Tuesday, March 25, 2008

simple update

tuesday, 25 March, 2008. Went for a supposedly easy jog this morning at about the 2&1/2 mile mark my quads acted up and became noncooperative and had to walk the 1/2 mile home. which wasn't an issue really as I also had Physical therapy scheduled for mid morning as well.

Hmm did I ever mention I'm a bit of a wise arse? No? well i am. Today one of the Therapists to another patien requested that he walk right. I piped up that she wanted him to walk erect and to stop dragging his knuckles. There was a little chuckle from that comment. As for Phys Therapy, its for my right knee. seems my quadracepts (spelling?) are pulling the patela out of place causing me some discomfort, if not out right pain at times. So before the Dr. considers cutting as a cure, its exercise time. Like I've got a problem with exercising. :)

Stopped at Guina's twice today, once to see when John would stop by and the second time to help clean the basement. We also found another airconditioning unit to dispose of while doing the clean up. Thats going on Thursday the 27th.

OK I suppose I'm up todate on my activities. Oh yeah also have a chiropractic apppointment on the 27th as well. Otherwise, things are going pretty good.


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