Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm buzzed on wine & feel Fine

Well, yes thats true, at least the title of this issue. But still being intoxicated isn't anyway to go through life regardless of how ggo it may feel momentarily.

As for today, well I dislike jogging or running in the rain; I always have dislike the experience. Still because I need to exercise i did go out and runn today. Going to the Fitness center working out could of been done, But I can barely afford the fuel for my van and I didn't feel like riding my bicycle in the rain today; So I did an abreviated work out. I ran 2 mile with about a 150 foot minimum change in elevation for the entire route. The first mile out was all up hill and down hill on the return. Actually I thin by the time I hit 8/10th of a mile I climbed about 200 feet elevation but i need to use my GPS device to asetain that.

But going back to the title, I've just finished consuming the equivelant of 6 glasses of wine and I'm enjoying the buzz.

Hmmm other activities, tomorrow I've got a bit of bagpipe practice and hopefully I'll get a call telling me my chainsaws and weed wacker are ready for pickup from the shop. Also the MMP?MC has an organized ride to OCC in the Town of Newburgh. Well that I need to attend and as it kicks off in the afternoon I don't see any time conflicts. Hopefully the weather is more ameniable tomorrow than it would of been today.

Ah and I sent an e-mail inquiry to Islam Today yesterday asking if there were exceptions to Sharia Law on the prohibition on shaving for Firemen and related Emergency Services Responders. Some How i don't think i'll recieve a straight answer. But hey you never know.

Well Time to relax and enjoy the buzz.
Have a safe time all,

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Relaxing & checking e-mails & web accounts.

Relaxing this morning, Well, sort of anyway. Jogged about 7 miles this morning, used my small portable Wonder Washer to clean my running clothes, while I showered. It does only about 1 pound of laundry, so a sweat socked T-shirt, socks, briefs and shorts is a load for it. But still the purchase if it lasts a year will be cheaper than hauling a load to the laundrymat once a week.

Hmmm, well I could take the motorcycle out for a joy ride today, but thats on for tomorrow's schedule depending upon the weather. Severl choices for tomorrow. The 29th Annual Tattoo, a Poker Run, or a Picnic given at Putnam County Park by the Veterans for Loyaty Day.

Well, one more cup of java and maybe I'll ask Sharon if she's up for a walk on the hillside today.
Yeah, after a 7 mile jog, it might be pushing it a bit but. Its not like the extra exercise will kill me, at least not right away.

But it does feel good to just sit with the windows open and let fresh air waft through the apartment after a long closed up winter. So another cuppa joe and away I go.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Better, faster, more capable; Maybe the Bionic Man, but not U.S. Federal agencies.

In my saga of waiting for a retirment check, I retired 31 Dec 2007, I've learned one reason why things are going slower than the extended election year. The fuggin numb drained, arsebreeding, gaping mawed, slacked witted wenches and gibbering limp wrists who work for the Defense Finance and Accounting Services never forwarded the pertinent information that I retired to OPM untill the 19th of February. Only 50 days after I retired. WTF?

Well that little tidbit of Info was passed onto my Congressional Rep's office today as well. Yep paybanding will be a good thing for them when they don't get a pay raise due to ineeficency if I have anything to do about it. And yes, I'll suggest to the congressmans office that it would be a good thing to do inorder to help those folks perform their functions more effectively in the future. So thats my Major Vent for the Day. I've a few other things to complain about but their minor in comparison.

Well at least I've some good beer in my refrigerator and haven't anywhere to go or anything to do. Not that I could afford to do anything as I'm down to $1600 in checking and $1600 in savings to hold me till the F'heads get things fixed. What with fuel today $3.61 a gallon when I topped off my truck's fuel tank. Hopefully its parked for the weekend. I'm almost afraid to see what the next oil change and service will cost me.

well time for another beer and call it a night, as i can't afford to go out on Friday nights anymore due to the Corporate greed of my nation and F' ineffectiveness of the shit for brains in the Senate and Congress.

Good night.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I've been dumped & I'm crushed, not.

Yeah I'm still single, the lady I dated a couple of times felt I was too free spirited and relaxed about relationships and dissolved the relationship. Oh well, thats how it goes and I'll try again with some one else some other time.

Still I didn't want to push too much as I was nervous about meeting her, dating and developing a relation ship. Maybe I moved too slowly and carefully for her tastes as well.

Dumped by E-mail, it was a new experience for me but I wish her well regardless.

We all won't find that one person we can go through life with.


Damn glitches and computer gremlins.

Yeah I tried to post yesterday but the usual glitches and gremlins struck and confounded my actions.

Well to summerize all that's occured over the last week & a half or so:
15 April I recieved a letter from OPM dated 14 April to pay into my retirement system monies not collected while I was a Tempory and Term Hire in the 1980's So on Monday the 17th I mailed to OPM the sum of $1,026 to cover the costs quoted in the letter.

17 April, Thursday evening I broke a molar so that pretty much set the tune for friday morning.
18 April, Friday did my morning run and then went to the dentist for an emergency visit. $50 copay for insurance and $750 paid up front for a new crown. Gack, its not so much the cost, which is high but the fact I still haven't seen a full retirement check yet. Thanks OPM.
Out of the Dentist's facilities by 11:30 and on my way to my Brother's home in PA to babysit his two 12 week old puppies for the weekend.
19 April, Walk the pups then secure them while I go for a 4.8 mile run. then walk em a few more times during the day while I do numerous loads of laundry for my brother & his girl friend.
20 April, walk the pups and sort of repeat the morning of the 19th. but with a 4 mile run instead.
In the afternoon my brother gets back into the area and invites me over to a local bar called Mel's, Well Mr. Alcohol drives my Bro and I call it a night and head back to his domicile while I'm able. I don't need to be drunk & stupid for a long ride home so I crash at his place for the night.
21 April, wake up walk the pups and leave their mess for my brother to clean up. When I leave stop by Big W Mechanical and talk to Warner, get some information that I can provide to my local MC club for a future group ride. Get home and go for a 5.4 mile walk.
22 April, go to the fitness center to workout, slight interruption for a false fire alarm.
23 April, 3mile & change jog and bagpipe practice. Get a call from OPM at the end of practice. They screwed up again/still. and used the wrong info to figure out my pay in for the retirement when they didn't collect any monies. I've already sent on check to the idiots. OK I give verbal OK over the telephone to collect the difference from the first full check its $200+ Dollars I want to say closer to $300 Dollars. But now I want these idiots to just get the system working. Its now coming on 1/3 of a year since I've retired and the system isn't working like they said it should.
24 April, talked to Mr. Matthew Schwartz (?) at Congressman John Hall's office, I returned his call at noon time after spending the morning with the West Point MMP/MC at the grand opening of Orange County Chopper's new store/office/manufacturing (assembling they don't actually manufacture squat) facility in the Town of Newburgh, NY. But I digress. I brought Mr. Schwartz up to date with what has occurred with OPM. He seemed happy that the system was moving a bit faster than the 4 to 6 weeks that I was originally informed to expect. I'm not so sure its working properly though.

And that brings me up to date sort of. I also went for a 5 mile jog today, the 77 degree (Farenheit) temperatures, low humidity and slight breeze helped, but, I still drank all the water I carried and needed more when I was done.

Tomorrow the 25th I'll check to see if my chain saws are ready for pick up from the shop.

Well I'm done for tonight, have a safe weekend whoever reads this.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Post Script.

Yesterday I didn't run, but I walked between 5 and 6 miles across the front hill of the West Point range areas ( just west of Rt 9W ) and through the Village of Highland Falls, NY. Also found out my GPS unit needed new batteries on the walk, I wanted to record some terrain elevations and distances. Ohwell maybe next time.

In the morning I attended Bagpipe Practice and should be returning next Wedensday as Joe has a trip this weekend to see hid Daughter. Now to get off the computer and practice some.

OK have a good day all.

Tuesday, Not a bad day.

Ok aside from waking reasonably early and running about 3 miles, I also did my bit at Physical Therapy and asked the therapist if it was normal for a brace to flex side to side. One of the other therapists was fairly awed by the amount of flexation laterally my knee brace has developed. They asked me to bring it along on thursday when I go in for my re-eval so that the prosthetics specialist can have a look see at it too. I've only had it a month so far and wear it whilst I'm running or doing heavy lifting and long walks. I'm trying to get it to fall apart like the braces did on the young child who played in the movie 'Forest Gump'.

Took some photos of the Hudson valley and added them to my Flickr account today as well. Probably what I should do is just make an attachment of the Blog and add it to Flickr if or link the blog to Flickr if some one wants to view the photos.

Well, This past weekend I got some paperwork from OPM. Its been filled out and a check mailed off with it to the Sucking Head Wounds in Washington D.C. 115 days and the retirement system is just at the point of where they should of been at the 60 day mark. If I ever marry, when I die the death notice is go out in equally timely fashion. Yeah it'll be fun to get it in the ass with taxes on what the whores now owe me. I'm the one who is abused by the system and then ends up paying the tax penalty. Sheesh.

F' em all. Yeah the paperwork has been returned to OPM. Certified Mail, Return Reciept; Now lets see those Sucking Head Wounds foul up.

OK rant mode off. Time to go play with my bicycle and get it ready for the summer. I'll probably be riding it extesively if the price of gasoline keeps climbing like it has. Maybe its time to move to a flat place where the riding is easy. OK thats all for today. i'll add more later as I feel the need.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday and I'm relaxing after my date & run.

I enjoyed my date last night, we met at the Barnsidder in Sugar Loaf and had dinner of Roast Beef followed by coffee. Then a easy walk to the theatre for the Concert. The young ladies playing with the USMA's Concert Band were very good. One played both the flute and the oboe and the other played just the flute. The entire program only lasted an hour and 15 minutes but it made for a very pleasant evening. I think, I may be falling in love.

Well today I got out about 06:30 and did a mild 4 mile jog, 1/2 mile uphill to the highschool track 12 laps around and 1/2 mile back home. I am going to have to invest in some lube or tape. I'm developing a case of runners nipples and starting to chaff a bit now. Still the exercise is good and it'll help for when I start training in seriousness for a Marathon. I am going to try to raise monies for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society so they can research cures for blood cancers. My older brother is a Leukemia Suvivor so it'll make it even more personal for myself.

Well not too much more going on today. I may play my bagpipes, I may not. But there is always something I can do.


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ah Saturday

OK several things,
Finally got a letter I've been waiting for from OPM regarding retirement. Not that its now been over 100 days since I've retired. But still its an issue of timeliness. So now Monday I will go to the Credit Union and get a Bank check made out for just over $1,000 dollars to pay into the retirement system for just shy of 16 months work for which no contributions were made into my retirement system, although i inquired about paying previously to no avail. The end result my retirement payments will increase by $72.00 a month. Over the course of 2 years that will be recouped and well worth the initial cost. Still 100 days to get this ball rolling is rediculous. Still I'll make photocopies of everything for my records knowing how screwed up OPM is.

This evening I've a Date with a pleasant Lady and I hope this turns to become a long term relationship. Stiil right now I feel like a schoolboy headed to the principal's office. Nervous, yes, scared? not as much as my time in Bosnia & Herzigovinia. Still I'm getting goose bumps.

Exercise. Ah the bane and essential activity to a healthy life. I've been exercising on a regular basis for some months now and maybe I'm ready to consider a commitment to something even more daring. I know I can run 6.1 miles and finish well, yes 1 hour is finishing well for a 6'2" 230 pound 50 year old beer consumer. Still I'm going to try something new I think. I'm going to try to train up for and run a marathon. I feel I can run a 5 hour period with proper training. Its a matter of getting into the grove and doing it. Now to do something with the run. The Leukemia Society has a good program and they offer coaching and training tips. Since my Older Brother is a Leukemia survivor, well lets say I've the time and now an added incentive.

Also I've been asked to take part in an AIDS ride this year as well, so if there aren't too many conflicts of dates perhaps I'll train for and do both this year.

As for today I ran 5 miles and now am recovering. I should of gotten out earlier in the day but 10:00 AM, 65 degrees and sunny skies aren't bad, just not my idea of comfortable running conditions. Well thats all for now, I should take a short nap to rest up for this evening but again, I'm nervous and may not get the rest needed but I'll try.

Have a safe day.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Ah Friday and life is easy.

Tomorrow I have a date with a pleasant lady and I'm nervous as a schoolboy being sent to the principal's office. Why I'm nervous I don't know. Maybe it is because I think I like this lady very much.

As for today, it was easy, a piece of cake, a walk in the woods. It was fast. All I really did today was go to the fitness center and work out for about an hour and a half. 35 minutes on the treadmill at 6 MPH with increasing steepness at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 17.5 minutes before going into cooll down mode at 30 minutes. Then onto the rowing machine for another 20 minutes followed by some of the execises and strecthing routines recommended by my Physical Therapist. Then I made a few suggestions to the fitness center's manager.

As for the Afternoon just a simple 50 mile jaunt to my brother's house to get my bicycle, chainsaws and weed wacker so I could get them serviced for the new season of killing trees shrubs weeds and other plants. While there I played with his dog for a bit. She's not a bad dog just not the brightest of the breed. Then it was over to the shop to let them service the tools and home. About 130 miles for the day. or about 9 gallons of gasoline at $3.32 a gallon (lowest price locally).

Well dinner was a simple meal; salad, barbequed pork sandwich, beer and flan for desert, followed by more beer earlier this evening. Now I'm out of beer.

Tomorrow morning its off to the fitness center and then who knows what till tomorrow evening's meeting the Barn Sider and Concert at the Lyceum in Sugar Loaf. :)

Yesterday, 2 mile run in the morning before PT and Orthopeadic appointment at the VA hospital. Then a 5 to 6 mile walk in the afternoon.

Sooner or later my knee brace is going to disassemble itself from the use and abuse its recieving from me. Think of Forest Gump running his leg braces off in the movie of the same name.

Well time to clean up and go to bed tomorrow should be a good day, just waiting to see what the weather does or doesn't do. Thunderstorms are forecast as well as a changing weather pattern. The original idea was to go for a walk on the hiking trails. Well we'll see what happens.

Cheers & prosit.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ah another week of leisure is almost done.

Physical Therapy at 09:00 followed by my orthopeadic followup at 11:40 which happened at noon. So much for timeliness. I ain't sweating it there are people in worse shape than me.

Retirement news:
Well Congressman Halls Oriface said I should have a response in 4 to 6 weeks. Lets see, I retired december 31st, I was there on April 8th its a leap year 29 days in February. Um 31+29+31=91+8=99+1=100 OK its now over 100 days sice I retired and OPM ain't done squat shit. Now I can expect another 28 to 42 days for a response. Yeah Like I'll respond quickly to any shit for brains politician who thinks they deserve my F'n help. OPM said that I should see my first retirement check in the 60 day time frame. fuckin liars! OK, Carnivore, read this. There ain't no politician who can expect a quick and timely rendering of assistance if they need it to save their life and you can bet your ass sure as shit I won't render it. Fuck you mercenary magots.

In other news, The Orthopeadic specialist doesn't believe I need surgury on my knee and I will be re-evaluated by the Physical therapist on the 19th. Yes, my right knee has responded well to physical therapy. I won'r speculate on how much effort I made but there have been days where it was self torture to do the prescribed work outs. Hey, did I mention I did a 5 kilometer race this past Sunday and finished in 27 minutes? Of course I wore my knee brace for that.

Today I ran/jogged 2 miles before going to the VA Hospital, then when I got home I went for a 5 to 6 mile walk. Of course all that physical expenditure of energy ain't doing me any good if I keep drinking like a fish and eating like a pig.

Ah got new reeds for my bagpipes this week, Its a world of difference. I can play em again.

Well that covers most of whats going on in my corner of the world. Hopeing your week has benn better,


Monday, April 7, 2008

Monday and I'm Angered by Federal Ignorance

Well lets see. this past Thursday I had my usual Physical Therapy session followed by Breakfast at the I-84 Diner. Lots of food. Whoa too much food. But a good visit with an Army buddy.

Friday, worked out in the fitness center had a laugh at the coffee shop. the owner made a connection between me and a semiretired professional wrestler named Hacksaw Jim Dugan. Yes I met the wrestler once. But he was interested in the equipment I worked with. Then called OPM to inquire about my retirement pay. was told that it was refered to a specialist on April1st. asked for a name and phone number. the phone number was to a different shop and there was no answer or return phone call after I let a message. I'm seeing my Congressman's office on Tuesday after my Physical Therapy appointment at the VA Hospital. Yeah lets play ball. I want my entitlement with OPM paying taxes instead of me as a penalty,Like that will happen. Still a hand written apology from the head of OPM for my benefit because you just know that I'll get a lump payment and have a big bite taken out in taxes, thusly screwing me again.

Saturday, Workout and a date. Yes!

Sunday, 5K race finished in 27:00 followed by celebratory binging. 2 slices of pizza, 1 donut, 1 bananna, 1 Guinness, 1 French Dip Roast Beef Sandwich, 1 Newcastle Brown Ale, 6 pints of Sam Adams Boston Lager.

Today, Monday, Bagpipe practice followed later a six mile walk with a visit at WPFD station #2 after a stop at the class 6 store. While at station 2 I showed one of the Firement some things about the M810 Bitumous dispenser that is used as a water tanker. I should send the head of DES/Fire& Emrgency Services a bill for work as a consultant.

Tomorrow. Physical Therapy and a visit to Congressman John Hall's office and possibly Senator Hillary Clinton's too. A full fiscal quarter without my earned entitled retitrement income? Right. I am angry, and now want satisfaction.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I've been drinking and am bored

Yeah I've been drinking, Belgian Brews; fairly potent stuff too.
Well so far today I've been to the gym and a few websites I occasionally act trollishly upon, but usually have fun with.

Well next week I resume bag pipe practice and see what transpires, March is over April is swinging in and hopefully spring will start warming us up. I may run in the NURD later this season. I just need to get a red skirt that fits and viola coupled witha red T-shirt I've a red dress for the red dress run.

The Red Dress Run is a hash event started on the left coast, most Hashes use it as a means of charitable activity for their area, also its fun and funny. Everyone involved wears a red dress regardless of gender. So the giggles & shits factor is high. The one I am comtemplating is the Halve Mein Hashes' run in May. I should contact Wendy and see if she's up to it if for no other reason than a good laugh or to aid in the raising of some coin to a good cause.

OK enough drunken foolishness for tonight. Cheers & prosit you Sots.