the road. No light made its way to the road bed at the third hour of the day. In the still darkness of my run the shades of black were subtle and difficult to distingush, a few times I turned my light on to help illuminate my run but still reverted back to the darkness of the natural nigh when I could. I've been told that there are 1000 shades of grey, that could well be true but in the darkness of night the unaided eye can become accustomed to a few degrees of darkness which allows you to move upon a wide trail unaided by artificial lights. This is some thing rarely realized by many of us anymore, still I am glad to have experienced it.

Finally I make my turn back onto the road I had originally started upon. still the only sounds were thoseof my own foot falls, the squishing of my sweat soaked running shoes and the occasioal dog barking his or her disagreement with my all too early morning run. At last I reach the point where I started. It was now the final quarter of the fouth hour of the morning, I had covered but 10 miles and it felt inexplicably longer. The night expanded the distance and time while still etching away at its ever steady pace seemed but to hold still for the run.

After returning to my brother's abode and letting the dogs out into the yard with the slowly lightening skies. I was done. The shower felt more refreshing than many in a longwhile and Morpheus the diety of sleepvisted upon me to help renew myself for the day that would unfold just a few hours on.

Ok so much for attempting to express what a midnight/run is like maybe not my best effort but I'm not a professional writer and I'm trying to relay emotions into a physical reality difficult to express. still being back at the "Scene of the Crime" sort of makes it easier to replay in my mind what occured and transcribe it.

So for now, Have a good night, I wish you a safe weekend and an easy one as well.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Surprising little twists to life.

Yesterday after my 18 mile jaunt, I took it easy through the remainder of the morning and a nap from 12:00 to 13:00 (24 hour clock, 1 PM). Afterwards I went down to the local Irish bar which leads to the following nonsequitor.

There was a standing joke that if you stood at the intersection of Times square and 42nd Street in NYC you would meet practically every one you ever knew. As for myself I seem to come across people, or them me at random intervals and places. This held true yesterday; Well some people you never really expact to see again in your life, What with decades of seperation due to personal events and career choices. Well as noted I was in the bar and a small party walks in; Now one lady looks familiar, very familiar (get that dirty though out of your heads right now). Well unfortunately I'm staring and she's looking back, when she lets loose with my name. Small world and a big surpise she was one of my senior officers from the Army Reserves whom I served in Cuba and the Balkans with.

Some places, are like that, you can sit there and wonder whats going to happen next and wham you are part of whats happening. Well we had a enjoyable short conversation and things are going well for her and her family some of who where part of her party.

Again even I am surprised by the ramdom effects that permeate through life and this was one of them.

After the encounter, I had a few small things to attend to and eventually made my way over to Polish Officer's Memorial on the eastern most part of the plain, on West Point and parked below it on a spot overlooking the bend of the Hudson River. (shaddup, so its a long run on sentence, I'm not an english major). There I practiced my piping for a little bit before heading to Trophy Point for the Evening Jazz Knights Concert. Well I sat through the concert and it was OK, some music we enjoy some we don't. Well to me much of jazz sounds like a discordant cacophony of sounds, still there were a few pieces I found easier to listen to than others. Again tastes in music being relative.

Well that pretty much rounds up my day on Sunday. its amazing how serendipitous and random life can be.

Well, I'm off to consider other things today, possibly a easy walk through the Torne,
But its not to be a day of hard running as I am letting the major muscle groups relax and recover from yesterday.

Cheers & Prosit.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday's shenanigans report.

Fun with languages and interpetations, running, running amok, running loose and other bits of entertainment.

Have you ever paid attention to Andy Rooney on 60 minutes? Well I'm no Andy Rooney, but; Have you ever noticed....

The music industry and broadcast radio. The big chain stations all seem to have the same limited repetitions of dull songs? NPR isn't too much better but between those two extremes fall the Independent and College radio stations. Perhaps my current favorite may not entice you but Fordham University's WFUV out of NYC has some of the most eclectic programing you'll find and is entertaining to say the least. By listening to the independent stations I fing a better genre of music and new stuff actually worth lending an ear too. Its 90.7FM if you are with in range of NYC and on the net too. I think that can be found under but I may be wrong.
Irish music on Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons. occasionally you may get a polka but Jimmy Sturr probably never.

Running Amok, well I'm actually tamer than I like to think I am, still I do get out from time to time and have some fun in different ways. This past week I scored two complimentary tickets to the NY Ren Faire in Tuxedo, NY. How'd I do that? Well Leaky Lena helped. Its a convesation piece though and some fun to run down the road from time to time. It just requires a significantly different set of skills to operate safely as its built along some old design criteria and is a kick start only vehicle, Motorcycle and Sidecar. But it won a plaque again at a cruise night.

Running; Oh no not again! Oh yes still.
Well depending upon how you recon the weeks or track events; to day is either the last day of the week of the first or the second. Regardless of how you recon a week the log book I am using to record my training for the upcomming Marine Corps Marathon show today as the last day of the week.

Today was also my longest run to date, not significantly more than my previous ;long run but still longer at 18 miles in 3 hours, 24 minutes and 44.64 seconds (it may of been faster but I stopped for a couple of potty breaks I could use other phrasing but I don't know if young children are reading this).

Still I started before dawn, attempted to run in a safe fashion and did my best Forest Gump impersonation. Along the way I spooked a deer, listened to the frog and other animals warming up for the morning's choral rehearsal, watched the stars fade the sky lighten and brighten and even caught glimmers of the sun rise over the mists and fog of the valley. Even saw a small bird with a yellow back and brown wings flitter about before heading nito the woods.

As for the statistics keepers, here comes the break down;
04 Aug, 6.6 miles @ 1:10:54.00
05 Aug, 3.5 miles / 2 @ 00:17:40.00 and a 1.5 mile slow jog.
06 Aug, 10.0 miles @ 1:52:36.09
07 Aug, 3.3 miles @ 00:34:02.64
08 Aug, 6.76 miles @ 01:13:37.40
09 Aug, 2.0 @ 00:20:38.21
10 Aug, 18.0 @ 03:24:44.64
Total miles 50.16. total time recorded 8:54:12.98
So if you need an idea of the time I've been investing, Well almost 9 hours just running this past week not counting other related bits of exercise. Hmmmm some steroids and lots of Gym time and Charles Atlas eat your heart out. Nope that ain't gonna happen. I don't need the drugs to enhance performance. Just give me beer.

I'm gonna be wearing my kilt more often; Ahhh freedom! hehehehe
Yeah I'm retired, and I'm not gonna wear Bermuda shorts, I'm just gonna have fun.

Maybe photos later, but now its nap time as I'm still recovering from my 18 mile run and its now noon time. But later, well we'll see what later brings.

have a safe day everyone.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday Monday, so good to me....

Wow, can hardly believe I haven't posted anything since the 26th of July. I guess I've been occupied with life and not reporting my escapades. Well a cursory filler and back to life. Or at least what I percieve as life; for our perceptions color and build our realities.

Hmm, OK the usual inquire 7 response modes can't work but a simple reminder of the basic questions; Who, What, When, Where, Why and How? Sounds like the law firm of Dewey, Cheatham and Howe.

OK Sunday the 27th; Started the day with a three mile run then just took it easy as the previous day I had done a 17.8 mile run and needed to recover somewhat. Still posting these entries over a week later I've only my memories and training log for the upcoming marathon to refer to.

Monday, July 28th; 7.58 mile run in 1:30 followed by an attempt to respond to an e-mail where the attachments were more garbage than anything useful. Ended up riding my motorcycle to the White Plain's Harrison Border to hand deliver a hard copy and give a complain about the computer interface they are using, now files will be sent using a PDF format hopefully that will be better. Stopped at my Cousins' (yes, pural possessive) Fire department and spoke to John, he's going to organize his brothers and sisters to see if they'll make a donation effort to support my fundraising for the leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Tuesday, July 29th; Bagpipe Practice in the morning at 09:00 at Mr Joe Brady's and a 7.0 mile training run in 1:21 that evening.

Wednesday, July 30th; 9.8 mile run in 1:45 did a reversal of my previous routes and entered West Point via Thayer Gate, exit via Washington Gate, run along 218 & 9W, down Mountain Ave to Mearns, down to Roe Park around the west and south sides and then through Satterlee to home. I can also say it was a hot day as at 5:30 in the morning it was already 69 degrees farenheit.

Thursday, July 31st; 2.0 miles in 19:45. Ran up to the highschool track where I did one mile around the track alternating sprints on the straights with jogging on the turns.

Friday, August 1st; 3.3 mile jog in the morning followed by a drive to my brother's home in Pennsylvania where I would be dog sitting for the weekend. That afternoon I went to take the dogs for a walk, rather they took me for a drag and a fall. For two 5 month old 60 pound puppies I gotta keep them on a short leash. They literally pulled me off my feet and down a hill. lets just say I'm lucky no broken bones but my right hip will be sore for a while to come.

Saturday, August 2nd. 01:38 AM I'm awake and can't go back to sleep. OK only two things to do; Let the dogs out for a little bit while I get dressed in my running attire and then go for my run. Well. The dogs were back in the house, and I walk down to the main road near my brother's home. Its 02:40 AM and only the odd car or pickup truck is out as well as myself. Once I hit Twin Lakes Road, I turn right and start jogging towards US 6. Make a right turn onto US 6 and head towards Mel's Tavern. Once at Mel's i double back maybe 100 feet and turn left on to Little Walker Road, follow that down to Lake rd, turn right onto Lake and go right onto Twin Lakes Road back to where I started. Finish my 10 mile run in 1:51:01.36 and about 04:48 in the morning. Walk back to the house let myself in and the dogs out while I shower and try to nap for a while with the rising sun illuminating the sky in hues of pastel pinks, blues and white clouds. A harbringer of the coming day.

I rest fitfully at best but am refreshed by the shower I took earlier, make a simple breakfast of pancakes and set my running shoes out in the sun to dry (lots of sweat).
09:30 take the pups out for a walk and back. About 11 AM it is getting noticably darker outside so out I go bring in my shoes and here comes the rain. By 13:00 the rains have finished around 14:00 it off to Milford PA and the Post Office to get my brother's mail then back home via the market 15:00 I've an early dinner/late lunch followed by taking the pups for another walk. 21:00 I'm done for the day and in bed.

Sunday, 3 August; A day of more rest than activities. Although I did take the pups for a couple of walks and a swin with a few interludes of fast jogs but not of any real distance at least for myself.

Monday, 4 August; 06:00 and I'm off jogging again 6.6 miles in 1:10:54.0 Not overly long but long enough. Breakfast with my brother. I had french toast and porkroll followed by a bit of relaxation back at the house before calling a weekend and heading home.

So while all I've written about is food, pups, jogging and other assorted odds & ends. I also did some laundry during the week, bagged up some clothes for the Salvation Army and accomplished other minor tasks like grocery shopping. Just the mundane normal events of life. Still I did give up to the Salvation Army the Red Dress I wore a few months ago for another fund raising effort. I lost enough weight that I'm going down a dress size for the next Red Dress Run with the Hash House Harriers.

Well thats all for now.
Have a good and safe week everyone.