Thursday, October 30, 2008

Early snow, bad weather and halloween.

A short synopsis, I finally got back to my current abode on Tuesday the 28 of October. While the weather here in the Hudson Valley wasn't pleasant elsewhere in the region it was worse. Snow almost 1 foot fell in western orange and Eastern Pike Counties, pleanty of folks lost power due to trees still with leaves upon them having limbs break or themselves falling under the load of snow.

While I wasn't directly affected, my older brother who lives in Pike County, PA. was and he asked me to check upon a few things while he was working a job above the squall line in NY State.

His house had been without power since sometime on Tuesday and I went over with an old portable generator just big enough to operate essential items. Boiler for heat, well pump, rerigerator. Well I was able to power up the refrigerator and freezer there as well as a lamp or two but I couldn't power his boiler or well as he hadn't had an electrician put in a AB switch and power supply point to feed it.
But compared to many people in the Pike County Region he got lucky and had electrical services restored by about 17:00/5:00PM.

So my day on Wednesday was easy enough, hit the gym first thing in the morning, field a call from my brother asking for assistance and spend the afternoon in Pike County tending a genset wit powercables snaked through his home. That and I took his two dogs for a short walk as well. Now his dogs well they aren't small and they aren't even a yearold yet. Still they got to be at least 80 pounds apiece. A mix between a Mountain Dog and Golden Retriever. Nice dogs, just in need of more training and discipline.

Today Thursday the 30th, I started my day with a 3.3 mile run, followed by a show and wasting the better part of the day on the computer. Late this afternoon/early this evening I took a 3.3 mile walk, and have had a few beers. Basicly I squandered a good day.

Tomorrow is Halloween. Hmm Costume, thats easy I'll put on my kilt and claim I'm Grounds Keeper Willie from the Simpsons. Or just go off as the World's Worst Piper.

Well that is the simple update for today, if I don't add more on friday or during thweekend it due to being caught up in a few commitmants.

Have a safe Samhain/Halloween and weekend everyone.
Cheers & Prosit Alles!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Just pictures of myself the competitors shirt, finisher's medal and running singlet.

Tuesday, October 28th. I'm Home and the Marathon is Done.

Good Morning every one and a wet rainy morning it is but I'm enjoying it as I'm back at my apartment for the time being. Lots of things to catch up upon over the next few days and a lot of packing to do as well. But thats unimportant.

The Marine Corps Marathon, in the Greater Washington DC Metro area is Done. I finished under my own power and I'm content with my times and efforts to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, To all my Donors a deep and heart felt; Thank You All!.

The statistics for the marathon. Aproximately 30,000 runners and I didn't even try to count the spectators and well wishers , to all of you also Thank You for the emotional support. As for myself, well I'll post the sttistical information and then a cut & past of material I've written covering my impressions, thoughts and images of the last few days.

Clock time; 5 hours 23 minutes and 56 seconds.
Net time, from crossing the official start to finish; 5 hours and 15 minutes.
Pace; 12 minutes a mile.
Overall; 13,783.
Males; 8957th (to cross the line).
Division; 740th (for my age group).

Now the cut and past covering the last few days in depth.

26 October, 2008. The Marine Corps Marathon.

OK, today is Sunday, the 26th of October 2008, The time is now 17:00 Hours/5:00 PM and I'm back in my Hotel Room. First my impressions about Washington DC since arriving Saturday Afternoon. Niggardly, Greedy, Money Grubbing, and Just Plan Ignorrant are my fist bimpressions and since first impressions are important. The City of Washington and the surrounding Virginia Metropolitan area has failed miserably.

Union Station in DC on Saturday Afternoon, you need to navigate arround slow wide cues of people. Informational and Direction Signage is minimal to None existant and not all too clear of intent. Unless you've have a person how has navigated the confusing mismash of ignorant layout and addaptation you're scewed.

Still the shuttle service to the Hotel was aceptable aside for on driver who was impatient to get back to collect the next possible set of fairs. Well I can understand that to an extent as Amtrak was only an hour off schedule arriving in DC.

The DC Metro System. Another fouling of the genepool allowed some motherless bean counter to develop a system based upon a zone fair system. Only there is no explanation of how the zone fairs work and you're left on your own to try to figure it out. Fist the stops are all listed Alphabeticly and a price is indicated . But if you're a visitor and need to see where the stops are in relation to a system map you're screwed as thats not conviently located, a system map is at a seperate informational Kiosk and your stuck shifting your attention back and forth between different places to develop an Idea of how much you need to spend inorder to make a minimal payment.

Another Ignorant aspect of the DC Metro is that it delays you by making you use the metrocard to exit the station so that the fair for the zone can be collected. The dung beatles who developed the system and run it currently could learn better lessons from Europe, NewYork City and Boston.

So would I ever spend a dime more than essential to help support a faultering system. F no!

Now as for the Marine Corps Marathon itself, Aside from the major ignorrance of transportation issues to the start and return to the hotel. The Marine Corps Marathon is a great run. Would I do it again? I can't honestly answer. Again issues I've noted stem from the transportation side making the access less than good and departure from the finish point is problematic too.

The Metro to the pentagon leaves you walking a longer than needed circuitous route to the baggage check. Adequate temporary signage to the baggage drop off is lacking. So unless you've been there before you're at a loss for neccessary information on where to go. Still I must commend the the members of the U.S. Marine Corps for they were able to give me the directions I did so need.

As for starting points compared to the start in relation to the finish line, you spend a great deal of time walking to your start corral, even knowing you've a further walk to the actually start point of the raced depending upon what your estimated finish time will be.
I chose the 5:00 to 5:29 starting corral based upon my estimated finishing time. From the Gun Start of the race till I actually stepped over the timing bar at the start I would estimate at a minimum of a 15 minutes was expended.

So after walking at least 15 minutes I finally crossed the start point and begin my marathon. A few related items concerning the Marthon. The original weather forecast was for a high in the mid to upper 60's with a high likelyhood of rain in the afternoon. I was looking forward to the cloud cover and cooler temps and thus did not employ Sunblock. So what happens? Well the Skies break clear, no clouds in the sky and I get a modest sunburn on my neck, shoulders, upper arms. and the temps push 70 degrees or possibly higher during the run. As for my mode of dress, Army BDU Cap, Team in Training Running Singlet, Army Physical Fitness shorts, Veterans Administration Supplied Kneed Braces, Wicking Socks and Brooks DEFYANCE running shoes with about 35 miles on them for break inpurposes and with today's 26.2 mile run + interminable walking, over 61.4 miles on the shoes.

OK so much for that gripping and complaining.

As for the course itself, The hills weren't as steep as I trained upon but the long straight aways where the terrain is flat was an adjustment, That and just the shear volume of runners.

I planned to stay ahead of the 5 hour and 30 group for my run but alas that was not to be. I actually ran stronger and faster than I inteneded and caught the lead of the 5 hour group and passed them near the 8 mile mark and I don't think I saw them again.

As for myself, I was in good spirits most of the run and even encouraged the crowd, to ring the cowbells more and cheer louder along several points. Well along much of the course. Finally after the 20 mile mark my fast early pace started to pay me back and I was feeling the effects in my calves. between the 21 and 22 mile points it was time to breakdown and walk a bit., Yet some of the runners were not running much faster than my walk. I just rolled my shoulders back looked forward and marched hard into it. After a bit I recovered enough to run some more but for the last 4 miles of the marathon that was to be my routine. Run till I was feeling the effects and walk hard till I felt like running again. near the 24/25 mile mark I broke out my secret weapon. A Mantra. This is my course It will not beat me, I will beat it. At that point I had a strong hamstring pull and just worked my way through the pain I felt.

Finally near the last mile I broke into my jogging pace to the Marine Corps Memorial. I attempted to maintain that pace up the hill but the first half just wouldn't let me do that, after I made my right turn and saw the finishing arch I made my final sprint. Yes sprint. I don't know where that energry reserve came from but I passed runners who gave it their all and were as tired as myself but managed to stay ahead of me till that point. I don't remember my exact final time on the clock I'd like to say 5 hours and 21 minutes, it may of been 5 hours and 23 minutes. But I shall wait on checking the results and and post them a little later.

20:00 hours/8:00PM Its late in the evening and I'm calling it a night within the hour. I've had dinner dessert, and a couple of beers. I feel if I go souvenier shopping I'll do it Monday Morning. I could take the subway to the pentagon and hit their PX up. But thats doubtful. Even grabbing stuff here is not too likely as the prices are jacked up too much. I don't know what the profit margins vs taxes are but its a disinsentive to support the local economy. As an example I'll be posting this and other information either from the Amtrak or after I get home as paying $10.00 for internet access isn't within my budgetary allocation, especially when so many Motels will provide internet access as part of the room fee. You may consider the Marriott Hotel chain off my short list of facilities to use whilst traveling. Hello Motel 6 and Econolodges.

Well this is all for tonight, I'm headed off to bed shortly and tomrrow will likely be a long day traveling back home. Then I need to start packing the tent and preparing my caravan for a mid November excursion to Mississippi.

Monday, 27 October, 2008.
16:00/4:00 Pm bouncing along on Amtrack trying to type this blog/journal entry. Well I'm on my way back to NY state. The marathon over and a small tour of the Nation's Capitol done. As for my impressions of Monday in DC near the Library of Congress, The Russell Senate Office Building, The Supreme Court Building is shocking, The Police and Security presence is overwhelming; Even with Congress and the Senate not being in session the security presence is pervasive. Now its true I wouldn't go out of my way to aid a politician, but by the same token, I won't go out of my way to harm one either, Although I can understand the truth about any U.S. Political leader being a potential target, even amongst themselves.

Still I'm less than impressed by the overall high costs in the DC area and the way it is driven onto everyone. But those entities that should be paying. Lobbyists, PACs, Business and Industrial Barons seem to enjoy many ,too many priveleges, when I see this.

Still the interrior of our nation's Capitol Building is wonderous and enlightening of our history. I would recommend that an indepth tour be taken if the opprotunity is ever provided.

I'm still less than impressed with the Greater DC Area Metro even if it is clean. Systems maps aren't located conviently enough, the Metro Card Kiosk appear to be configured never to return change for unused fare thus robbing the tourist of money. OK thirty cents may not seem like much but it adds up over the course of thousands of visitors robbed by the niggardly individuals charged with operating and maintaining a poorly designed system.

Well its now a 4 hour train ride via Amtrak back to New Rochelle on a shaky train. The wonder of the North East Corridor. then I'll get the 62 bus to White Plains and transfer there to Metro North to Brewster North where I'll get with my youngest brother for another over night stay befor going home to clear out the Apartment.

Union Station in Washington DC was also never designed for the volume of passenger traffic now using it as well. I believe Penn Station and grand Central Station Both in NYC do a much better job of Passenger movement. Well, most of the trip has helped uphold my already poor image and expectations of the Washington DC Metro Area. Needless to say my impressions are whats being passed along and not the filtering of a national guide book extoling the virtues of the area. Oh there are some very nice aspects but, the negatives seem to stand out glaringly.

28 october, 09:33 AM
Late addendum; The Bee Line Bus serivice in Westchester County is as jacked up as the DC Metro system. Their routing and informational signs do not clearly designate AM and PM times, nor do they inform you that from the New Rochelle transit Hub you need to walk two block to main street to catch the #60 Bus to get to the White Plains Train Satation, So a very loud F you to the inbreds operating the bus transit system in Westchester County, My the monies for administrative pay be slashed so badly the senior management is required to ride their own service and not be provided any info thats logical, concise and inteligent.

Well thats all for now
Aside from a few rants thrown in my experiences were pretty good really. But the rants and complaints are justifiable.

Again Thank you to every one who donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society on my behalf. Have a very safe and easy week, Enjoy Halloween on Friday if you observe it, and take care of your selves.

Cheers & Prosit Alles!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday morning, prerace jitters and update.

Firday 24 October, 2008. I awoke this morning ot 03:30, nervousness about the up comming marathon is the most likely reason; although It is only a longer duration run than a few of the others I've done.

Still to burn time I played on the computer and visted a running related website I enjoy. Then at 06:00 I went out for my final run before the Marathon on Sunday. Just 3.3 miles home to Thayer Gate and back. I could of gone out much earlier in the morning, But again I chose not to maybe the 33/34 degree temperature felt daunting. Still my run is done for today, I've my coffee next to me and a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

Yesterday, was a scheduled down day from running and I spent the betterpart of the afternoon at my brother's property cutting back weeds,wild rose bushes and small trees from the frontage. I much prefer doing that sort of manual labor this time of year as I find it difficult to abid by the heat of summer. The draw back being my hands will blanch and go numb from the cooler temperatures, Just a few words concerning protecting your hands in the winter; Mittens and don't expose them to nature or chemicals such as fuel oil, gasoline or other vilotile hydrocarbons which evaporate quickly, Frost nip is a major concern and several serious repeat bouts have taken their toll over the years. Fire Trucks having enclosed cabins for the crew is a major plus come this time of year.

Well I'm going off line shortlyand later will heading to another of my brothers' home and spending the night there before catching the Morning Train to Washington DC. As for now its laundry time. I don't need the stuff I wore this morning reeking in a corner for a long weekend.

Safe day everone.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday Evening before the weekend marathon

This is a cut and paste job covering some of the past three days. I'll be starting my Journey to Washington DC on friday evening and am not sure if I'll drag the laptop along to make reports; That shall be a last moment decision. So on with the last three days.

Monday Evening, 20 October, 2008.

Today according to my training regimen was supposed to be a rest and or cross training day. So I did not run today. However I've made a few decisions and took some actions which shall affect me over the coming months.

One decision is that it is past time to vacate my current apartment. So come the end of October I shall be moved out. This will not be a hardship, but it will be an adjustment. Second item is I will be going to Mississippi after Armistace/Veterans Day on November 11th. Two reasons for that shift of locations; I generally spend Thanksgiving with my Parents and since I'm not sure what the long term prognosis will be for my Father's current spate with Skin Cancer and my parents are both in their 70's its time to start looking out for them.

The one thing that will make this easier for me is that I'm not anchored to New York State by a wife or child, nor lover. True, I've my three brothers within a 60 mile radius of where I'm currently residing. And I'll miss getting together with them as often as I've been able to. But due to chance, choices and the vagaries of life I have not found a person whom I shall share my life with.

So October 31st, Halloween will be the last day I'm expecting to be with this current roof over my head.

As for today, I took the morning in a reasonably easy fashion and then started disassebling some aspects of my apartment. Tomorrow I'll do my 3.3 mile run as has become customary, follow that with Bagpipe practice in Peekskill and depending upon the whims of weather I shall either go back up to my one brother's abode to clear some of the undergrowth from his road frontage or I shall be packing and consolidating some of the items' i've acquired over time. But for now, I'm reducing dramatically what I've got here in the apartment. Now I've to move some scuba gear to the barn fold and stow my kitchen table, I choose items which could be folded, and or broken down easily to take up less space for furniture as I did lead a semi-nomadic life for years and would from time to time need to secure my possesions in a limited amount of space. And once again I find my self in a similar position.

Well in the words of Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Newman "What, me worry?".

So now I shall call it a night head to bed and see what the morning brings. I may be surpised by the capricousness of what ever happens next.

Tuesday Evening, 21 October, 2008

Today was a little different from my normal but not too different.

I ran my 3.3 mile route although my training regimen said only 3 and I was out from 06:00 to 06:30 running in the dark on the shoulder of the roads. Yes, I carry a light, wear reflective apparel and a reflective belt with a little white LED hanging off the back, but it is no longer surprising how many poor drivers have no concept of how much wider the travel lane is in comparrison to their cars and prefer to place their right tires on the wrong side of the white lane stripping.

Well after the run, morning cleasning rituals (aka the 3 S's) and breakfast, I grabbed up my Bagpipes and headed on down to Peekskill for practice at 08:30, I only got to Joe's place 5 to 10 minutes later than usual. There is no rhyme or reason for some of the traffic flow problems aside from attribution to really bad drivers who place them selves and need to be in the lead over anybody else. Anyone who uses US9 south of the Annsville Circle knows there is work in progress on 9 and the road shifts to 1 lane from two. But still they won't leave early and will cut, weave, swerve, and crowd traffic to get no where fast rather than leaving early to allow for delays. But as Joe and I are retired the slight delay isn't a critical issue. Still to the Asshole from New Jersey who blew through the Yeild Sign at the Bear Mountain Bridge Traffic Circle; Please, please, if your going to have yourself a motor vehicle incident, with your lack of driving courtesy it won't be an accident, please do so far away from quick response of emergency providers so you may have time to contemplate your actions and think upon the pain you are causing your self. Because if I had struck your vehicle with mine you would of learned a new meaning of anguish.

Well Bagpipe practice was uneventful and I'll be checking at a few Fire Stations/Halls this week to see if a few of us can spend some time in one on Sunday afternoons to practice together for a small gig on Armistace/Veterans Day come November 11th. For those who don't know Joe is Joe Brady Sr. and a he had been a Piping Judge for the Eastern United States Pipe Band Association.

After leaving Joe's, I headed for Danbury CT, This is probably one of the last time's I'll have lunch at Helga's/The Old Heidleberg Restaurant. Not because the restaurant is closing it isn't but I'll let on in a later posting why. Still my first stop was at the 411th Civil Affairs Battalion Drill Hall in Danbury, there I met with one of my former NCOICs Tim Winkler, from there he and I went on up to lunch. I can heartily recommend both the Jeagerschnitzel and Saurebraten. After lunch back to the reserve Center and I spoke with Another person there whom I've known for years and wished him well with his new assignment up in Mattydale, NY.

Well after my social visit it was time to head back towards home. Stopped in Cold Springs to say hi to Ed, but he was out of the office for the day and I just meandered on home after spending a little time window shopping on Main St. in Cold Spring.

That pretty much sums up the general events, now just cleaning and preparing what i'll bring along to the Marine Corps Marathon when I depart on Friday afternoon. I'll overnight at my youngest brother's home and he'll drop me at the train station on Saturday morning.

As for tomorrow/Wednesday, that'll start with a easy 5 mile run. So thats all for now.

Wednesday, 22 October, 1650hrs.

Ah simple plans should be easy to follow, no plans even easier. Well the simple plan was to run five miles this morning. Well yeah I ran the five and almost a full mile more. 5.95 miles. So much for following a training program to the exact letter.

Following breakfast after the run i drove up to Round Pond Recreation Area for a couple of hours of work & recreation. OK I wasn't working so much as the laundry facility was doing the work; Washing and drying my clothes. My recreation was practicing with my bagpipes and practice chanters, trying to learn what should be by now simple tunes. Still my hands respond poorly in cooler temperatures and even wearing fingerless gloves doesn't keep the fingers warm enough to work the way I would like them to. Cold weather injuries, frost nip, surface frost bite, does damage as does working with gasoline and diesel fuel in temperatures below freezing which I've done a great deal of as a younger man while in the Army.

While I'm very light skinned, my fingers and hands turn blanched white.

About noontime my laundry is done and everthing is folded, bagged and the clothes and pipes are secured for my next stop.

Fueling the van, it should be a simple propsition but I was ready to place my fist through the display screen of the fuel pump when it stopped working midway through fueling my van. Well if the damned bit of electronic crap is gonna screw up, my option is to ensure no other person gets screwed by it. and place a highway cone infront of it before I depart. Let the management try to figure out why that pump isn't being utilized by the other customers.

After I depart the Fuel Station I drop my clothes at home and head into Peekskill, There are two reasons to swing by the city, 1) my younger brother is working as a volunteer at a blood drive andit gives me an opprotunity to say hi to him. 2) Check on a couple of locations where Joe, a few other students and I can get together and practice for a small show on Armistace/Veterans' Day. Theres a chance we'll get some time and space at a Fire Hall on rts 202&35 in Peekskill proper.

As for donating blood, I am no longer an eligible donor. I used too donate, but after living in Europe during the outbreaks of Bovine Spongeform Encephalitis aka Mad Cow Disease, I have been added to the not suitable for donation lists. There is no viable test for the markers/prions which accompany the disease so untill one develops it there is no way of knowning if one has it. The disease itself is a neurological disorder and takes years to develop before obvious signs and symptoms are displayed.

After checking at a few possible locations for the Pipers to gather and practice I take the indirect route home. Stopping at a bar on Albany Post Road formerly called the Rusty Rudder and having a nautical theme; Now called Station 7 and having a Firefighters theme. Two beers and a sandwich & fries later I'm headed home. The chicken sandwich there is decent and the portions large, a very filling meal at 14:30 in the afternoon hours.

So I get home and take a nap, leading me to 10 till 5 in the evening when I started again recording impressions for the blog.

As I type this out onto word pad for later cutting and pastng to the blog I'm listening to the radio; 90.7 FM, WFUV from Fordham University in the Bronx. They are having a fund raising drive and even with the requests for support they are still playing a great eclectic mix of music. And thus goes my plug for radio.

So with not further much ado, and while Simon & Garfunkel play on the radio I'll get on line check my e-mails and update my blog & other web accounts.

Cheers & prosit,

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday Morning Antsiness.

06:30 AM, Monday the 20th of October 2008.

Now I feel nervous about the upcoming Marathon on the 26th.
I'm in taper mode and I just want to run, run, run. I can hardly wait to get this done.
I've had no injuries in training aside from a loosened toenail bed and that is healing nicely.
I will wear my knee braces for the run, I have too due to prior injuries and instability both form stresses, injuries and abuse when I was much younger and now may be as much due to having been seriously over weight for years and still making strong demands upon my skeleton and musculature.

Well as for today, my training regimen calls for cross training and rest without any running as I desire. Tuesday will be a modest 3 mile run at nearly an 11 min a mile pace. Wednesday again a rest and cross training day. Thursday 5 miles, Friday 3 miles, Saturday Rest and Travel Day. Sunday the full marathon distance of 26.2 miles. Well that is what my training schedule is calling for at least.

Let me just say I am feeling antsy and just want to get this done now.

I still can hardly believe I ran up and down Bear Mountain yesterday. It wasn't the distance that makes it impressive for me its the elevation I climbed from the Bear Mountain Inn to the Road on the Summit. Oh I know compared to the runners in the Rocky Mountains, on the West Coast, and some locations here along the Appalachian Range that 1,123 feet is a modest bump. But I am still some what awed when held in comparisson to my other runs. Still the saving grace for me was the easy grade I climbed compared to a few other roads I've been training upon.

As for today, I'll be running a few items to storage for the winter, pricing out self storage facilities and preparing to abandon where I've called home for these past 7 years for a long term.

Waking up at odd hours due to the neighbors having loud noisy sex is also an added impetus. Yet still I want to try to follow my original plan, somewhat, for after I retired and see other aspects of the continetal United States. I don't want to be locked down to a single location as I have been.

So as for near term activities. Run the marathon on the 26th, a couple of Halloween events, Vote on Election Day, play the pipes with Joe Brady, Sr. at the State Veteran's Home in Montross on Nov 11th. Then depart for points south.

So today I'll go for an easy walk of several miles and transfer things I'm not too worried abou to my younger brother's barn for the winter. I don't thing I'm going to need a large room air conditioner unit for some time to come.

Cheers & prosit


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday morning; One week till the Marine Corps Marathon.

OK so Thursday was my last entry, what has transpired since then? Not too much really, just trying to stay in a reasonable training mode for next Sunday's marathon in Washington DC. Since the marathon itself is week and a half befor the elections and just before Halloween, it could be interesting. Whats scarier, Lobbyists, Politicians seeking ofice or little kids trick or treating?

OK On friday morning I only ran 2.13 miles and kill that off in 18:35, climbing 222 feet to finish the first mile. After that just the mundane aspects of life, went to an Optometry shop for a quicky eye exam and order new glasses. Its been about 2 years since my last prescription change and I'm rough on lenses & frames. Hey theres only so much you can do with cable ties, duct tape and bailing wire; Bubble gum is just so unsanitary. Friday evening I took a 2&1/2 mile walk. On my return home I was estatic as I knew I wouldn't need my alarm clock at all during the weekend. My landlady's lover is in for the weekend. I really hate the Opera performances.

Saturday Morning after a fitfully sleep, Hmmm I wonder why. Did I say I hate live performances, I do especially when the stage is overhead. Well since its not a running day and I'm up early I might as well go out for breakfast. Fire up the motorcycle and off I go. Actually I was planning to be out most of the day with a few others anyway so it weren't a problem. Met with a few other riders and took them on back and side roads ove to Danbury CT to a good German Restuarant for Lunch. I Return home about 4:30 put some things away, throw the bagpipes in the van and go over to North Dock on West Point practice a bit by the river. After that park the van by the MP station, and go for maybe a three mile walk at worst. Up to the Football stadium around the NW corner down to Central area and out Thayer Gate. Stop at the South Gate for a couple of beers. Tried the new swill from Budwizzer, American Ale, Not great closer to a IPA than a good ale, but the color is OK. I'd get it as a alternative to good ales for the coors & bud drinkers as they like swill anyway. Back home and hopefully a nights sleep.

Sunday morning 04:00 and thus the Opera begins a new. OK get up get dress in my running clothes, check the e-mails and get out by 6AM leaving my MP# player charging and Looking forward to the morning's EIGHT & ONE HALF Mile Run.

Bear Mountain State Park, its a pretty place and nice to visit. I don't go often as motorcycles are charged full price for parking and commercial vehicles, ie my personal van, are not allowed to be used on park roads except by permit only and I don't qualify.

Well I'm in the park by 06:40 and now need to make a decision. On my run this morning do I want/need to wear full wind protection or not. I opt for the jacket head cover and gloves, leaving the legs exposed and start off from the Kiosk at the Bear Mountain Inn for Perkins Observatory 4.25 miles and 1,123 feet up hill.
Compared to the places I've been running The Roads are a gradual pitch and thus relatively easy. The distance to climb will be the real challenge.

I star with the breaking of dawn more or less and its light enough at 07:00 to dispense with carrying a flashlight. Traffic is sparse to nonexistant and off I go First 1/4 mile a level space to warm into this before turning onto the road leading up hill. 24minutes and 7 seconds into my climb I arrive at the Gate which is closed and dodge around it and continue upward. Well the skys are getting lighter and southward facing sides of the mountain were protected from the North Wind this morning; So I'm comfortably warm and have the wind shell open for venting. As i swing around the West side of Bear Mountain the wind hits me, Still its not as bad as I though it was going to be and i soldier on up the hill. Finally I'm in the area of the overlook at Perkins Observatory. I can make out the grey towers of Manhattan outlined against the lighter grey clouds above and behind and I pass my halfway point at 49 minutes and 27 seconds. Now I can ease on down the road. All this time I have the road from the gate up to, around and back down to the gate to myself I'm running on the double yellow with out worry or concern. The only creatures who are startles are some white tail deer which leave me to my running and thoughts. 1 hour 10 minutes and 6 seconds back at the gate, around and down hill I continue. As I'm running down hill I see 4 bicyclists laboring up, I think they were surprised to see a runner out so early in the morning. A few cars and motorcyclists pass me again going up the mountain and I'm on the last leg back inpast the Admin Building and finish fast on the flats returning to the Bear Mountain Inn. total time 1 hour 29 minutes and 15.86 seconds.

Start.. 00:00
Gate... 24:07
Tower.. 49:27
Gate... 1:10:06
Finish. 1:29:15
Elevation climbed 1,123 feet
Elevation descended 1,123 feet

And I didn't even need an alarm clock to get up and out in the morning. I still hate live performances. Well Time to get out some more for the remainder of the day.

Have an interesting time everyone,

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday morning training report.

Thurdays training report;
Short run today only 6.28 miles in 1:05:15.18.
Hardest part of the entire run was a 582 foot climb in 1.54 miles.

Finally looked at the hill profiles for the Marine Corps Marathon yesterday. in the first 3 miles I climb to almost 140 feet, drop back down to about 60 feet by the 6 mile mark and climb to 160 by the 8 mile mark. drop down to an average of 10 to 25 feet till the 22 mile mark, climb to just under 40 feet at the 25 mile mark back down to about 20 at 26 miles with a final climb of 60 feet for the last two tenths of a mile.

I was laughing at myself when I saw how easy the climbs will be in comparison to what I've been doing for training. I'm just hoping for cool & overcast conditions on race day.

Another advantage it appears I'll have on race day is there will be food stations, in addition to water and aid stations. While Powerade will be the supplied beverage in addition to water, I've been running on body fat stores for almost all my long runs except for one. That was one of my beter runs too. So with my fat a r s e accustomed to running 20+ miles on thin gatorade, about a 60% to 70% mix vs the reccommended 100% mix which I found too strong for my liking; I think I'm in better shape than I knew.

Now its just a matter of going easy on my taper runs. I'm still weighing heavily the 1,123 foot climb as part of my last 8 mile run before the marathon. And that would be the last of my long climbing runs before the marathon the following week too.
For the marathon itself, I just need to be mindful of how I start out and continue along. I need to be easy and steady start through finish and not caught up in any mad dash due to excitement or adrenaline rush. As I'm sure I will be switching to stoic mode by the 24 mile mark at the latest. As I know how my muscles burn when deprived of energy stores.

Well there it is what I've done and some of what I am looking forward to over the next week & a half.

OK today's training run is done, laundry is done, breakfast is done. It must be time to get off the computer and break out the bagpipes for practice. Playing with Joe Brady Sr. and a few other students at the State veterans Home on the 11th of November and I'd like to be mentally prepared for that as well.

Cheers & prosit alles, I may post more later today as this is an early posting at 10:00 AM. Have a safe day & week.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just Wednesday morning. and a comment on Tuesday

Well yesterday was a mixed bag day;
A strong 3.3 mile run in the morning beating my time against myself and the clock on the local roads. followed by Bagpipe practice in Peekskill. A few of us will get together in November for Armistace/Veterans' Day to entertain the folks at the State Veterans Home in Montross, NY. Afterwards I stopped over in the Garrison boat basin. Saw Dean and spoke with a new boat own on diesel engine maintenance. He's got a new engien in his boat and its due servicing very soon. Followed that by going shopping for a new pair of jeans, Why is it the sizes I need want are always sold out? Are all the dwarves on the planet purchasing them or is most of the population now over 6foot tall wearing 36 inche waist and 34 inche inseam pants?
Lunch was a pulled Pork BBQ sandwich. Finished the day with a slow easy 2&1/2 mile walk and watching a DVD of the Simpson's Movie. with dinner being a Tunafish sandwich.

Today I plan to clean my apartment abit and get some cross training in. Bicycle to the gym, use the rowing machine and some weight training nothing too over the top as I'm on the downward slop of training for the marathon.

Well that covers yesterday and what I hope to cover for today.
Nothing to see here, move along, move along.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Restful & Relaxed Monday and a little introspection.

Yes a restful and relaxed Monday, not by virtue of the Columbus Holiday Weekend. Although that could help. No restful and relaxing as I took a break from marathon training today inorder for my body to recover from my last really long training run before the Marine Corps Marathon on October 26th.

I'm not a strong athlete but I do have a good reason to run in my first marathon ever. I'm doing so as a fund raising effort for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
OK so what might be my connection with Leukemias or Lymphomas? My older brother is an eighteen year survivor of Leukemia and since I've retired from the Fire Department at West Point, NY. I've had time to consider doing some different things with my life now that I've more free time to do so.

The course of treatment my brother went through was difficult to watch and still on my days off from work when I wasn't performing my duties with the U.S. Army Reserve I would to to Westchester County Medical Center in Valhalla NY. to visit with my brother. The Nurses there were rather surpised to see how often I was there and asked if I wouldn't mind visiting with another Leukemia Patient who's family lived further away and couldn't visit as often and so I would stop in and try to cheer up a younger person who was diagnose with the disease at a later stage than my brother and had a worse prognosis.

So I've seen different sides of how the disease strikes individuals and families. Knowing what I do and having been involved at a personal level in the past; I decided now was the time to try to do a little more involved to help others.

I've lost friends due to various causes over the years. Cancers, accidents, old age they all take an emotional toil one way or another. I can either rant and rail against the unfairness of things or I can take an active participatory roll in attempting to make a lasting change.

I do like to think that the roles I've played in life so far have made a positive change for others. Being a Professional and Volunteer Fireman and Emergency Medical Technician; Soldier trained in Civil Affairs assigned to Humanitarian and Peace Keeping Missions, And now as a participant in a fund raising venture hoping to discover a cure or better treatment for Lymphomas and Leukemias.

Doing things such as supporting Team Guinan in their quest to honor John Guinan and support Braking the Cycle was but an added benefit for me and invaluable for helping me learn a little more about my self. Please see Wendy Bounds' Little Chapel on the River Blog for more on the Braking the Cycle Ride. And yes, I'm more than willing to Support Team Guinan again for as long as they ride.

So is cancer ever a good thing? For the victim most definitely not. Even my first bouts with skin cancer were emotionaly trying. But after watching others struggle with more debilitating illnesses and others striving to help them in various ways; I can say my exposure to Cancer and HIV/AIDS support groups has had a positive influence on me.

I may still hold forth with dark or black humor and even gallows humor at times. But for me it is a coping mechanism. Sometimes to get through and make light of a bad situation, it is easier to mock the darker side of things. Yes, that may sound irreverant and even callous. Yet it also lets me vent my frustrations at what I can not change today and it is a safety valve.

So while I may of been resting physically today, I've had time to rethink why I do some things.

Also I did get in some bagpipe practic today as well so I've not been a total sluggard.

Have a pleasant and easy week everyone.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Psychotic Sunday, hey with me it could be.

Saturday, 11 October.
Ran 3.3 miles this morning then went to my younger brother's home to secure my small sail boat in his yard for the winter. Although the weather has been pleasant enough to take it out I've been physically beat much of the time from the physical training effort for the up coming marathon.

After I disconnected the trailer from the van and covered the boat with a tarp, my brother and I helped one of his neighbors split fire wood for the upcoming winter. Following that is was move some big rocks which seem to sprout from the soil of their own initiative and move them to where we can start building a rock wall later. Also we picked up some fire wood that I had cut previously and shift that to the pile to split and dry for next season.

Physically I am tired, I want to hold off going to bed for a couple of hours thougg; for if I don't I'll be up way too early for the day again tomorrow. Also on Sunday the 12th I've an 16 to 18 mile run planned as my last long rung as I'm tapering for the marathon on October 26th. I'm not worried about running the marathon, maybe a be nervous and yes there is some apprehension but nothing that the actual event won't erase. I know I can go the full distance and I will. The stoic in me has kicked in. I just need to do this Sunday morning's run and its all gravy from there.

Well that pretty much winds up the Saturday effort. I'm mentally tired from waking up at 03:00 and the mind needs to go off line and reboot. Sleep perchance to dream aye but theres the rub. Well another hour and a half and its lights out for me. Good night,

Sunday, October 12th;
Woke up at 05:00 and felt good, pretty much well rested from Saturday and that would be critical for today.
By 05:30 I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and by 06:30 I was headed out the door to Fire Station 3 on Route 293, West Point, NY. for my final long run before the Marine Corps Marathon in 2 weeks. Yes, I should of had a better dinner last night than a cappacino muffin, but thats water under the bridge and all that.

I arrive at the fire station by 06:45 and do some easy stretching to prepare for the run. I'm also hanging with the guys and enjoying their ribs and jibs at each out while waiting to go off shift before my run. They are a good group of people overall.

Still onto the run; just a little after 07:00 I start my stopwatch and lumber out of the Fire Station entrance, cross the street and turn west towards Long Mountain Parkway 5&4/10 miles away. Its scary how I've learned the mileages to various land marks. Well go another 100 meters past the overpass and head back towards the Fire Station. If I stopped at the Station that would of been just shy of 11 miles and I head down hill towards the west Point Golf Course and my next turn point 1&1/2 miles from the Fire Station. Then its a mile & a half back up hill to the Fire Station. Hey did I happen to mention its also a mile up hill to Long Mountain Parkway from just past the 4 mile mark?

At the Fire Station I stop but not for a short break but to replenish my water carrier, aka The Camel Back.
I'm using a two litre version and the five pounds it weighs full is much more noticable now. Still I head out back towards Long Mountain Parkway again, Only this time I'm only going out to my 3 mile mark near Area K to turn around at.

Near the 18 mile mark my legs give the first sign of lactic acid build up and my calves are burning. i slow to a fast walk going up hill for a few yards and then back into the run. Again near the 19&3/4 mile mark again the burn is back and slow to a fast walk for a little bit before getting back into my run for the final push up the hill. And back at the Fire Station I'm done.

Total time running was 4 hours and 17 minutes to cover the twenty miles. Not my best speed but I wasn't going for speed today. I was going for road time. Counting out the time for the water stop my road time was 4 hours 4 minutes and 34 seconds.

Well with that run finished I walk around the parking lot several times to slowly allow my body to adjust to a much reduced physical demand and then stretch and out a bit. After stretching I use the shower at the Fire Station before going off to do the day's laundry as well. next stop Round Pond Recreation Area.

So I go up to Round Pond and start my laundry, while waiting I break out my electronic bagpipes and practice with those for a while. Finish off the last bottle of ersatz gatoraid and wait. After I'm done with the laundry its back home have a bacon & mayonaise sandwich, a protein drink and a couple of handfuls of trail mix for lunch before making this journal entry into the blog.

And that brings me to 15:00 hours and time to disappear yet again for awhile. Now headed to the PX to purchase a second pair of jeans that fit and then maybe to the South Gate for a beer, probably a Half & Half made with Murphy's and Sam Adams. Lighter in taste than straight stout and just as enjoyable too.

Catch you all later have a safe and easy day & week. Tomorrow I'm sleeping in. Nyah probably not I'm too used to waking up early but I'll try.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday Morning @ 04:00

Yes, 04:00 and I'm blogging, I've got no life. Actually I awoke at 03:00 and couldn't fall back asleep so here I am just adding a bit to the blog.

Thursday started out with a short run and a hang over. As i got into the run the hangover disappated and the run became slightly longer than my normal short runs finishing out a 4&1/3 miles in 46 minutes.

In regards to other small aspects I do own a older GPS unit a Garmin 72. Its good for some things but not good for others, I can't use it as a road guide or TomTom unit. But its functional for telling me where I am, and thats the info I want out of it as when I do use it, I'm usually using it in conjunction with a old fashioned topograghic map.

Well the GPS was going to a blank screen while in the mode I normally us and I thought it had developed a problem from being in a hot back pack this past summer. I will use it to accurately record a trail or path to later mark out on the map for future reference. So for accuracy it is always in the WAAS enabled mode. I didn't consider disabling the WAAS Mode so I e-mailed Garmin the question as for why the screen goes blank. Garmin replied that a significant change in the Satelite system was causing the problem and to try the unit ouside the WAAS enabled mode. OK I'll give it a try and the system worked. Yea I don't need to mail it back to Garmin for repairs.

OK so I know what the issue is whats the repair? Down load an Update, so I check on line for the items I need to do that. Wow talk about insanity. The basic computer cables cost about 1/3rd of what the GPS unit did. Also since I use a laptop as my home computer I need an adapter with applicable software to run the UBS to 9 pin cable connection. OK well friday is another day and I'll take care of it then. So that pretty much covers Thursday.

Friday 10 October;
The day dawns clear and comfortably and I head off to the GYM for my physical exertion of the day. So out comes the Bicycle and I pedal my ass, but no body is buying, so I end up at the GYM. Grid lock in the locker room, I arrive as a mass of humanity is cleaning up there act inorder to go back to the daily grind. Still I find an open locker secure my dry clothes for when I'm done and head out to the floor.

First stop, the Giant Gerbil Trail also known as a Treadmill. Why because I can use it to make myself work a little harder than I've been doing. So I start off in a similar fashion as this past Monday. Slope set at 5%, speed at 6 MPH and after 5 minutes bump it up to 6.5 MPH. near the 15 minute mark bring the slope back to zero and bump the speed to 7.0 MPH another 5 minutes 8 MPH another 5 minutes reduce the speed for a short breather than increase it again. Finish out 3.4 miles in 30 minutes and with the cool down segment total 3.7 miles.

Second stop, The rowing machine. I generally spend 20 minutes on the rower at a steady pace and flow. And the sweat does flow; a indoor rowing machine with its own body of liquid. Not a neat trick as I fully create a good size puddle of sweat under it and need to use the mop from the janitorial closet to clean up after myself. So after my hard work out in the GYM, back to the locker room for dry clothes as I've got a bicycle ride ahead of me and sweat drenched clothes don't make for a comfortable ride no matter how short the distance and that effectively covers Friday morning ride home shower dress and do a computer search for near by (theres an oxymoron) shops which may have the computer patch cables for the Garmin GPS.

Friday afternoon, OK I'm in luck just 10 miles down the road theres a shop with the 9 pin computer to GPS cable cable connector so I snag that up. chaging 45 dollars, it also doubles as a extrenal power source form a vehicle, not that I often will use it that way. Next stop, Radio Shack, Why because I need a USB to 9 pin cable adapter 20 miles another direction. Chaching 35 dollars. Not counting fuel used and personal time 80 dollars spent to down load a software upgrade free from Garmin. Well the down load of program changes work and the GPS unit is fully functional again.

Which brings me to something about American Business Practices. We're morons! yes American is a nation of morons and MBAs lead the way!

Oh our businesses and indusries can make world class products, but too often we don't keep up with technologies we've developed. It is ignorance to have to purchase an adapter along with associated software to make a simple patch cable functional with a newer computer. OK Irealize the original configuration was meant for a desk top and older lap tops but did anyone at Garmin wake up and smell the coffee? Hello imbicles, you need to offer the 4 pin GPS connector with a UBS port option. and how about updating the web site at the same time so a clearer picture of what the cables look like can be displayed too; Or would that cut into the profit margin.

Speaking of Ass Hat MBAs did anyone get a laugh from the bull shit in Congress this past week? The head of Lehman Bros. feels just terrible about the American Public being raped by bad business practices. But he still has his multi million dollar Pay Out along with the senior executives of AIG and how many other failing institutions?

Hopefully some day when he needs support and equity of a different nature he gets treated with all due care and support of a criminal that he is and losses it all. Not a governmental slap of the wrist and Bad Boy don't do that again. But the Ambulance Crew and Doctors and Nurses just telling him sorry parasite, But I've got honest working people who need more help care and assistance than you deserve or now can afford. And they just leave him on a bench off to the side of the Emergency Room while he watches the life blood slowly seep from his painfully open untreated gangreous wounds. Sort of whats happening now to millions of Americans because of greedy MBA practices.

So what am I doing the rest of the day? I think I've gotten my rant out of the way. I guess maybe I'll go for a run then take my little sail boat up to the winter storage loaction followed by putzing around in my brother's barn helping him to get stuff ready for winter.

Well at least I'm not going off about shoddy building construction which allows me to listen in on the Bed Spring Symphony and Estatic Choral Production from the couple upstairs.

I'm outa here for a while,


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Weird Wednesdays.

Q's escapades Blog entries for 7/8 Oct, 2008.

Well Tuesday the 7th was Slug Boy Day, no real exercise at all. In fact the closest thing resembling exercise was when I was practicing my bagpipes. But a general run down of the day seems to be the way I prefer to writ things out so thats what I'll do.

O8:30 AM, off to peeksill & Joe Brady's for instruction and begin prep for the Nov 11 bagpipe date at the Montross Veteran's Home. I got stuck in crawling traffic and gave Joe a call warning I may be delayed, but still made it on time. I shall avoid us route 9 for the foreseeable future while going to Joe's place.

10:15 AM, after bagpipe practice I'm headed down toward central Westchester County as I'm heading to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's HQ later in the evening for a send off for the Marine Corps Marathon.

11:00 Stop at the Pizza parlor across from the Cabin Restaurant at the junctions of 100, 100A and Sprain Brook Parkways before doubling back to Gate of Heaven Cemetary. I usually go to tend my Grandparents, Uncle and Aunts' resting place twice a year at least. So at the cemetary I have my slice of pizza and then weed around the broad leaf bases of what remains of the flowers I've planted there. Thats my attempt at a flower garden and I don't bother attempting to dig the bulbs out each year to protect them they seem to be doing fine on their own. While there I also talk to my parents but in a more conventional fashion by use of the cell phone.

12:00, Noon finds me at the Greenburg Fire Department and I'm in luck two of my cousins are in and I spend some time visiting with them. I also come to findout that some members of the GFD will be in my area for a sporting event on the 1st of Novemebr so Ilet them know I'll try to secure a group parking area for them for their tailgate session before the game.

13:00/1:00 PM, I'm clear of the Fire Department and headed towards and through the Central business district of White Plains. In regards to that part of Westchester County, just think of New Jersery with NY state tags and drivers licenses, just really poor drivers for the better part. Still I don't need to be at the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's HQ till 18:00/6:00PM and I've got time to spare. I don't like shopping and have only $100 on me and use the credit card only for needed purchases so i bypass the merchant district and go to Saxon Woods Park across from the Business Park where the L&LS HQ is located.

At Saxon Woods, I've some time to be alone with my thoughts and just try to get some things of a minor nature done. So I break out my copy book of bagpiping tune and copy a score into it. I can't explain why but copying the notation out in long hand does help me to learn the music, even if I don't feel I play it all too well. I also take the pipes out of the case and set the drones to where they were earlier in the day and don't bother trying to tune them, to my untrained ear they sound close enough to pitch. At which point I go over several of the tunes I know.

After a while of diddling around with the bagpipes i secure them and break out a folding chair and just sit and diddle about with a tin whistle, I'm no musical phenom or prodigy but I'm trying to pull out a tune. Tin whistles are decievingly simple and hard at the same time as you need to control the pressure of your breath to keep a consistant sound level

15:00/3:00 PM finally I've had enough and take a drive into and back out of Mamaroneck and stop at a roadside stand for a dog and a ginger ale. then back into Saxon Woods Park inorder to burn off some more time. This time diddling about on my small pipes.

16:30/4:30 PM I drive across the street to the L&LS HQ building and park the van waiting for the 18:00/6:00 PM info/send off session.

17:30/5:30 PM I enter the building and sign in and go to the cafeteria where i meet with two of the staffers involved with both the NIKE event and the Marine Corps Marathon. I also have a slice of pizza while waiting for the event to start some water and pass some time with the ladies coordinating things.

18:00/6:00 PM several folks whom I recognize amble in and I greet them in my own less than endearing fashion, I also see Dan Elliot and let him know that we've been assigned a room together for the course of the three days. We also get the running singlets and other goodies for the race as well as information to bring with us for check in and safety proceedures on race day it self.

20:30/8:30 PM the meeting is over and I'm out of there headed home by way of Brewster & Carmel, NY. I've no desire to double back through Whiteplague I mean Whitepains, Oy wait a moment Whiteplains. So I jump on the Hutch with my Commercially Registered vehicle, technically an illegal act. and go up to I-684, Drive to the Croton Falls exit and take NY22 into Brewster and US6 over to Carmel. Stop in Fiddler's Green Pub aka Bar, have one Guiness and head on home for the night.

So about 20:30/10:30PM I arrive home take care of some triffling matters and go to bed.


8 October, hey this morning as I write this, I awoke from a vivid dream, fast woman driver, white sports car, spinouts in frontof and almost under the front tires of another vehicle, donuts and smoking the tires, a angry police officer who drove a large heavy box truck stopping the sports car performing a magic trick of pepper spraying the woman driver and a male passenger but leaving me unscathed to take care of the peppersprayed driver and other male passenger whom i never saw in the sports car as i was in the passenger seat. Then I woke up. I've now clue what it all means but it was interesting enough that I kept it in my mind. Oh yeah the skyes were clear blue and the grass was all green and I don't recall any trees just lots of rolling hills.

Well a little later this morning I'm going out for a 6 to 10 mile run depending upon how I feel about the weather. I do want to get at least 6 miles in though. and thats all for now at 06:00/6:00 AM

Alrighty then just a little past Noon here in the lower Hudson valley and I'm getting dressed to go out for the second time, got a little banking to do. Did a 11&15/100 mile run this morning starting about 08:30 and finishing about 10:40 just a simple route, up the west side of the village and up moutain Ave to Stoney Lonesome road up to Continental and around back onto stoney, down to Merrit, down to Washington Down to Ruger, down Tower to the Hudson River up to the base of Ike Hall, down to North Dock, up Howard and along Cullum to Jefferson to Thayer to wilson to Swift to Thayer Gate along Main St. Highland Falls back to home. Just a modest set of hills.

Well got to run for now more later.
16:00/4:00 PM. Ok got a bit done today, had a little money I could budget for other items and purchased a new watch as I broke the crystal on the old one. Oh I'll try to get the crystal replaced but some times due to our disposable society that becomes an exercise in futility.

So this afternoon, I wandered off to Round Pond recreation Area. I can use the laundrymat and practice my bagpiping there without disturbing too many other people. Also today I gave the new running singlet from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society its first washing to help soften it up for the marine Corps Marathon on the 26th of October. Also need to determine what I'll wear and pack for the three days. Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Since I'm only running on that Sunday for the weekend the process is simplified. Two pairs of sneakers, one for comfort and one for the run. I bring my electronic bagpipes to diddle around with and my MP3 player for the trip. I'll load a few more albums onto that as well. I only want them for the trip as during the run itself we aren't supposed to use anything which may enhance our performance and a MP3 player can be considered a perfromance enhancer.

After finishing laundry I went by Fire Station 2 and said hello to the guys there and had a laugh with them concerning a small segment of my run this morning. Well the burning question about which is faster a person running or a nearly 40 ton ladder truck; going up Stoney Lonesome Road has been answered. Over the short distance a strong runner is faster. Over a long distance the 40 ton diesel powered ladder truck has more endurance. And how did I learn this? I ran uphill against Truck one today. During my run this morning I was jogging down Stoney when I saw the ladder truck making it way up. The kicker is the Ladder truck had a rolling start compared to me. I had to come to a stop turn about and start running up hill. Yes. I was running fast enough to get ahead of the lumbering vehicle. Well so much for the speed of a heavy vehicle going up a 12% grade.

Following that minor bit of levity it was off to the service station for fuel, the PX for my old glasses, the screw in the frame is broken and firmly rusted in place, also purchased the watch as mentioned previously, and then over to the Comissary for my weekly grocery shopping. Which brings me up to the hour and preparing this portion of the blog.

So without anything better to do, I'll close for now and will add some more later for cutting and pasting to the blog.

Yes another cut and paste posting but it seems to work fairly easily. and allows me more time to formulate and clarify my thoughts.

Cheers & Proasit Alles,

Monday, October 6, 2008

Manic Mondays?

I'm not the most computer literate person on the planet But I'm trying. Also I'm trying something different tonight too. so bear with me. I'm cutting and pasting to post my blog update.


Hey the cut and paste worked! woooohoooo!

Manic Mondays?

Ok today is Monday the 6th of October and I'm working on my blog in a slightly different way.

Since its mondayevening the web connections start to move glacially slow, I figure work up the blog on word pad then cut and past to the blog when it is more convienent to do so. There always more than one way to accomplish a unimportant nonspecific task.

Been sort of busy these past few days. Drinking like a fish partying and carrying on like a jeuvenile delinquent might of been what I'd prefer to do; but that wasn't on the table. Mismanaging my time loosing track of events and things how ever were what occured. Still I did find time to perform my current routines of training for the Marine Corps Marathon, washing clothes and becoming more disorganized by the day and practicing with my bagpipes.

Now for my Andy Rooney impersonation;
Peeves everybodys got em, some people voice em, some people over react to them. My current peeve is catalogs. Oh I do like getting mail and opening the mail box is like opening a surprise package or box of chocolates if you're Forest Gump. and catalogs can be fun to peruse but enough is enough. Afterall I'm not in the monetary bracket to purchase supposedly higher end items as you might find in 'Touch of Class' from Huntingburg, Indianna. Interesting name Huntingburg, I wonder if they were hunting for a town or an iceberg, but I digress. Oh the catlog is nicely done, maybe a little too confusing to look through but I can assure you I don't need to, nor can I afford to purchase home furnishings, curio cabinets,and home decor at this time. Nice items but the cost is greater than my thift shop spending allowances.

Have you ever purchased a gift item for a friend through a catalog and then start recieving more and more of them for similar but different articles? I know I have. But really do I need a continuing supply of catalogs from Lane Byant, Bedford Fair or Anthony Richards? After all those three i named are for woman's clothing and I don't think I'm built for foundation garments of the fairer gender. It might tend to get a little tight where I'd prefer to have some room.

Well maybe this looming economic crisis will be good news that way and they'll no longer be able to afford sending me material to roll into logs for the fire place. That way i'll reduce my green house gas emissions, they'll reduce logging and the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can be assorbed by the tress that will be able to grow.

And no, I'm not a writer for Andy Rooney. Although my desk may be as deeply burried in paper goods as his.

Ok so the weekend has come and gone its now a new work week for many people but not for me. I'm retired. Oh thats right I'm still training to run in a marathon and solicitng donations for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in addition to being a wannabe no talent bagpiper.

On Saturday morning I awoke dark and early, yes, autumn is upon us and winter is preparing an entrance. It was not a comfortable morning for a run but run I did. Only this time I went in a different direction. South and East instead of North and West. I started maybe an hour before sun rise by going South on Old State Road in Highland Falls to Fort Montgomery, the Bear Mountain bridge and across to Anthony's Nose in Westchester County where I reversed my route and returned home. Not an overly quick run as it was in the upper 30's, OK 39 degrees farenheit, when I left home and i dressed for cooler temperatures. Still I maintained a consistant pace and completed the 7 &1/2 miles door to door in one hour and 20 minutes.
As I said i was dressed for cooler weather and the effects showed as I had sweated through the windbreaker I wore as an outer shell and my running tights were covered in condensation.

Still afterwards I did find time to take care of the mundane actions that keep us with an appearance of civilised life. Followed in the afternoon with a trip to Bear Mountain State Park for the yearly Octoberfest. Woooohooooo! beer! As the afternoon was spectacular the park was full and near if not over capacity for parking. Ok i pay the parking fee of six dollars for the motorcycle, same price as a car although the motorcycle will take only 1/4 the space of a car if I park correctly. Since the State Park charges me full price for a car I can only return the favor and take a full space for a car. Seems fair to me. Well supposedly the front lot is full, OK off to the back lot I go, pay my entrance fee and go in. Now I'm not crazy about parking on the dark side of the moon in relationship to where I want to be and I also don't ride motorcycles on pedestrian paths; I will however push it along a pedestrian path to where I'd rather park. And yes there was a open parking space very near the festival itself and it was not a hadicapped spot either. I took a plum parking space. Score one for a little bit of work.

Well after securing the motorcuycle so it can't be pushed too readily. Heavy cable through the wheels and locked onto the bike itself with an even heavier lock, I totter off to the Ersatz October Festival. The beer of choice this year/week is Spaten and I order two 1 litre stiens of the Octoberfest beer. Alrighty. the equivelant of a six pack of beer, German music and some of my Christmas shopping done too! Oh yeah life is good. Only the beer line is over twenty minutes long. So how does a certifiable nut case like my self make light of a long beer line? I announce serving numbers loudly as everyone waits. NOW SERVING 32, 654. Wait a few minutes and repeat the NOW SERVING with a rediculously higher number and so on till I get to the beer servers. Yeah they must of loved the attitiude, Still I got to grab some good beer watch some Germanic dancers and drink some decent beer all at the same time.

Sunday: Rain, Cool, Wet, Rain. Now I can't think of anyone who actually enjoys exercising in the rain. let alone running in it. I know I don't still i wait for it to taper off and out i go on a 3 & 1/3 mile run. Again dress with the windbreaker, reflective sash, carrying a orange signal cone on my flashlight. Hey its early & dark the roads are wet and some drivers are still bleary eyed from the night before. If i can be seen chances are they'll try to avoid hitting me as they probably don't want to have their insureance premiums increase after they've had their car towed to the body shop for repairs. So off I go into the very damp Sunday Morning for a reasonably uneventful run. Funny but my running shoes stayed dryer than the rest of me.

later Sunday morning I get out to met with a couple of guys for a group motorcycle ride. But I'm running a little behind schedule and miss them. Not a complete bummer, as serendipity has been working for me alot over the course of these last few weeks. One of the people involved with the Motorcycle safety Foundation is delivering training bikes to the storage site and i swing by to say hello. Well he needs to get in contact with another instructor but has lost his phone number. Not a problem, I get the person's business card and drop it at the residence of the person we both sought to met with. Then later on I sent an e-mail to confirm he'd gotten the message. So life was good that way.

Sunday Afternoon, the sun is out and the weather is looking up, OK time to go out on the motorcycle again. This time i ride up to Perkins Observatory atop Bear Mountain. The roads are drying nicely and not just Motorists and Motorcyclists but Hikers &Bicyclists are all enjoying the weather and scenery. Still there are a few bicyclist who like to ride side by side going up the hill, not generally a safe practice but common. Still as I've got some cars behind me I slow down and let them know theres traffic comming on them. They get back into tandem formation and it a good thing as there seemed to be an increase in trafic going both ways on the road after i passed them. Still after driving a chase vehicle for quite a few Bicyclists the previous weekend and also occasionally riding a bicycle myself, I do like to try to have a safe space around the less protected road users.

At the top of the large hill/small mountain which is Bear Mountain the area is packed with sight seers, hikers picnicers,automobiles and motorcyclists. Also I got to see a few exotic motorcycles there and was surpised to see a sports announcer I know as well also enjoying the fine autumn day. Its a strong ride to the top of Bear Mountain and he rode up on a Road Bike. A continuous grade, fairly steady wrapping up and around the mountain. Combine that with an exhilarating down hill ride and for a bicyclist it has to be quite the adrenaline rush. Actually it is I've done it on my mountain bike/road bike hybrid. Also ridden down 9W from Crows Nest to West Point and topped over 45MPH but thats another story.

Still as the day ended it was a easy ride home and a quiet night.

Monday the 6th of October, hey today! played slugboy this morning till about 11:00 AM when I decided to add some cross training to my running. So off to the Gym I go after inflating the tires on my bicyle to 95 PSI. An easy 4&1/4 mile ride to the gym, secure the bike go inside check in and secure my dry clothes for when I get done. Ah start with some minor stretching and I yeah I'm insane, certifiably nutz, i get on the treadmill. Actually the treadmill can be a harder work out for me than running outdoors as I can have it work me at a faster pace than I normally go. So what do i do set it for manual ramp the incline up to a 5% grade and starting speed at 6MPH, OK 5minutes and ramp up the speed to 6&1/2 MPH. Alright I'm sweating now at 15 minutes I bring the incline down to 0 and speed it up to 7&1/2 MPH Watchout Big guy booking and slinging sweat At 20minutes I'm up to 8MPH. whats that smell? Oh its just me. Well I do back the overall speed down a little and clear 5 kilometers in 26 minutes and change. nut my best race times but on what would of been a more grueling course than any I've run upon. with the cool down at the end I cover 3&7/10th miles in 35 minutes.

OK nice warm up whats next Oh yeah the rowing machines. Refill my water bottle first, just incase I get thristy. nearly emptied the entire 16 ounce contents on my indoor run. Go to the rowers turn on my MP3 player and start pulling away. Well 20 minutes and 3&1/2 kilometers later, Lake Quinn has formed under the rowing machine. No not little splashes of sweat, I'm talking a puddle two feet wide and three feet long. Whats even worse is the rowing machines are in the middle of a forest of exercise machines well removed from any proximity to the janitors closet where the mops are stored. OK so now that I'm done and wiped the machine down its off to the janitor's closet for a mop to wipe and spead my mess around. OK iget most of it up but evaporation will need to finish the rest.

Well that covers my activities on the machines put on some dry clothes and bicycle home for a late lunch. Ok lunch is actually breakfast and I'm in the mood for RaisunBran with banannas. only I don't care to slice up a bannana. Hey I've got a blender. So into the blender goes one whole bananna and milk. Mix thoroughly and add to the cereal wait a little bit as your interruppted by a phone call and return to Raisun Bran Bannana Pudding! Oh Boy, its not as bad as it sounds and easy to eat too.

OK today had a hard work out so a short nap followed by a trip down to River Courts on West Point to the North Side for some bagpipe practice. Well after about 30 to 45 minutes I call it quits and head home. Which brings me to an easy dinner and working on this excuse for a blog. So in a little bit I'll try accessing the web see if the connection has speeded up with all the kiddies getting done getting an education and doing homework via Wikidemia methodology. interesting but not always accurate or factual as the Encyclopedia Britannica or Old Oxford Unabridge Dictionary.

Well cheers and prosit Alles, Have a safe and enjoyable week and I'll catch up later on as tommorrow I may make a day of it in Westchester County after bagpipe practice as I've an event to attend in south WhitePlains nearly in Harrison NY at 6:00PM (aka 18:00 hours). at the Luekemia and Lymphoma Society.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday and living is easy.

The hardest thing I did today, was to go over to the home of a friend of my younger brother to look over his, wife's minivan. She had an accident with it and while the damage didn't look too serious he was questionable about the nearly $6,000 dollar repair estimate.

Now its been a while since I've worked in an auto repair shop and front wheel drive cars aren't my cup of tea, but it doesn't hurt to look and provide a sound judgement.
The body damage was reasonably minor and easy to take care of it was what was underneath that caused me to look a second and third time. Unibody construction and minor fender benders are one thing this was a substantial impact. The lower control arm for the steering was snapped in twain, the Macpherson strut bent, sway control rods snapped out of their sockets, steering rod bent, also it looked as if the engine and transaxle shifted as well although there was no obvious damage to the front of the vehicle. Still the front engine mount didn't sit square any longer. Now I'm up for most any mechanical challenge but not being overly familiar with front wheel drive vehicles I took a second look. Using a good straight edge of a four foot level I placed the on the front braces and supports across the car. I was looking to see if there was deviations in the brackets supporting the suspension and there appeared to be some. While steel will bend and cast iron will break, aluminium even castings have some flex before breaking but is still very rigid. I can only surmise that the steel the aluminium was bolted too had flexed as well.

My best advise was to try to divest yourself of emotional attachment to the vehicle check the Kelly Blue Book values base on before the accident condition both for high quality and good quality and then relook at the repair estimates from certified shops. I felt the work needed was beyond my meager skills as a wrench turner. With quite a few hours of dissasembly being required to facilitate repairs. Also I was worried about the shaft seals for the axle outputs. With the type of hit the car took those would probably need replacing as well. It litterally shattered the factory aluminium wheel on the side that struck. Again signs of a substantial impact to a vehicel that is designed to collapse to protect its occupants, even with out airbag activation.

Still Its Friday! and living is easy, for today I took a day off from my marathon training. Why yes there are days i don't run so that the biomechanical machine of my body canhave some time to recover from exertions. And exert it I did on Thursday afternoon with a 22 mile training run in 4 hours and 33 minutes followed by a 15 minute, 1/2 mile cool down walk. Still my total time was much shorter than I desired for training purposes. But I am confidant I will be able to complete the marathon in about 5&1/2 hours.

As for the conditions of the run on Thursday, I was a bit surprised. All summer long I had been dealing with warm humid conditions, yesterday afternoon the temps were in the lower 60's with a moderate west wind. While I was sweating, I wasn't watering the roadway in sweat for it was evaporating at a good rate and my running apparel was staying fairly dry all considered. Yes I had white salt stains on the strps and body of my Camel Back /hydro pack and black shorts. But my running shoes were not squishing with sodden socks, orthotics and liner. While I was somewhat tired at the end of the run I didn't feel spent and was even able to head out in the evening for a few beers.

Yes, I caught part of the Biden/Palin debate while out for the beer, but it wasn't as deep in issues on opening as I had hoped.

still I called it a reasonably early night returning home at 9:45PM to hit the hay.

As for tomorrow, I need to check my calendar, I think there is a 10K race nearby on Saturday, I can go to and harrass the people running in it as well. I've a Snowball's chance of surviving the Simpsons of winning my age group, but hey its a diverson for me as well. Especially when the guys younger than me are puking their guts out wondering how I'm keeping up. hehehe.

Safe weekend everyone,

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Braking the Cycle Photos, Gettysburg to Manhattan.

More pictures to come, Garrison and G'burg make up the current lot. Members of Team Guinan and the start of the ride.

I've learned a few things about myself over the past weekend.

I still steriotype people and I am slow to acknowledge things I find confusing to my self and the way I was brought up.

Not charitable or admirable traits, but still part of who I am.

I find some aspects concerning public displays of affection troublesome to view. I'm still not comfortable viewing it, but I've come to realize it is with affection for each other that it is performed.

I've found no problem lending a hand and helping out those who need it, and that would almost seem contraditory to the distance I keep between my self and others.

I still laugh at objectionable things, I truely was of two minds at one point; Partly because the concept was morbidly funny, and partially because I had to document and file a report concerning a similar incident as was being joked about, years ago while in the military.

What I've done and how I've learned has shaped who I am and how I respond to many things; This I know. But surprisingly even with as narrow and conservative a view in which I hold things, I find that given time to watch, talk to and interact with others regardless of our differing backgrounds and view points, we can still find a common ground.

I probably haven't expressed the true depth of my appreciation for those who've really made the Braking the Cycle Bicycle Ride memorable and fulfilling. And I probably can not do so adequately. But to all the people involved from the LGBT Center in NYC to Team Guinan; Thank you all so very much.


Of vans, bicycles, roads and bicycles & still running.

OK, so I listed bicycles twice, yes I know it is redundant; That describes the better part of this past week & weekend.

T'was Tuesday evening that this story begins. Ah it was a common evening nothing to suggest an adventure was soon to begin. The weather was moderate, I was relaxing after having had a spaghetti & clam sauce dinner in expectation of a 16 mile jog on Wednesday morning when I recieved a phone call.

Not the ordinary call I would get from one of my brothers. This was a request for assistance. Hey I'm retired I don't need to aid anyone anymore, Right? Wrong! Its my nature to help folks (even if they don't want it)

Arrrgggh Twas but Captain Dean of the good vessel vessel 'She Storm' and the crew of TEAM GUINAN was hard aground and in desperate condition. They were left high and dry without out a Pilot, Navigator and Support Crew. Since I was in need of a small adventure, possibly some excitement and the final fact being I can't say NO to the mission they were in support of the only answer I could provide was Yes, i can and would aid the crew of Team Guinan. The quickness of the yes response and without hesitation so rattled Capt'n Dean he asked a second time and was repeated to the same response.

So what was the mission and purpose of TEAM GUINAN; that was so important it got me to alter, not stop my training for the Marine Corps Marathon? They too were embarked on a similar mission and were upholding the legacy of John Guinan who passed on this past year in raising funds to help stop the disease of HIV-AIDS. John died of an aggressive Brain Cancer and he was a fund raiser and rider for Braking the Cycle in memory of his Brother In Law. John was a person who would help others and never ask for anything in return. So when the request was made, I could not in good conscience refuse. Thus my contribution to TEAM GUINAN's ride from Gettysburg, PA. to Manhattan, NY. was begun. Not with a desperate yell in the storm of the night, but with a simple appeal, which I would not deny.

So Wednesday morning I went for my 16 mile run, starting at 05:00 in the morning and finishing three hours later. The hills are alive with the sound of running Ahem yeah right. Actually cue up the MP3 Player turn on the head lamp and orange light cone and run on. Out along Main St, left on Satterlee, up to Roe Park and along the backside, up to Mearns Ave, left on to Mountain Ave, Straight along 9W, Right onto 218 alongside the Golf Course to just past the State Highway Garage, Reverse Course and out and up Route 293 past the ranges, past Fire Station 3, past Long Pond, starting down hill towards Fire Break 15 & the Snake Pit but reversing course before reaching there and heading back to West Point. In through Washington Gate, down to Central Area; Washington, Cullum, Jefferson, Thayer Road, out Thayer Gate along Main St and back to home. All in 3 hours and 3 minutes of running time.

Thursday Morning as rest day from my previous day but no day of total inactivity. For I meet with Team Guinan and depart from Garrison, NY. for Gettysburg PA. And thus begins the adventures and misadventures.

The drive and ride down to Harrisburg, PA. was for the most part uneventful. Yes Team Guinan was in mixed emotions concerning their upcoming physical challenge. But good spirits pervaded overall. and again the ride was mostly uneventfull till I passed the exit I was looking for. OK Chris stepped up to the plate and started acting as Navigator as we meandered through the Pennsylvanian Country side down to Gettysburg. Actually there were times I was less than cheerful about this portion of the adventure of mis-adventure. Still we had time to relax and arrive in Gettysburg for the inprocessing of riders and claiming of accomodations.

Chris, Dean and I spent the first night in the Colton Motel in Gettysburg, a older facility well past the prime of its youth but mostly clean and with working facilities. Which brings us onto Friday Morning.

Hot water in the shower and clean towels Wooohoooo!. Yet, I'm also training to run in a marathon and since the previous day was spent lounging upon the front left seat of a van resplently decorated with team bicycles I was in need of a good morning run. So out I go off into the Battle Field of Gettyburg in the early morning mist well before dawn. On my return to the Motel, I was able to say Good Morning to the crew setting up the start point for the day's ride in my own unique way. They never saw me coming. Bwahaha, but when I left the road crew knew Team Guinan would ride that day.

Yet for all my ability to follow direction, limited though that may be, I was able to find the first rest point aka Oasis and follow the riders from there. Now this is my first time ever providing support for an operation like this so I'm bound to make mistakes, Picking up riders who's bike were disabled and failing to notify dispatch of the pick up, but at least I deposited the temporay charges safely at the Oasies when that occured.

That night I shared a room with a crew member for another team and sleep was welcomed. The riders rode less mileage overall than I drove.

Saturday morning; Wet, humid, damp, warm, dark and a full half hour run through and around a Golf Course next to the Lancaster House Motel. Followed by breakfast loading the Team's personal effects into the van and begining the day's chase. As you can see from my run description the day was pretty much a raw one. Team Guinan was riding into the wind, mist, rain & wind. Well I did what I could to assist them and the first chance I could I broke course and grabbed some lip balm and skin cream for their faces. The wind burn looked bad on them and they really did need the coverage.

I picked up a couple of sagging riders through the day and delivered them safely to the Oasies. but the day was fairly much uneventful.

The strange thing about Saturday was I saw near our route black arrows on a yellow background very similar to the ones Braking the Cycle was employing for direction. Curiousity being a deathly diversion, me I had to go look and see if it was in fact part of our ride. It wasn't there were only a few clues that it was another course near our own. the shape of the arrows were different and no warning signage as the braking the cycle crew was placing out as well. But still it was a very good thing that I decided to check out what I had initially though was part of our road course as I found a rider from another team who made the same mistake and had followed the course much further along before deciding to ride back

Saturday Night I'm provided accomdations in a seperate Motel from Team Guinan which was a blessing too and true.
As I recieved the quieter of billets. Team Guinan was staying at the Holiday Inn, 1/2 mile away where a wedding reception was in progress along with drunken revelry and wandering drunks in the halls and sobbing drunks in the halls. Me I slept blissfully till my alarm clock sounded at 04:30. Hey I needed to be ready to support my riders.

Sunday, and into deepest darkest New Jersey. Now Jersey isn't the greatest or safest of places to ride or drive. The roads are shoddily marked the drivers uncouth and the right of way laws need updating. But there are nice parts of Jersey too unfortunately they are in New Jersey with idiots, imbeciles and morons who have no clue how to drive safely. I hate the urban areas of Jersey with a passion. And leaving jersey for Manhattan was a pleasure beyond relief.

So Jersey Rt3 to the Lincoln Tunnel then down town to 14th street east to where I can swing around onto 13th street just the otherside of 6th Ave (aka Ave of the Americas) where I find a parking garage. Walk the two blocks over between 7th & 8th Aves where I meet with Mary Jane and Margaret Guinan to await the return of our bicyclists. The LGBT Center on 13th is a older building and a community outreach center. Its not the type of place I would usually go and seek on my own, still the people there were friendly and supportive.

About 3 hours after I arrive in Manhattan, I go and recover the van, park near the LGBT Center I also assist their folks with off and onloading of equipment for cleaning a preparation for the following year's ride.

In all honesty even though there where times I felt aggrivated and stressed; I felt pretty good overall about what I was doing and am very willing to do it all again.

The only inceidents of note on the last day where when the lost rider I found introduced me to his mother; I trheatened to beat Capt'n Dean when I almost missed a turn on the Palisades PKWY; greased a O'possum with the Team Van, sorry about that Christine; and dinner at Chistine's home thanks to Mary Ellen, Tony, Ed.

Those were 4 difficult but not unduly hard days. But hey Monday did come and I went for a training run of 9&1/2 miles over the top of West Point, got my wallet and ID back from christine after leaving it in her van, did some laundry and practiced my bagpiping up around Round Pond.

Tuesday Morning a 3&1/3 mile run, Bagpipe practice with Joe Brady Sr. run over to Middletown NY to get my new running shoes from Frank's Shoe Fitting and a few beers at the South Gate Tavern in Highland Falls, NY.

And hey did I ever say I'm training to run in a marathon as a fund raising event for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society?

Have a good and safe week everyone.
I'm gonna try to publich this blog before I go for another run today.