Thursday, January 20, 2011

Missing in Mississippi

Its been a while a long while since I've posted any updates or missives well today i aim to rectify a portion of that.

Thats the good news; The bad news is I'm also ranting, quite a bit too.
So her we go my first compliation for 2011.

19 January, 2011

Dear Friends;

Today finds myself in Southern Mississippi and its a truely stupid and moronic location. I'd rather be with the drunken tourists, sun addled faggots and tourist shop operators of Key West, FL getting some scuba diving in and just running for a few miles each morning. But alas I'm not. So what has kept me in this most miserably insipid of states for the past several months? Employment? Easy money? Loose women? Debauchery and a lecherous life style? Sadly, it is none of those fun sounding excuses for a hedonistic lifestyle. The issue is more mundane than many would suppose.
I am providing free services to the most parsimonious tight ass on the planet. One who seldem and practically never says a word of thanks to anyone and acted though praise of his sons for exceptional
support to the entire family was beneath himself. I am of course refering to my Father who is practically a recluse in his own mauseleum or should I say his home? For as much as he may ever venture out doors these day he may as well be dead now.

I am the free foot brother who never acquired a family, so I am not tied down to one geographic location in my retirement. Yet I am burdened with old fashioned sensabilities of being responsible for family. I came down to Shitholesippi because my parents are in their 80's; Moses uh Dad has Cancer and Mom couldn't care for the old imbecile alone. So after I completed my thrid and final Marine Corps Marathon, I departed NY state for the foreseeable future and came south to assist. Of course with me came some of my toys, H-D motorcycle, scuba gear, computer and camping supplies but not my redneck camper which I used at Key West last year it is snow bound back in NY at my younger brother's place acting as an interim storage shed while the concrete floor in his barn finally dries. Still I digress.

I've been in this effing hell of a stae since early Novemeber and have gone to several functions and activities in order to have some recreational persuits. Basicly I'm competed in several foot races and a 1/2 marathon and have done well in those. But I've still not found the quality of people I knew in NY. So between an imbecile father who does not believe in being a social creature and keeping less company than I prefer I find myself less than a happy camper.

Adding to my troubles are some other issues. Christmas morning found me breaking out my Diving First Aid supplies (which includes an Oxygen kit fron the Divers Alert Network) and providing oxygen to my father and having my mother call 911 for an Ambulance. He was having a heart attack and yet as he is parsimonious he would of had us drive him to the hospital telling us he didn't feel well. Thankfully he couldn't even hobble out to the sedan to attempt dying in there. So while he had an weak and erratic pulse all i could do was supply O2 untill the paramedics arrived. My Mother rode with them to Ocean Springs Hospital and it wasn't untill the paramedic got a EKG set up on him and saw the heart irrythym that the gravity of the situation was understood. He was preped for surgery in the ER, and moved immediately to surgery where in addition to recieving a stent he was diagnosed with an untreated infection of where he had surgery previously for the removal of a cancerous mass.

So that said the old ass is lucky to be alive to make people miserable today and in a way its my fault the miserable person himself is still alive; that and visitations in the hospital was pretty much how I ended the year 2010 untill the evening of the 29th when he was discharged for home recovery. Oh and it was happy happy joy joy to learn of that event as when my Mother and I arrived at the hospital that afternoon we were informed that "We should of called before coming as he was being discharged that evening". Right like we would of known? Fucking asses should of called us and given us that neccessary bit of information. Fucking morons and my imbecile father.

Still there was one high point during that episode of life; He was halucinating and delusional while in the ICU and its the only time in my life I can recall the bastage as being humorous. Too bad we're not allowed to medicate the pompous ass like that at his home.

So now its late/mid January and the most critical thing in his miserable life isn't working to develop strenght to facilitate movement and life. No his 13 inch cathode ray TV set which was in the kitchen died this past monday, I took it to the recycling site today.

20 January 2011,

Woke at 05:00 and while I'd prefer to dress for and go running I'm holding off till later in the morning as I'm driving the Father to his occularist appointment. Ol' Cyclops will be having the orb removed cleaned and the eye socket inspected and examined. After that he'll probably ask me to drive him to Walmart, joy.

As for today and myself well, I've got one new pair of running shoes and I might even get out to run in them. But as for races this year, that seems a less likely proposition as most here will interfer with life revolving around Moses.

So with life revoloving around the person who knows everything, especially if it pertains to the Moron State, I had opprotunity to display to him that he doesn't by using side roads he's never considered to get around a road construction detour. It is much less frustrating to move at slow speed in a residential area than be stuck at a dead stop on a main road with inconsiderate bastages disrupting a sensible flow of traffic as they are mor important than anyone else on the roadways. Freaking Mississippi Morons.

So what do I think about a state full of Imbeciles which doesn't even have decent Irish Bars? Oh I'm less than impressed. What do I think of a state where all food items are taxed, yes a poor tax, I'm less than Impressed. What do I think of a state where the two main east west roadways in the southern most section are both life lines and primary escape routes incase of disaster, I'm less than impressed.
What do I think of a stae that doesn't have margins or shoulders on the road ways and they drop into drainage ditches, I'm less than impressed. What do I think of a state where one can't be comfortable outdoors in the evening due to a preponderance of biting flying insects, I'm less than impressed.

Yeah southern NY state near NYC might suck but it doesn't suck like MS sucks. But there is a bright spot to MS and that is something the general population here may not consider. The local Police and Sheriffs Officers are every bit as professional as the officers I've met in the many states and countries I've ever traveled in. So while I may rail about the Insipid over paid, over exposed, over praised and under taxed politicians. You know the assholes who'll never cut their own salaries to help balance a budget. I can't thank the Police and other Public Safety Professionals and Volunteers enough for performing jobs that are mostly thankless and undervalued by the rest of society.

Ah a second bright spot Mississippi Beers, The Lazy Magnolia Brewing Co. in Kiln MS, puts out some nice and a few interestingly different products. If one ever gets the opprotunity to try some please do. Just don't ever let the assholes from Annhueser-Busch, Miller or Coors try to replicate the stuff. All they know how to do is make watery thin rice infused ersatz tastless near beer.

Note to the local Southern MS Bars for lack of a more precise term of derision. If you have Guinness on Tap do not serve it in frosted glasses. Regardless of how local management thinks that is not the way to serve a proper stout. Morons.

Don't bother trying to find a professional Dentist here in MS either; a listening to numerous answering machines after I broke a tooth during a holiday weekend leads me to believe that they may be educated but I'm less certain about their communication skills. If your operation is closed from Christmas Eve till after the NEW YEAR state that on the message Assholes!

Health Insurance and the Federal Government is another JOKE. If the feds want to really help they'll do forensic audits of all the Insurance Companies and fine them when they refuse claims at a value of the full claim as charged by the medical establishment plus interest penalties and taxes as well as a personal fine for all the CEO's COO's CFO's and make sure it cuts into the shareholders profits too. That will go a long way to cleaning up health care in the U.S.A. Those monies collected can go towards a national health care pool of cash. Hey lets piss off more bottomfeeding lawyers too one phrase does it all 'Tort Reform'!

Yeah I'm on a friggin role here. yet this is a safer way to vent off some of my frustrations. Of course watching a public caning of a criminal federal politician might be just as good. The FBI should start a section just to keep the Congress and Senate in check, both sides of the Aisles extrem leftist Democrats and extreme rightwing Republicans.

So I guess 3 pages of commentary, rants and ramblings are enough for now. There are many other things I would rather do than be Driving Mr. Dippy and running off for his prescriptions as he waits till the last pill before reordering; but when you deal with fuck headed morons who are control freaks even when things are out of their control, you will end up angry and frustrated. And the moronic bulk of society and news readers wonder why road rage is all the rage.

06:18 20 January 2011. and thus I begin my day expressing my anger and frustrations. Not a good way to begin.