Sunday, May 10, 2009

OK time to up date and post some pictures.

From a day hike in the Putnam County Conservation Lands to Running the streets of Albany in Red Dresses the world keeps moving and so do I.

The Red Dress Run:

Ah where the hell am I, OK its Mother's Day, Mom will get a call in a bit as she's in a different time zone. But to our mother's; Thank you for doing the best you could with us.

Now for the Updates to the blog and even some pictures.

Last part of April through the begining of May:

Well Its been an interesting week, a screwed up week but an interesting one none the less. This past Sunday I had the option of going to the Loyalty Day Picnic at the Veterans Park here in Putnam County, NY or the annual USMA tattoo at West Point. I chose the Tatto and it proved beneficial in making contacts with some other bagpipers, I'll be practicing with some members of the Fraternal Order of Police Pipers in the near future. Reasonably close to where I'm staying this year for the spring, summer and fall before I head south for next winter.

As for the screwed up part of the week I lost my wallet, not sure if I lost it out of the bike bag while bicycling on the Putnam County Rail Trail or if it was lifted. Either way it sucks to have lost it. Thankfully I did not loose my drivers license, military ID, boaters certificate, Health Insurance Card or West Point Retired Employee ID. But loosing the one credit card and ATM card along with my pistol permit, VFW, American Legion member cards, scuba diver certifications dental and dive insurance cards is a nusiance. The two hundred dollars in the wallet is a inconvienece for my monthly budgeting but not a nightmare.

So thats is the worst of the week.

If I recall correctly Friday May 1st is the Sons of the American Legion meeting in Monroe, NY and I'm making a visit specific for the purpose of thanking the members for their donation last year to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

As for charitable events I'm considering doing this year, May 9th the Halve Mein hash house Harriers will have their annual Red Dress Run in Albany NY this year, if I recall correctly, they are raising funds for the Firefighter's Burn Center there. Yes, I am considering running through Albany in a dress again. The party after the event is a crazy event as well. But all in all good fun. Hopefully the weather is good for it, the worst part is the trip up to and back from Albany, I may choose to get a motel room for the night if I get a bag on.

Sunday, May 3rd, I'm heading over to Pike County, PA, for the ABATE of PA, Chapter 41 annual picnic. Hopefully again the weather holds out for a motorcycle ride, failing pleasant weather, that I'll drive the van over.

In regards to other events I'm planning to take part in this year, I'll be running in the West Point 10K on May 16th. Followed by bringing the old HD down to DC for the Rolling Thunder Ride for Memorial Day. Then in the Fall it will be the Army 10 miler and Marine Corps Marathon in October. I'll be doing those on the cheap and stay with family in Northern VA for the 3 times I'm down there. As for the longer distance runs, I'm just planing to finish them, not win. The 10 miler should take just under two hours at my normal pace, and the Marine Corps Marathon about 5 hours at best. Although I have run a half marathon in 2 hours 15 minutes this spring and supposedly that'll reflect about a 4 hour and 45 minute, give or take, marathon.

Still, if I'm going to be doing agood deal of training for the long runs, I'll be spending a long time on my feet and will probably wear out 4 pairs of running shoes before the marathon proper. The benficial part of running is I can keep my weight down, the bad part is I'll probaly go through another 3 sets of knee braces this year (again).

Well i suppose if I post this to my blog as planned i should post some pictures as well and so I will.

Tuesday May 5th.

Well things haven't gone as planned but still life goes on and events unfold.

Went to Monroe on May first and met with Benny, we had a few beverages together and passed the time. As for making the American Legion event, that fell through due to a member passing on and an earlier function held for him.

May 2nd Saturday, I had gone up to my brother's place and we started the process of replacing brake lines on his 97 F350 pickup truck, not that we couldn't guess why they rusted out.

May 3rd Sunday a 6 mile run in the morning followed by a trip to and attending the ABATE of PA, Chapter 41 Annual Picnic. A slightly damp affair but not too sodden.

Monday 4 May, After my morning run it wasback up to the brother's place and installed new brake lines for the front half of the truck everything from the Master Cylinder south. Shaping the lines isn't too much of a problem its just getting every thing close to align properly with the space allowed isn't always easy. More impressive was forming the line headed down to the splitter from the mastercylinder as some of the bends in the original are very sharp compared to what I'll normally bend in brake line tubing.

After installing the new brake line and bleeding the system it was onto trouble shooting an electrical problem on a lawn mower. As I could not disconnect the electrical harness to the voltage regulator for the battery charging circuit and the day was getting late we called it quits. I suspect that the voltage regulator has gone south as there is a constant drain on the battery, very low amperage and about a constant two volts. most every circuit I was able to check didn't seem to affect the current draw, so by process of elimination we'll get it sorted out. But due to the vibration the solid state component is subjected to, i wouldn't be surprised if that is the problem source.

Then back down to my youngest brother's place and taking his oldest boy over to Connecticut for Martial Arts lessons. It seems to help him to focus. But now with classes running from8 to 10 PM it may be running late in the evening for him. But that's just my opinion.

Well today May 5th, I did a easy 3 miles but at a slightly faster pace than I normally run so I guess I had a good run today. Later this week I'll shoot for about a 14 mile run. But for now it is time to relax.

Finally, not all is fun and games some things are serious, but I won't take em seriously. I've also done a bit of hiking and other minor things which I haven't included but still all in all things are going pretty good.

The Red Dress Run Report, 10 May 2009.

Yesterday the Halve Mein Hash House Harriers, located in the Capitol region of NY State held their annual NURD or North East Unofficial Red Dress event. This shambles of a recreational event takes place wholey within the realms of insanity and the city of Albany, not much difference either way.

So to set the groundwork for what is supposedly a fun time and activity revolving around exercise and beer. For my self, I did not register till about 6:am on the morning of the event. Bringing the total number of registrants up to an even 80. Then a 2&1/2 hour drive to the capitol of the Socialist Republic of Neuva York, State motto, Tax em dry, where the government is so inept at controling costs the legislators are preparing to tax the working cast out of the state inorder to aid the People's Socialists Dominion of New York City from being economicly responsible and paying its own way. Yet I digress. Still I plan a route to the Cesspool City via routes which do not cost me more in fees to use them. Specificly avoiding the State's Thruway System which still allows me to arrive in Albany by 10:30 in the morning.

Before the event; Since I arrived early I found a good parking space next to the base of operations, The Bar; aka the Water Works, here is where we'll sign in pay our fee and start out upon our run/march into madness. Pay the $1.00 all day parking fee (Tax) for Saturdays and walk around the area of Washington and Central Aves. Since I ate a light breakfast i figure its time for a mid morning repast and enter a small diner. OK clean enough test 1 passed. Two ask about a egg on a rol and they say they use precooked egg patties WTF!? thanks but no thanks There are some things even I won't stoop to even though I'm in the city to run through it while wearing a red dress. Walked on and grabbed a slice of pizza and a soda instead.

Noon time and registration begins; Since I didn't register early no T-shirt for me, Thats cool as I've more than enough to last a life time, Pay my fee and purchase a couple of souvenir nicnacs such as the official beer mug with the Halve Mein Hash's logo, a bottle opener and NURD 2009 fob. Then is sitting about relaxing conversing and drinking till the chalk talk and start. The Chalk talk for the uniformed explains what marking will be used and how, so the pack has a chance of folowing and catching maybe the willy hares. Markings explained its time for the prerun warm up aka the song & dance. Then its off and we do mean off. I had to put a couple of toys away and sprint after the mob of runners in order to catch them on the far side of the park where the Tulip Festival is being held.

Did I mention that the run will usually pss through the centre of a cultural event attracting many various peoples? No, well let me expnd upon that premise. You've got your Left wingers (Albany remember a major political centre), your right wingers, your moralists, your amoralists, your Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Catholics and numerous Protestant denominations; You've got your whites, blacks, & multi hued ethnic groups and there are packs of runners and walkers in various arrays of Red Dresses running (or walking) through the middle of the event. Channel 9 News in Albany knew it would occur and even covered a small portion of the mayhem. So the main Pack ran through the Park and me with a late start sprinting after them.

Now did I meantion the weather? well the morning was dismal enough and rain was expected, So what happens? Ol Sol decides to appear and warm things up, alot. Well over what feels like 80 degrees. We arrive at the first rest point/2nd bar and imbibe the beverages o our choice. Beer, water, or watered down beer, relax out of the sun for a short bit before heading towards the capitol centre and down towards the water front along the Hudson River where we expect to find our next rest stop/Oasis. No such luck the marks weren't as clear as they should of been and we press on along the river front. Did I mention that the predominate route of this course was down hill? Well now to get to the end it will beventually become an up hill slog in high heat.

Still we are on trail and find where the hares tried to lead us astray and also maybe hopefully kill us. On to an active section of rail line, train tracks. Uh OH, We see the light, hear the whistle and everyone off the tracks. You do realize we were in so violation of numerous federal and state laws. But Loki the Norse diety of miscreants, and jokers was looking out for us and we caught a hare, possible more due to his ineptitude of leading us along a dangerous and potentially fatal path and a forced detour rather than shear dumb luck on our part. Onto another rest point/bar. Did you know that in the city of Albany ther is a excellent example of an indoor Beer Garten, Well I do now, and thus a place to head towards if I ever head back that way again.

At the Beer Garten, we make an obvious impression; Loud, disorderly, vulgar and mostly insane. I think the heat of the day had something to do with it as it felt like 120 degrees in the sun, I don't remember my incarceration, uh Lagering Over at Guantanamo Bay as being that uncomfortably warm.

Well onto the trail. Its now time to start the climb back up hill. This is where the Turkeys and Eagles split courses. OK I'm not the sanist person on the planet, but I've experience enough torment for the day, I take the Turkey Route. OH God no, not a gentle incline no but at least not a run up a steep grass slope either. Its a friggin stair way, and not one to heaven either. If we've been running upon the nature trail to hell, this would be the stair way to heaving our guts all over the side walk. Well we still need to get up hill to the bar and the final point of our madness and descent into depravity. The bar. Maybe 6 miles total distance covered by those of us who went on the Turkey Trail, But it felt more like 8 and since I'm not overly familiar with Albanyand our exact route, I'll err towards the 8 I felt it was.

At this point we are so heavily saturated in sweat from the 150 degree day and baking sun that the airconditioned comfort isn't felt. We need fluids, rest and food.. Ah and now commences the feasting. Carbs and plenty of them, Beer, Pasta, Beer, Pasta, cookies, Beer; have you noticed a recurring theme yet? Beer, salad, Beer. Oh yeah and some more beer.

After a much needed feast and a change to dry clothes, I did say the airconditioning was on and many of us were soaking from sweat. Trust me the dry clothes were very much needed as well. Its was time for the ceremonies, the songs the dances, and more beer. Well finally about 19:30 hours I bid my farewell to the masses and weave my way back to the chariot for the two and a 1/2 hour journey back to my shelter.

All in all the experience was horrible, excessive heat, poorly marked trail, missed rest stop, sore aching feet, loosened black toe nail. I can't wait to do it again next year.